Hello-lo-lo-lo! Smile
In my native language, the word of "Hello" is equal to the word of "Health" and has the same root.
I want to wish everyone Health, Love and Happiness.
The lyrics are long, if you are boring, just go to the trip point, but I believe that the events before the trip are important too.
I had decided I would smoke a single time DMT. First and last. So I make it more sacred to me. Regardless of the outcome of the trip (good or bad), before to make it I decided I would smoke a single time. Before time I just decided that if I try Entheigens again I will try them only once and only those that I have not tried before. I only use Entheigens at extraordinary moments. For me, they are something Sacred, which helps me in difficult moments. My Little Secret Magic which helps me in my difficult moments of my life. I'm not saying they are right, wrong, illusory or real. But I say that they help me in some sense, which to me is enough in itself. Even if it is placebo, this placebo gives me incredible energy.I do not care because I like to think so. I believe everyone is free to believe whatever they want if they do not interfere with others.
I am a farmer who grows organically. I'm not a good gardener, but I'm a good imitator, so I'm imitatеting a good gardener. But I'm a very good imitator. I obviously have good acting skills. So I imitate a very good gardener who grows his herbs, trees, shrubs, flowers, weeds (herbs), useful bacteria and mushrooms.
Because I do not know what to do, I learn from Nature by mimicking it (I told you I'm a good imitator) by helping the symbiosis of higher plants with useful soil-beneficial bacteria (microorganisms), endo and ecto mycorrhiza.
I use Allelopathy by combining different positive combinations of plants so the plants are protected from pests, diseases and pathogens by themselves, and in same time plants grow in a more virtuoso way. I love the variety. For example, sowing tomato along with basil or around the trees sowing flowers to attracting bees to pollinate the trees, at the same time the flowers protected trees from bugs.
I no longer eat meat. In fact, this is a whole metamorphosis because I was a person who consumes more than 1 kilo of meat a day, every day (that was crazy) and buying whole pigs and cows ( Sad ) and new freezers to fit them, has become a person who does not want to kill a fly and in the person who gave refrigerator to other people.
I'm sad about what I've done, I'm sorry for what I've done. I perceive the animals for my friends, my relatives, I can not eat them anymore.
On the other hand plants, algae, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables are very delicious. I love apples.
I made my own alcohol (wine, brandy, liqueur and whatever you think), but I stopped drinking alcohol because I do not like the taste of alcohol. (I make nice fruit alcohol and even wonder how is possible to make so good alcohol) So I stopped making and drinking alcohol. I finally drank handmade beers. I rarely allowed myself a beer, and last time I decided I could go without a beer. (so for a while I stopped all the alcohol)
I stopped cigarettes (tobacco) and heavy drugs. (before years) I stopped watching porn and even avoided nakedness on the streets. I do not watch TV and aggression. (I do not have a TV set)
I smoke weed from time to time. I can and without grass, sometimes I make big breaks. (for example 18 months or 3 months) Sometimes I smoke every day as much as I can, sometimes I smoke once a week, some times I smoke 1 a 2 weeks, sometimes once a month.
I like the grass, but I do not like that it's smoke and it's a fire. Maybe soon i will stop smoke grass, but for now I smoke grass.
The grass has saved the lives of my relatives. The grass was been a teacher and a parent for me as I grew up. She has learned me a lot about growing and did the best thing by opening a door for all plants. At the moment I am delighted and happy when even grow onions, tomatoes, trees or weeds. Somehow the grass has made me and my wife. For me, Cannabis stayed on a in honorable place. Even if I stop smoking it, it will remain in the honor of my soul.
At one point I became a fighter for legalizing cannabis for medical purposes. As well as person who tries to inform people about other drugs, some of which are used for medicine and are sacred. (At least if they decide to use them to know how to reduce the damage from their uses) It is broken through my prism.
