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The HANDBOOK - another way to understand DMT Entities Options
#1 Posted : 2/9/2019 6:02:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi everyone,
I'm a new user of this great forum, even though I've been a reader for a long time.
I don't think you know the Italian forum psiconauti.net, but for some months there has been a discussion about DMT entities ( https://psiconauti.net/f...opic.php?f=29&t=4791 ). The result is this HANDBOOK that I propose as an Italian collaboration to the topic.
The discussion started thanks to a healthy and widespread curiosity and thanks to your thread / pag wiki - Hyperspace Lexicon ( https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Hyperspace_lexicon ).
Enjoy the reading

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This handbook is nothing but a canvas susceptible to future changes.
Hopefully it will help anyone interested in developing his own personal idea about the subject: DMT Entity.
You are invited to participate.
The handbook has had its gestation in the depths of psiconauti.net forum and was born in a readable form thanks to the collaboration between two users: era and Benway.
It was decided to create a GLOSSARY to facilitate the understanding of the proposed concepts.

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multiverse = term extrapolated from modern physics in order to describe the whole ( total reality ) of each possible universe ( each one composed of a variable number of dimensions ). Hyperspace, understood in psychonaut terms, is an expanded way to perceive and take advantage of the multiverse.

model of conscience = term borrowed from neuroscience. The model of human consciousness is only one of the possible, since every living and perceiving being develops one.

mobile entities = beings such as animals, plants, fungi, micro-organisms, or else all creatures definable lives and with a more or less developed model of consciousness, which would have the possibility of mobility between the material and the immaterial, then die and be reborn.

immobile entities = simple entities (eg. atoms) that form the material / immaterial structure of a complex (mobile) entity with its own model of consciousness. They do not create models of conscience, but participate in the creation of that of the complex being they constitute.

material / immaterial
= two states of a single thing determined by the vibrational frequency of the same (see energy).
-materiality = all that we can conceive as aggregation of atoms in a universe. It is centralized in immateriality.
- immateriality = that thing, which we can not define, but which is apparently infinite and represents the 'background' of materiality.

energy = work

food chain = mobile entities in materiality feeds on immobile entities, inversely the immobile entities in the immaterial feeds on mobile entities.

system of possible uses of relationships with entities:

- cognitive: increase of awareness
- therapeutic: healing. resolutions of traumas or problems as physical as mental
- attack / defense: see combat

Combat = set of attack and defense techniques in which entities are involved. Where attack means all those techniques aimed at harming something or someone without a just cause or under commission and the defense is intended as the set of techniques designed to protect us from possible attacks, not always clearly motivated, by non-friendly entities . Many times they are the same entities used to teach techniques. Some are "innate equipment" of humans.

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1) Multidimensional geometric symbolic forms:
Multidimensional and fractal geometric graphical representations. World of ideas (of all the possible models of consciousness or forces existing in the multiverse) in the phase of birth or early development - immaterial.
Minimum interaction. The possible use remains obscure if not the artistic expression at its maximum splendor and beauty.

2) Personifications of the Self:

Operators and innate intelligence, parts of the personality, etc. .. (for a good explanation see the article by Winkelman).
Active interactions so much that some of these will be perceived as autonomous entities and will become our guides (or our torturers) for longer or shorter periods.
The use of these meetings is mainly cognitive and therapeutic (in case of inner problems to be solved).
These reflected entities give awareness of our mechanisms and allow us to correct "errors" or assimilate / integrate traumas.
Sometimes they may appear alien (or alienated?), but in fact it is only our perception since they are part of us.

3) Mobile entities - immaterial / material:

Animals and plants that could derive from the immaterial condition external to matter (eg idea of ??a plant - the Mother of all plants - which defines the plant - species - and its morphogenetic field, ie its maximum expansion in matter).
Being able to move in the material, the mobile entities would participate, together with the immobile entities, in the organization and monitoring of matter (and vice versa in the immaterial).
This is a vast set of entities that includes all the models of consciousness possible both of the plant world and of the animal world. The events are very varied.
Some of these manifestations could be alien (arachnoids, mantids, just to mention the most famous ..), but they are nothing more than other aspects of things that we know and deal with in our material experience (eg a spider or a mantis and all that they represent in a multidimensional environment).
Others could be perceived as fairy creatures, angels / demons or even divinities.
Through them and the interaction between matter and immaterial one can reach the primary source of a certain model of consciousness (eg through the manifestation of the spirit of an animal we can arrive at the first concept of that category of consciousness: the Mother of that species and beyond ... The Mother of the Animals, the same about plants and insects).
Also in this case it is always about active interactions that lead to greater awareness and in several cases to therapeutic possibilities.
It is also possible to use the reality in the attack with all the consequences that derive from it (eg the "spirits of the disease" that are sent to someone to damage it - a situation present in various forms in every human culture). We must always remember that this category also includes models of conscience that are not friendly or harmful to the human being.
Usually this enmity is an expression of a different position in the multiverse food chain and often results in a combat / flight action.
Even "human" encounters belong to this vast group of entities. For human meetings we mean:

