So I am a Rosicrucian and we used to be ‘secret’ but we believe in spiritual development for all sentient beings. So information is to be shared. A lot of people talk about seeing things persisting after their trips, this causes discomfort for some and curiosity for others, arising to many questions. I hope to provide some insight from a Rosicrucian perspective. Just some quick background info, Rosicrucianism was started by European alchemists, its origins are from the high priest society of Ancient Egypt though. There was a disagreement between leaders in the 18th century and the alchemy group the Freemasons stemmed from them. The big disagreement was that Rosicrucians believed everyone was on an individual spiritual development and spiritual freedom, while the Freemasons believed in a structured organisation and hierarchy. In the 19th century a Jewish alchemist went to join the Freemasons but didn’t quite follow their beliefs so created the alchemical group the Illuminati. The Christian Church persecuted, hunted, and burned members of all groups. Labelling them as Devil worshippers because alchemists hold Eastern philosophies so they threatened the Church’s power. Ironically, the Church is arguably the most ‘evil’ organisation to ever exist. But the stigma of Devil worshippers and evil cults of these societies lives on today. This is an exert from an article I’m writing, I hope it provides some insight on where you are ‘at’ in your spiritual development from a Rosicrucian perspective.
I’m gonna make a post later about how to achieve OOB experiences when sober (this isn’t as hard as you might think).I am on a journey for the intensive search of different spiritual traditions, but the work of the Rosicrucians in particular the Austrian Rosicrucianist Rudolf Steiner resonates with me the most. His work on Rosicrucianism is in my opinion the most advanced spiritual work to be made public, even though there is a stream of Rosicrucian work that has flooded Europe, Rudolf Steiner’s work is the deepest to be made public, there is of course the hidden and secretive work.
I want to focus on initiation processes. There are many types of spiritual systems in the world that have many types of initiation a person goes through. Initiation is the different stages one goes through for spiritual development, and European alchemy initiation is very similar with the Rosicrucian system. The Rosicrucian system has been very influential in the west.
What do we mean by the term initiation or initiate? The terms are used very generally (loosely) in modern metaphysical groups. The structure of the consciousness of an initiate may differ greatly between different groups. So let us take a look at the esoteric side of initiation. Rosicrucianism has three different initiation levels, the initiate, the clairvoyant, and the adept.
The initiate level is an illumination of the knowledge of non-physical realities, the spiritual realities we manifest from, and the spiritual depth of oneself. This is linked to the spiritual process in the head, to our thinking processes, actual knowledge of the spiritual realms, how we interact with them, and how they influence us on a daily basis. In the Rosicrucian system that would be someone known as an initiate, someone who understands the system. In depictions of Rosicrucian initiation you will often see sacred geometric figures inside of other sacred geometric figures (similar to fractals), and in Europe these sacred geometric forms usually hold within them Hebrew letters representing different spiritual planes, levels of consciousnesses, or spiritual beings. This is because in this illumination we find everything is a thought form from the mind of God, and we find that these thought forms have a pattern behind them. I do not use the term God to define an all-mighty divine spirit, but rather as an archetype for the reality creating collective consciousness within us (if you do not understand this concept familiarise yourself with Plato’s Theory of Idealism, the works of theoretical physicist David Bohm and physicist Philipp Lenard, and the unexplainable phenomena of quantum observation aka quantum intelligence). The current term we use for these thought patterns is coined as sacred geometry. Scared geometry is a universal science (language) behind the patterns of creation at every level. Whether it is how different spiritual planes are created, the consciousness level of spiritual beings, or the subtlety of our bodily forms and physical reality, everything has a pattern to it. So no matter what belief system you work with, they will all use sacred geometry, because at essence, sacred geometry is a representation of the patterns that manifest reality, formed from the thoughts of God. God being the timeless collective consciousness of all, the thoughts being energetic signals and frequencies, namely collectively everything. This forms the blueprint of what manifests as reality and this blueprint, these patterns, are geometrical in form. And sacred geometry are those specific blueprints of great mathematical and symmetrical beauty as the harmony of life and creation.
I think a lot of people are on their way to this next level from reading people’s experiences.The second initiation level is that of the clairvoyant. From one perspective we can say this is linked to the illumination of the heart and the feeling life. The Rosicrucians say when the heart becomes open and unarmored, we cultivate this feeling of a universal unconditional love, which is like an ignition of a spiritual spark within the heart. They describe it as a nefaric rose light which moves up from the heart into what is called the third eye centre. This is a spiritual nefaric stream, taking place physically between the heart and the third ventricle of the brain, traditionally known as the cave of Brahma. This is an open space within the brain between the pituitary and pineal gland. As this space becomes illuminated, it leads to direct spiritual vision, someone who has fully experienced this process is known as a clairvoyant. The clairvoyant is free from the shackles of the ups and downs of feelings and emotions, much how the Buddhist’s describe emotion as being represented by a circle, when you control the mind you lie at the centre of the circle, you do not traverse the circle anymore. This is not to be confused with feeling numb, this is peace and tranquillity, not happiness or sadness, anxiety or ecstaticness, depression or mania. The clairvoyant can actually perceive non-physical realities, they may not understand the structures or discern what they are seeing, and what they see might differ between different levels of clairvoyance.
The third initiation level is the adept, in Japanese Zen Buddhism the adept is known as a Hassu. This is linked with action and free will. In Rosicrucianism this is represented by the belly, in Chinese (Daoist) alchemy this is called the lower dantian, while in Japanese alchemy this is referred to as the hara. Through the illumination of this spiritual essence one is able to take esoteric action to use non-physical realities to change things on the physical plane. In the most extreme form of this we have physical alchemy, which encompasses the transmutation of one physical material into another. This is usually achieved after multiple levels of transforming materials that are less dense. This transmutation is achieved by the change of vibrational energy frequencies of an object. Scientifically speaking, everything is made from the same quantised particles, the only difference between different materials are there vibrational energy frequency, if you know how to change that then theoretically you can change physical reality. A person who can use spiritual forces to transform reality is known as an adept. As you can see I am not very knowledgeable about this and this is blanketed in secrecy.
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”
“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“