My name is Kevin. I am an electronic musician who likes to dive deep into experimental synth sounds. I had my first shroom trip in college and will vividly remember that beautiful day forever ( we all remember that first trip
). I became much more in tune w nature and caring for mother earth. Since then I've had plenty more trips on shrooms and LSD. Once during a high dose shroom trip my room dissipated and I found myself sitting on a throne in the middle of what I would describe as an Egyptian chamber. For about 3 minutes I was surrounded by statues of Egyptian figures on all side as far as I the light allowed my to see. That was my first and only experience that deep. I am now exploring the realms of mescaline, peyote and orally activated DMT. In my stash I have some San Padro powdered cacti mescaline powder, some syrian rue, and some Acacia confusa powdered bark. These are all very new to me and I hope to use this site to figure out dosage, ROA, and preparations. CHEERS!