- Humans intended as deceased or ancestors. As material-level humans, only the few residues of their bodies remain, but on the intangible level the information they hold is still available. It can be said that they are humans who have moved from the mobile state to the immobile state. It is suspected that they do not have their own model of conscience, but exploit the one that remains fragmented among all the information they possess. We can speak of a "model of residual consciousness" and no longer active. Active interactions. Cognitive, therapeutic and attack / defense use.

- Humans under the influence of tryptamines or similar (including those who are dreaming thanks to endogenous DMT). Humans in meditation or traveling shamans. In short, anyone who is at that moment in that particular condition. Usually these are very fast meetings where only small interactions are possible.
Cognitive use (reduced due to the speed and brevity of the meetings). Use of attack with all the consequences and reactions that derive from it.

- Humans understood as embodied DMT beings. This theory would be wrong to exclude it (see Meyer's article). It would explain in one stroke the reason of the deceased / ancestors, the reason for the familiarity with certain entities and the possibility of bi-directional interaction between the material and the immaterial of a mobile entity (human in this case). These are active, cognitive, therapeutic and attack / defense interactions.

4) Immobile entities - immaterial / material:

The immobile entities make up the "matter" in all its states.
In the material they manifest themselves as parts of a mobile organism and endowed with a model of consciousness or as parts of immobile things (eg a stone) that do not have a recognizable model of consciousness.
In the immaterial they refer to the "first principles" of their manifestation and material function (eg the idea and "engine" of the atom).
They can be understood as everything that is smaller than the atom, arriving to the same and to their possible aggregations and manifestations.
Their nature leads them to be "bridges" or channels of direct and bidirectional communication between immaterial and material.
Relationships with this type of entity are just as direct (although they can be very difficult to decode). They simply tend to manifest their whole being and their load of information in one stroke.
They seem to be particularly keen to make people understand what their operation is and repeat it endlessly in a very insistent way. The interaction with these entities is like the one we have with a mechanism. It is active but without clear telepathic communication.
Usually these entities express themselves in the form of sounds that may seem bizarre loops similar to psychedelic gingles, nursery rhymes, lullabies, etc.
The set of sounds normally follows the explanation of their operation and is part of the information load that is provided to the traveler who meets them.
Perhaps the machine elves and their Queen can be included in this category. In any case, they can take forms that recall fairy beings, but endowed or composed of an incredible and sci-fi technology. Thanks to this biomechanical fusion they can sometimes also be interpreted as representations of alien species.
It also seems possible to visualize / interact with one or more parts or the totality of one's DNA ( as well explained in Narby's book "The cosmic serpent" ). These entities fall into the category of immobile entities because they are constituents of a more complex organism. They do not have a model of consciousness, but they are a structuring part of the model of consciousness of the organism they define.
Even the elemental forces (air, earth, water and fire to quote the most famous ..) fall into this category. Among all the immobile entities the elementals are those with the greatest possibility of taking on the appearance of fairy beings, angels / demons, powerful natural spirits or even divinities (eg the god of fire). They too will only be an expression of the concept they manifest and will not have a model of their own consciousness.
Active interactions and utilities always of a cognitive nature with therapeutic and attack / defense possibilities.

5) Aliens mobile / immobile - immaterial / material:
Models of consciousness so far from the human model and the terrestrial models to be actually alien even if referable to the states of matter present and known (not carbon, but perhaps methane or silicon).
Models of consciousness belonging to another type of matter compared to the humanly known (eg dark matter). This last idea presupposes the coexistence and cooperation of different materials / energies of which ours is only one of the possible (scientifically in friction with the universality of matter).
Sometimes they may be unfriendly or dangerous. Most of the time they are just curious and want to understand (which is reciprocal). Their telepathic language (intentions) is barely interpretable and their ligatures and hyperlanguages ??are incapable.
Occasionally, ethereal-surgical changes occur in those who meet them (perhaps for study or to alter the frequency of those who work so as to make it more similar to their own).
The "multidimensional parasites" also belong to this category.
They are not the extended representation of pathogens or existing parasites. Instead, they are models of consciousness to other vibrational states of matter, unfathomable and animated by the sole purpose of feeding on some aspects of the human (hence the analogy with parasites).
This sub-category has no interest in exchange and communication. Any relationship with them is harmful to our way of life and results in a combat / flight action. We are just food for them.
By discarding the "parasites" some of these entities can be interpreted by the human mind as angels / demons or deities. Normally there is an active interaction with the aliens, but difficult to understand given the comparison between two models so distant.
Utilities obscure, but sometimes of a cognitive nature.

