Long time after lurking i'm hoping to join this community
. I've became interested in psychedelics after a bad period of depression and was in a state where I was pretty much looking for anything to permanently get me out of it after ssri's gave me one of the worst side effects i experienced. tried morning glory seeds
, then ayahuasca and in the end freebase DMT.
Now recently I do DMT while listening to music with strange animations (G2R2018 if anyone knows) or sometimes in silence with low doses thinking about past memories. I study subjects related to psychedelics and genetics with an overly ambitious dream of modifying yeast or bacteria into DMT factories
while my more realistic aim is to simplify extractions as much as possible.
Ah and I hope that the questionnaire doesn't mean much xD was at the end of a DMT adventure and completely didn't read 'the most satisfactory answers are *here*' and proceed to use my memory combined with a bit of google.