using a bong was how I got my very first experience. before that I had tried several different methods and went through about a half gram of spice without even a wiggle on my posters. I did a lightbulb, an oil burner, and even sandwiched in a regular sherlock pipe for pot. all pretty much with nothing happening. Then I bought a bong, and loaded it up, then I left the planet lol. See, when I started using the pot pipe, I did start getting some mild OEV's, but nothing too crazy. Then when I started with the bong, I realized that a big reason why it wasnt working before with the pot pipe was that I needed to take so many hits to get anything out of it and those hits took so long to take in order not to burn it, that I just couldnt get enough in quick enough. with the bong, I was able to fill the chamber, cover it, exhale, and take one enormous hit, and all it takes is one or two of those and I'm inside of interdimensional Jupiter. Just hit it slow and take in as much as you can as quickly as you can, while holding it for adequate time
I come from a place beyond the clouds. Only Shponglese is spoken there, and that is my native language. I am only just learning english, so if i say anything strange, it is probably a miscommunication on my part and i apologize. I sdsrrrbablenta to all of you and i ghope tjat you can forgive any miscommunications.
May the Elves ever be in your favor,