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Reference articles:

1- Hyperspace Lexicon - DMT Entities ( by DMT-Nexus forum: https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Hyperspace_lexicon )

2- DMT: Gateway to Reality, Fantasy or What?
Speculations about the nature of DMT entities abound - di Scott McGreal - 2014

3- Concerning the Nature of the DMT Entities and their Relation to Us - A Talk by Peter Meyer - Delivered on September 23, 2015

4- ESSAY Building Alien Worlds— The Neuropsychological and Evolutionary Implications of the Astonishing Psychoactive Effects of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine ( DMT ) by Andrew Gallimore

5- "Articulations. On the Utilisation and Meaning of Psychedelics" by Julian Palmer - Chapter 5

6- The "Elves" by Peter Meyer

7- Gianluca Toro - "DMT - Usi, fenomenologia e ipotesi" - capitolo 17 - Fenomenologia del DMT. Entità, alieni e UFO. Italian only..


9- An ontology of psychedelic entity experiences in evolutionary psychology and neurophenomenology
by Winkelman Michael James - May 2017

10- The Breakthrough Experience: DMT Hyperspace and its Liminal Aesthetics
by Graham St John - 04 March 2018


STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 2/9/2019 6:41:36 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Color me interested...
"It may be that my role in the universe is, to question my role in the universe."
#3 Posted : 2/10/2019 12:09:48 PM

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Smile ....and what do you think about?
#4 Posted : 2/10/2019 12:48:02 PM

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interesting approach. is there more info coming? especially on attack/defense?
#5 Posted : 2/10/2019 2:07:54 PM

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Benway wrote:
Smile ....and what do you think about?

I guess right now Im thinking entities are, like, angels/demons. reffering to the movie Jacobs ladder(movie about lsd experiments on the military).

The quote runs: "The only thing that burns in hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life: your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away, but they're not punishing you, they're freeing your soul. If you're frightened of dying and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. If you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels freeing you from the earth."
"It may be that my role in the universe is, to question my role in the universe."
#6 Posted : 2/10/2019 5:59:48 PM

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332211 wrote:
interesting approach. is there more info coming? especially on attack/defense?

Thank you for the interest. Normally, none or few people touch this subject: combat.
In cultures where plants containing DMT are used is a fairly common subject.
For example, reading Claudio Naranjo "Ayahuasca - La enredadera del rio celestial" (I looked for the title in English, but I could not find it) at a certain point he talks about Tsentsak ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsentsak ).
As you can read it is: "invisible pathogenic projectiles or magical darts utilized in indigenous and mestizo shamanic practices for the purpose of sorcery and healing throughout the Amazon Basin."
From my personal experience I can say that these "things", that we can define "weapons", also work against non-friendly entities.
I think that the Tsentsak are part of the innate equipment of human beings. As the claws are part of the cat.
The use ( bad or good ) depends only on the user.
A Western translation of this and only with negative connotations is perhaps the evil eye ( malocchio ita. ).
The difference between us and the Amazon jungle populations is that they know how to control them so that they become useful.
It is part of their culture and is part of the teachings that are received to become a man of medicine.
In short they have solid cultural and social bases. They have a method. We must invent it (or should we just recover it?).

Another weapon is the sound. In every culture it is well known that the spirits / entities can be attracted or rejected using particular sounds and sound ensembles.
Some Icaros in my opinion have the power to be weapons against certain entities or forces potentially harmful to humans.
A few months ago I attended a conference by Julian Palmer. During the space of questions from the public, a young man asked how we could defend ourselves against negative entities.
Palmer also gave the example of the sound attack and reproduced it in the hall. It was not an Icaros and it was a long, shrill, hopping and very annoying scream.
He said it was his weapon against non-friendly entities and that it worked for him.
Seen as it was noisy and annoying in my opinion it could be a good weapon even against humans eh eh eh Laughing

In any case, many new and complicated techniques are taught by the friendly entities.
These techniques have a common engine, but they are different for each of us. Each of us has his own Art and all are respectable. The important thing is that it works ( hopefully in a good way ).
Anyway with some entities flight is the best defense Pleased

If you have more infos, ideas and so on you are welcome!

GLTASN wrote:
I guess right now Im thinking entities are, like, angels/demons. reffering to the movie Jacobs ladder(movie about lsd experiments on the military).

Thank you for your suggestion. I didn't know the movie. I have done some research and in Italy it is translated as "Allucinazione perversa" ( "Perverse hallucination" ).
In the 90s it was common to change the titles of foreign movie productions. I look for it in stream. I watch it and then I answer you.

My question (what do you think about it?) was related to the writing: The HANDBOOK
#7 Posted : 2/11/2019 9:37:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello Benway,

Good work, thank you for your diligence. It was interesting for me to read it.

I am very new to the trip. I have only 1 DMT trip and i meat a God like Aline. Maybe is Entities (this is a new word for me). But the Creature was definitely Divine or somehow Alien much more than in reality movies. It was from another dimension. Everything seemed four-dimensional. (I had never seen such things before) Beauty!

You want to tell me you're fighting with these Entities? (ask of curiosity)
What will happen if such a Entities attacks me and I do nothing, let me "strike again and again" without "resisting" ? What if I respond to the attack with love and compassion.
In the physical world I became stronger when I stopped being aggressive. On the path of nonviolence, I understood the true meaning of the word power. What will happen if I follow the spirit of nonviolence in my trips? Has anyone tried it? (I'm sure someone has tried it)
What will happen if something attack me and I react with peace,love and compassion? (Or is there a one way to understand as a try it? )

You touched the question of the scream. From my mushroom trips and my 1 DMT trip. I realized my voice helped me in my trips. If I get a bad thrill, my voice makes me stronger. Just because it's my voice and I'm used to it. I start to speak aloud or sing and the vibration changes all the trip.
During the trip with DMT. I had a severe moment of fear, but it passed. When I started talking, my voice sounded very strange, but I liked it. It sounded somehow long and distant, and repeated. For example if I say: many many maaa ny ny ny ny but in my mother tongue the word "many" is with O, so i hear oooooo ooooooo oooooo oooooo. Somehow, O help me. Maybe because I like to do OM.

Аfter the DMT trip I had a dream. A very lively dream, such dreams I have never had before it was more real than real and there were fractal, hyperspace,blue hole and other Entities.
This dream Entities was different from Entities what I saw during DMT trip. Bit it was like from the fourth dimension. (very like DMT Entities) This second Entities in my dream told me that I should be dignified in the other worlds and not be ashamed of my actions as like in physical life. And whether it will let me into the world (the worm hole from the dream) depends on my actions (Good or Bad). Just a dream, but left me very thoughtful.

All the best,

Phylogeny repeats Ontogeny - IIYI
#8 Posted : 2/11/2019 10:54:22 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I will choke until I swallow.
- Pushit https://youtu.be/EgDwkSlCwHw


Some interesting thoughts on cicadas....

I'm no expert, and I've certainly never written any handbooks, but there's something to sound...

I'm curious what combat means "to you?"
I found that engaging in some forms of combat are more like a dance. I'd thought that fighting was a means of survival... but, I found that I was wrong.

For instance, I've begun training in jiu jitsu. I haven't been going very long... and they'd not once talked about an attack. So I asked the instructor, "how do we apply this in a real life situation?"

He said, "you've already messed up if you have to use it in real life. It likely means you're drunk at a bar and doing it for the wrong reasons. And, how can you plan to attack if you cannot learn to first survive? We don't throw punches, the methods being taught are for sport between friends."

That's when he sold me. It's not about the enemy. It's about surviving the situations which you once thought you couldn't. The lessons may be delivered in odd ways.

Personally, if i ever met an angry entity, I'd ask it if it needed a friend. What better way to lose an enemy, than to gain a friend?

If there is no compromising between you and "the enemy" - then can you walk away? If no, I guess fighting might work. But, it ain't always the easy way... and prepare to get your ass kicked. The big scary ones aren't so tough. It's the decieving folks you'll want to be weary of; wirey, hard to hang onto, and don't give up easy...

I've been in only one "fight." The only reason was to protect a friend. It's actually a really funny story... Very happy We all laughed about it a few days later, but I won't clog the thread with a long winded story. Smile

Take Care,
Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
#9 Posted : 2/11/2019 3:15:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
I will choke until I swallow.
- Pushit https://youtu.be/EgDwkSlCwHw


Some interesting thoughts on cicadas....

I'm no expert, and I've certainly never written any handbooks, but there's something to sound...

I'm curious what combat means "to you?"
I found that engaging in some forms of combat are more like a dance. I'd thought that fighting was a means of survival... but, I found that I was wrong.

For instance, I've begun training in jiu jitsu. I haven't been going very long... and they'd not once talked about an attack. So I asked the instructor, "how do we apply this in a real life situation?"

He said, "you've already messed up if you have to use it in real life. It likely means you're drunk at a bar and doing it for the wrong reasons. And, how can you plan to attack if you cannot learn to first survive? We don't throw punches, the methods being taught are for sport between friends."

