Thanks for the introduction!
Many highly intelligent people seclude themselves. They seclude themselves for many reasons, including being social awkward and unrelatable in some ways. If this kind of seclusion is getting to you, then it is time to start thinking in another way. Open yourself to the idea that you can create something new if you choose. You are not stuck like this forever.
It doesn't matter your experience with psychedelics. You bring value with you no matter what. Chime in on some other posts. Let us know what you think about things. You might just say something that really helps someone else. Bring on the weird I say....
Anyhow... don't lament too much now. Sounds like it is high time you start having a greater interest in life. I say that based off of what you wrote. You seem to be pointing at it but just don't know how to get there at the moment. At least you are pointing at it. Things in life can improve rather quickly given the right mindset and perspective.
I hope you decide to contribute with wild abandon! Let loose!!
Happy travels my friend! Glad to have you here and welcome to the Nexus!
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda