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1P-LSD and other analogues' effect on the heart Options
#1 Posted : 2/26/2019 2:54:20 PM

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I have experienced LSD-25 many times since I began working with psychedelics and have not noticed any adverese effects on the heart. However I can not say the same for my experiences with 1P-LSD. In almost every experience I've had with the 1P-LSD there were some palpitations and restless heart effects to be noticed, which are not very nice to say the least.

I've learned by reading about microdosing with LSD that LSD affects the 5-HT2B receptor and that means there could be some risk for the heart with long term LSD use.

We know that small changes in the original molecule will not necessarily create vastly different psychoactive effects (for example 1P-LSD compared to LSD-25) but can have certain physiological effects much more pronounced. What I'm interested in is or what my concern is that 1P-LSD has greater affinity for binding to the 5-HT2B receptor which can create heart issues. It's important for microdosing and I think it may be more important for macrodosing since the receptors are activated more.

I wonder if any of you have thought about this issue ? What are your experiences regarding different analogues's effect on the heart and/or other physiological effects, if you have tried any ? Any comment or illumination on this topic is appreciated.

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#2 Posted : 2/26/2019 6:15:31 PM

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I have noticed something simmilar. However, it is only during the onset of 1P-LSD's effects that i feel it. It is as if i drank 20 cups of coffee. After about 150 minutes after ingestion, these effects are gone and i do not notice any differences between 1P and LSD-25 anymore. I think that with sublingual administration, it is even less than 150 minutes. More like 90.
#3 Posted : 2/27/2019 3:36:21 PM

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I wish I could actually verify which lysergics I have tried.
From my experience though, I believe lsd25 have been very clean, not too much in the body trips.
But I actually THINK I have more experience with 1-p.
With the past few batches I have had, the mental change happens quickly, maybe 30-45 minutes, this usually comes with jitteryness and sometimes muscle spasms (esp in my legs), followed by a very rapid onset of visuals, and after that I would describe it as indistinguishable from what I THINK has been lsd25.

I just wish I could confirm
#4 Posted : 3/2/2019 10:33:25 PM

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I wouldn't call 1p weak or something but it did feel toxic to me! In comparison!
ALD-52 less
ETH-LAD again more (toxic) but differently

AL-LAD felt more pure

I won't say I'll never take it again but I would prefer the other ones above 1p!
"Real" acid's for sure the real deal!Love

Triglav wrote:
What I'm interested in is or what my concern is that 1P-LSD has greater affinity for binding to the 5-HT2B receptor which can create heart issues.

Analogues are somehow close in effects maybe but it's a total different drawer!
I wouldn't replace LSD25 in microdosing or theapeutical work with 1p or 1a or 1b or whatever!
As well as you wouldn't smoke some JWH instead of a good charas or take 2-FDCK instead of Ketamine for anesthesia!

Somehow even prodrugs can have a different impact on you than "technically" expected!
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#5 Posted : 3/4/2019 6:39:04 PM

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I had a postural hypotension episode with 1P-ETH-LAD and oral cannabis. Hardly surprising, really, but thought it worth mentioning.

Trip report is here.

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