That's when he sold me. It's not about the enemy. It's about surviving the situations which you once thought you couldn't. The lessons may be delivered in odd ways.

Personally, if i ever met an angry entity, I'd ask it if it needed a friend. What better way to lose an enemy, than to gain a friend?

If there is no compromising between you and "the enemy" - then can you walk away? If no, I guess fighting might work. But, it ain't always the easy way... and prepare to get your ass kicked. The big scary ones aren't so tough. It's the decieving folks you'll want to be weary of; wirey, hard to hang onto, and don't give up easy...

I've been in only one "fight." The only reason was to protect a friend. It's actually a really funny story... Very happy We all laughed about it a few days later, but I won't clog the thread with a long winded story. Smile

Take Care,

Thank you very much for your words. I loved it. That was good advice and physical world

All the best,

Phylogeny repeats Ontogeny - IIYI
#10 Posted : 2/11/2019 10:40:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello and nice to meet you all Smile
Thank you for the interest and about the HANDBOOK i feel to be clear ad sincere do a precisation:

The HANDBOOK was created for give to the DMT community another way to UNDERSTAND Entities and NOT for fight them!

As we said in the GLOSSARY about the possible use of relationships with entities we have 3 basic possibilities:
Benway wrote:
- cognitive: increase of awareness
- therapeutic: healing. resolutions of traumas or problems as physical as mental
- attack / defense: see combat

As you can see, combat is only one of these possibilities and fortunately it is also quite rare.
Reading the HANDBOOK combat is mentioned only a few times because the main relationships that users have with the entities are basic cognitive, therapeutic or neutral.
But we thought it was right to include it because it is nice to consider all possibilities without censoring any.
In short, shit happens sometimes and it's nice to know that you have other possibilities besides escape.

I will try to answer each of you as accurately as possible.

AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
I'm curious what combat means "to you?"

I am a relatively peaceful and non-violent person.
I practiced karate for 8 years and then I fell in love with the kung fu that I practiced for about 3 years with good results.
I understand well what you mean when you refer to certain martial arts precepts and the teacher you quote is right.
The dance form you're talking about is what made me fall in love with kung-fu Smile

To make it short, combat for me means the set of attack / defense / flight techniques that allow you to bring your skin home when you are in extreme situations.
So much the better if done with awareness and elegance.

IIYI wrote:
You want to tell me you're fighting with these Entities? (ask of curiosity)

Given the many dangers of the multiverse (including our reality) sometimes conflict is inevitable.
Mostly I talk about situations where we are just food for attacking entities.
I give a stupid example:
You are in a wild natural environment. Meet a hungry and territorial predator.
The animal will perceive you first as a threat that has just entered its territory and then will sniff and understand that you are good meat to eat. Maybe even has little ones to feed.
The reaction of the predator is easy to imagine = immediate attack. Your reaction will have two chances 1) escape 2) combat.

IIYI wrote:
What will happen if such a Entities attacks me and I do nothing, let me "strike again and again" without "resisting" ?

It depends on the danger encountered and whether it is really such or perceives it that way.
I always do a trivial example: returning to our hungry predator how do you think it would react to your doing nothing?
What if it was something else?
Then change everything. This means that you need to know quite well what you are dealing with and this is the reason why the Hyperspace Lexicon, the other cataloging methods and the HANDBOOK exist.
Understanding what we are facing allows us to understand when it is time and what to do. How to behave to get the best result.

IIYI wrote:
What will happen if something attack me and I react with peace,love and compassion?

As above ... It could work with certain things, but not with others that would instead be refractory to these good emanations.
In some cases, the powerful emanation of love and peace paradoxically becomes an effective weapon against certain entities.

AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
Personally, if i ever met an angry entity, I'd ask it if it needed a friend. What better way to lose an enemy, than to gain a friend?

I agree with you! It's the right attitude.

AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
If there is no compromising between you and "the enemy" - then can you walk away?

As I said a few posts above: with some entities flight is the best defense.

AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
If no, I guess fighting might work. But, it ain't always the easy way... and prepare to get your ass kicked. The big scary ones aren't so tough. It's the decieving folks you'll want to be weary of; wirey, hard to hang onto, and don't give up easy...

Wise words.

AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
I've been in only one "fight." The only reason was to protect a friend. It's actually a really funny story... Very happy We all laughed about it a few days later, but I won't clog the thread with a long winded story. Smile

I do not think that you go off-topic if you want to tell..

IIYI wrote:
Аfter the DMT trip I had a dream. A very lively dream, such dreams I have never had before it was more real than real and there were fractal, hyperspace,blue hole and other Entities.
This dream Entities was different from Entities what I saw during DMT trip. Bit it was like from the fourth dimension. (very like DMT Entities) This second Entities in my dream told me that I should be dignified in the other worlds and not be ashamed of my actions as like in physical life. And whether it will let me into the world (the worm hole from the dream) depends on my actions (Good or Bad). Just a dream, but left me very thoughtful.

Very interesting and thank you for sharing it Smile

#11 Posted : 2/11/2019 11:07:37 PM

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I saw
GLTASN wrote:
Jacob's ladder

Great movie!

After few minutes watching the movie I realized I had already seen it.
Probably it was towards the end of the 90s. I remembered that I liked it, but I had only a few memories of some scene.
It was good to see the movie again. This time in the original language.
#12 Posted : 2/12/2019 10:53:33 PM

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I gave all the new members that have participated in this thread a vote towards full membership. Consider it just a bonus for prompting interesting considerations. Smile

awareness and elegance.

Benway, I think that is a powerful and important statement. I'm glad you've addressed "combat" as the last resort.

The shrill - LMAO, when I first discovered mine, it was on accident and luckily there were no people within the surrounding few kilometers.

I didn't know it would even happen, but it just randomly came out. I think it surprised me as much as it would have surprised an entity! If anyone was within a kilometer radius from my position.... they would have heard something that sounds unlike anything they'd be expecting to live in those woods. I'm pretty sure that the initial discovery was just practice, but only to demonstrate the ability to use if needed.

It came from inhaling, rather than exhaling. It's very hard to explain. However, the volume and ability to carry distance were beyond a typical "exhaling" shrill or scream. It was like some prehistoric bird of prey, or raptor, screaming a war cry. But, amplified beyond anything i'd heard.

I don't use it. It's there, but i think it would wake the entire block in our neighborhood. It can be toned down, and sometimes altered to see fitting. (Some attacks are friendly, even if it doesn't seem so.)

Sure, i'll tell the story of my only "fight" - I'm about to head to jiu jitsu training, but I'll edit this post to include the story.

Take care!
Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
#13 Posted : 2/13/2019 7:50:28 PM

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AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
I gave all the new members that have participated in this thread a vote towards full membership. Consider it just a bonus for prompting interesting considerations

Thanks for the kindness Smile

AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
The shrill - I don't use it. It's there, but i think it would wake the entire block in our neighborhood. It can be toned down, and sometimes altered to see fitting.

You described something very similar to what Palmer said during the conference.
I have also used this type of attack / defense, but it has rarely happened.

I want to tell you about my combat experience based on the use of what we might call Tsentsak:

For work I travel a lot at certain times of the year. A few years ago I stopped in a very old town where you could feel a strange and dense atmosphere.
Talking to the people I was working with I found out that a girl had been killed the previous year, in bad circumstances. She died electrocuted by the town's electrical system in the crowded town square.
In the evening I saw an invasion of cockroaches comparable only to a horror film.
I left the town with a strange feeling of heaviness. I felt that something was wrong, but I only had a weak perception of it.
After 2 or 3 days strange events began and some ugly and unmotivated thoughts clashed in my brain.
At that point I understood that something bad was attached to me. Not knowing what I decided to use DMT to find it and see what the problem was.
After smoking (50mg) and having passed the pleasant initial moments I decided it was time to hunt down the problem. So I asked for help from those I consider my allies and tried to concentrate on this.
Shortly I saw a hideous creature (it looked like a dust mite crossed with a insect tick and a human). It was on top of me and with an arm that ended with a big sting drilled my forehead at the point of the pineal gland.
A white light illuminated the sting and went up in filaments towards the belly of the creature. His face was similar to the human one, but distorted, twisted and horrible.
The creature noticed my awareness and telepathically told me the usual crap: you're mine, you can not fight me, you're my slave / food and so on .. bla bla bla...
I screamed NO and then grabbed the sting I had stuck in my head. I took it out, broke it and used it as a weapon against the creature by hitting it at its throat.
Immediately a copious surge of pastel blue blood covered me. The creature screamed (I think so since I saw his mouth open, but I did not hear any sound).
I grabbed the creature with both hands and threw it on the other side of the sofa. I felt its wriggling and then suddenly it was silence. The wound on my forehead was healing rapidly.
But I knew it was not over yet. I lay down. Quiet. I felt the creature crawl towards me and climb on the sofa's spallier. I do not know why, but I laughed.
I knew what to do without knowing it and I knew how to do it well. I waited.
The creature popped up from the edge of the sofa.
I turned my palm toward that monstrosity and felt like a dart / semi-solid beam coming out and hitting the enemy in the middle of the forehead, splitting the head in two with lots of other blue blood.
The dart came back into my body as fast as it had hit. The creature fell and at that point I gave permission to the allies to finish the work. They pounced on the body like a pack of hungry wolves.

After that event everything started to get better and I returned to my normal psycho-physical state.
It was the only time I ever used this kind of weapon. Fortunately, I have not found myself in a similar situation. But in case it happens again I know how to behave.

I'm almost convinced that this time I was dealing with what in the HANDBOOK is called "multidimensional parasite".

Now I'm curious to read your story Smile

AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
Some attacks are friendly, even if it doesn't seem so.

Yes, you are right. The difference is usually understandable. Maybe not immediately, but after a while it becomes clear.
It always depends on how much you are aware of yourself Pleased
#14 Posted : 2/13/2019 10:15:37 PM

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Well... that is quite the similar story!

I was going to tell the story of an actual "physical realm fight."

But... in the matter of the other realm. Whew... I kinda wish I was less stubborn in the DMT realm... but, consequently; each fight I had in their realm only gave me foresight (in hindsite) of what was to come. I've published a few of my battles on the nexus. I can share those if you'd like to see how I responded at the time?

So, probably best to read then in there order that i show:

First breakthrough:

Be sure to click on the guardian link

Part 1: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=58596
Part 2: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=58609

Or if you want to hear the physical fight, that's fine too.... but, somewhat irrelevant to the topic. The only odd part, IMO, is that I blacked out during the event, and came back to consciousness holding one guy, head turning purple from lack of oxygen, and whispering in his ear. "We're not doing this today. We're not doing this today. We're not doing this today..."

The interesting part, when I train in jiu jitsu, now, I tend to do better with my eyes shut. It's as if I can "feel" their motions in a much more fluid manner.

There's more to it.
1) it started by two people who fed each other antagonistic statements, leading up to the altercation.

2) All three of us were in my vehicle and we were at a red light.

3) those fools decided to go ahead and resolve their differences. (Great timing, boys)

4) when i saw my friend seem to be at a disadvantage, i put the car in park...

That's where I don't remember the details... I've been told what I did, but i have no idea
.. just reaction?

So... right, come back to consciousness, realizing the guy was about to be put to sleep. Drop him, tell my buddy to get in the car. Light turned green, and we took off....

So the other guy... he'd left his bike and cigarettes in my car. I felt terrible about the whole thing, so i took them and dropped them off at his mom's house.

We later found out he got in 2 other fights that night.... he's an alcoholic.

Anyways, there are much more colorful descriptions of the event... such as this was not only happening in between the span of a red-light.... but was also in front of the city hall building...Surprised

But, yeah. No idea how i did what i did... just didn't want to see a friend get hurt. I had zero training of material arts.

Take care!
Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
#15 Posted : 2/15/2019 1:20:15 AM

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I haven't had time to talk to anyone about this yet, but it may be worth just changing a few things and try reposting. Maybe leave that one topic out? Or change to "conflict resolution," and discuss the diplomatic approach to a difficult entity. I think most people will figure out their own means of protection; maybe encourage the positive communication that you've had, delivered as your own handbook. If people have questions about that other thing, they'll ask on the forum. Pleased If so, maybe address them personally. But, if it's put out there and suggested, more people might be inclined to engage. That's not good. We don't want to establish a negative "connection" with hyperspace.

I'd say we need to learn how to harmonize, rather than the other alternative. I'm not suggesting that it can't happen, or won't happen. However, I think that people will figure out their own means of dealing with a difficult situation, just like you and I have. I didn't read any guide beforehand it simply just happened when it needed to. In times that I went looking for that sort of Engagement no, it was not a wise choice. Notice I'm not even mentioning that word at all.

I think if you centralized the idea that this is your personal hand book to communicating with entities, and adjust that one part, you'll probably see some interesting discussion.

I'll start off. My last DMT experience was on December 9th. That was the day after I graduated from the university. I had a bitter sweet feeling about leaving. I held 3 positions at the University as a lab assistant, teaching assistant, and researcher. When I graduated I no longer qualified to be a student worker, therefore I lost my jobs and was unemployed. I was excited that I had graduated, but I was sad that I would not get to continue the project that I was working on. I was so close to getting the conclusion that we were aiming for. I've been working on it for over a year and a half and put a lot of time and dedication into it. I wanted to see it succeed and push forward, but my time was over.

There were also some other personal things going on in my life at that time, so it was difficult to tell how I really felt about anything. I felt lost and somewhat confused. Prior to that day, I had not consumed DMT for roughly 6 months or so. I got a wild hair and decide to give it a shot.

I'm not going to bother describing the experience, because it does not Translate. However when I came out of it, something felt very different. I couldn't describe it but things began to start changing. At first I thought it was concerning. As Time passed I realized that was the exact change I'd been needing.

I realized how grumpy I had become, and I realize that I wasn't the person that I was 4 years ago. I still felt that person inside me, but I didn't necessarily know how to tap into it. But I just kept living life, and it started to do itself. Slowly, I began to notice that my mentality towards life in general was beginning to change. I no longer found myself being frustrated about things that were out of my control and I decided that it was going to be an important thing for me to take a step back from certain social medias. For example Facebook. So, I unplugged from all the media Madness and I started training for an athletic sport that challenged myself in ways I had not known before. It is difficult and I got injured very early in training. Everyday I kept going, because I felt like I was learning something that I'd not remembered in quite some time. I was learning awareness of myself. While simultaneously becoming aware of the things that surround me.

It was almost as if it had inverted my personality. I began to feel more confident and happy. My mind became more clear and I felt more at peace with all the things around me. I noticed something during this time, I had a shift in dominance from my right hand to my left hand; And right foot to my left foot. I didn't even notice this at first until some of the folks that I train with asked me if I was left handed. I replied, "no, why?" They would say, "oh, you favor you left side during training, i had just assumed you were a lefty."

I hadn't really considered it all, but I started taking notice. It was true; when I didn't think about it I favored my left hand. It was as if I'd forgotten that I was supposed to be right handed. I just flowed with the motion, I found that my weaker side was actually a strength.

Why does this relate to entity contact? Because whatever it was that I experienced during that trip seemed to express the notion that I was going to be experiencing some changes. With those changes I felt a new appreciation for love, compassion, patience, persistence, flexibility, focus, and awareness. Whatever it wanted to communicate, it was going to wait until I was ready.

Take care,
Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
The Traveler
#16 Posted : 2/16/2019 3:48:11 PM

"No, seriously"

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And this thread is back again, not sure why it was removed but I assume it was done by accident.

I also made a sticky out of it.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#17 Posted : 2/16/2019 5:44:18 PM

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The HANDBOOK and the discussion that followed disappeared into thin air Thursday afternoon ( X-File:The HANDBOOK Pleased ). Now thanks to the moderators it's back active and we can continue the discussion.
The Traveler
#18 Posted : 2/16/2019 6:04:45 PM

"No, seriously"

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I also merged that other post from ACY to this thread.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#19 Posted : 2/16/2019 6:21:29 PM

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Thank you! Thumbs up

To continue, I take stock of the situation for a moment...

I reiterate that the creators of the HANDBOOK (including myself) have a positive, not violent and benevolent approach to the Multiverse / Hyperspace.

But we are convinced that everything goes said without fear.
We are animated by good intentions.

From all this discussion I have developed an appendix to the HANDBOOK. Tell me what you think ...

APPENDIX I: Self-defense

- Understand an attack:

We must always be totally aware of what is in front of us. We must know how to recognize a TRUE danger from what is not and can only be done through self-awareness and good experience with DMT entities.

Nosce te ipsum
(Latin) = Know yourself - is an ancient Greek religious maxim inscribed in the temple of Apollo at Delphi.
This is the only way to understand if it is a real attack, a friendly attack aimed at teaching or the fact that you have been overwhelmed by your fears or weaknesses and there is no attack.

Remember: with some entities flight is the best defense.

- We had defined (until now) four possible types of self-defense:

1) TSENTSAK ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsentsak )

2) SOUND. There are many examples from users. You can find these examples in their experiences reports. Usually it is a scream or more modulated screams with an incredible sound power.
For everyone it is different. Julian Palmer spoke about it several times during his meetings with the public and also describes it in his book: Articulations.
I believe that even some Icaros of the Amazonian forest work well as defense / sound attack against certain entities or negative forces. But this is a knowledge reserved for the natives who live in those places.

3) FEELINGS /EMOTIONS. As a user pointed out, even love, compassion and peace can work. If you manage to emanate these emotions (or others ..) in a powerful and sincere way you will certainly get a good self-defense.
In some cases these emotions can become bundles of energy (similar to a Tsentsak) and become an effective weapon against certain entities or energies dangerous to humans.

4) ALLIES: you can call them whatever you want ... ancestors, guardian angels, protector spirits. Each of us knows how to call his allies.
They are a great self-defense for the human being. Many times they can get us out of trouble or facilitate an escape or self-defense. Sometimes they can teach new and personal techniques.
#20 Posted : 2/17/2019 3:53:29 PM

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on the Italian forum via PM we work on a more complete and better version of the APPENDIX.
If you have proposals, ideas, advice you are free to post them here and I will act as a link between the two forums for the preparation of the copy that will then be published here and there.

To clarify in a simple way what we mean as models of consciousness I suggest the vision of this very interesting video:

Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth
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