I used a lot of hallucinogens for a while. Mostly magic mushrooms and truffles, and from time to time LSD. But I did it in responsible way with great respect and only in a special case. I did it rarely for a reason. I preferred to do it very rarely and in high doses, as I had previously starved. I always did it for a reason. I would say I did it when I was challenged and did not know what else to do. (I was trying to mimic shamans who used hallucinogens only when they were faced with a problem: sickness, drought, flood or some other difficulty for their tribe)
I bought Cantharellus cibarius mushroom from the local vegetable market, I cooked it myself and poisoned myself. (like a child I have another mushroom poisoning with my dad, we're kidding them out of the woods) Anyway, I recognized the poisoning and I took action as I vomited. (my body wanted it so it was not difficult) Then I swallowed up activated carbon (which I had rubbed it into dust) and vomited again. After several series of activated charcoal and plenty of water. For 3 days my body did not want food (just did not want food) but I gave it lots of fluids. (body want water and I give it) I had eaten for 3 days 1 pice of baked home made bread (with yeast, Rye and Triticum monococcum) and 1 oranges. After I rebuilt to 80% (I was still with a weak stomach) and I was starving for 3 days, I told myself that I survived death and I was faced with another problem so it is now time to eat approximately a 350 microgram LSD and in this time my wife to eat 50 micrograms LSD. (she was not poisoned because she had not yet eaten the mushrooms and I warned her.) So I decided I had to grow my own mushrooms not buying them from somewhere.
Once I ate roughly equal 110+ grams of fresh Psilocin cubensis mushrooms. (I still had a quantity but decided it was too much any way)
Hunger is not a problem for me. I even had a period when I was eating once a day (by design), then every meal I was looking forward to, and the meal was turning into a feast, and every bite was a delight and joy. I noticed that with less I achieved more.
I have a lot of trips with lower doses (2,3,5, 10, 15, 20, 50 grams )as well as with microsides (0.5 gr) but after that trips i told myself I would no longer eat mushrooms, and if I try something, it will be one time and I will not repeat it again. I have never eat cacti, for example, but if I eat I will grow it by myself and eat it after 25 years, but would I dare eat something that I have seen for 25 years? I would probably be attached to it like to person from the family so i am not sure if it grow am i will eat it ...
I love to ride home or in the yard in the middle of nature (in the yard there is something like a forest and a meadow) the yard is a few acres. So I stretch my blanket to Nature in my heart, or I lie down with my eyes, The Milky Way closed in bed. Somehow I began to notice more vibrations, sounds, lights, and be more connected to plants and animals.
In my trips I have communicated with the mushrooms and have given me practical lessons (including martial arts), have experienced Ego-Death several times, and then have been Reborn, have been touch something white light and warmth SuperConscious, have seen the Milky Way from a different point of view, saw that We were are All One, traveled in the tunnel of Hyperspace as well as in the Space Ocean, have diving in the Milky Way's whirlpool (black hole) and lose the ego. This life that happens to me here on Earth is the best thing that can happen to me and I'm glad to be here. My experience of physical Earth is necessary. Also how good is to have your own body. All of these things made me a better person, more sensual and connected to the others. At the same time, after all my trips , every time I liked much more life in the physical world. I have a mission here and I have to fulfill my mission. I need to be here in the physical world to do my job. My trips gave me the tools to do my job. After that moment the hallucinogens started to act very strongly on me. Already a small dose could shoot me in space.
From a small child I have sharpened senses in the real world, and I dream a lot when i sleep (the world of dreams). I like to dream very much. But at one point my dreams changed radically. After these trips (LSD and Magic Mushrooms), sometimes I dream very bright dreams related to the Universe, the Cosmos, the Ether, the Reincarnations, and how all these are reborn, and that this cosmic energy is in my head as well as in the heads of all others people, at one point it does not matter if I dream my own reincarnation or something else.
This was dreams before DMT, after the DMT my dreams have become even more different. Linked directly to other dimensions. But I'll tell you about that later.
I can tell that DMT find me. Purely quality DMT synthesized by scientists reached me. It was a free gift from a friend. It was tested with reagents and through a human. It was as it should be and was strong. Crystal waited a few months before I tried it. Before I tried DMT I had read a little here in dmt-nexus.me . I had read several times, but not deeply. So before I pulled from the pipe, I had no expectations. (I did not expect anything to happen ) My method is to have no prior expectations and I remain to happen what should happen. I knew it would be strong, but I did not expect it to be so strong and what happened. Alex Grey is one of my favorite artists.
But I was not ready for that. My trips not had prepared me for this experience with DMT.
The other day I pulled a single hit of DMT and experienced a "brake true" and that was an incredible experience, I can not describe it in words, and even if I describe everything, I can not put it in the physical world. Even with my previous experience with the enteogens, it was unbelievable and I was not even prepared for what happened.
TRIP POINT: The Shaman (a friend I will call Shaman in the story) has repeatedly tried to dissuade me, but I was stubborn though I was afraid. Shaman asks me several times:
Shaman- Are you sure?
Me- Yes! (I)
Shaman - Are you sure?
Me- Yes! (I)
Shaman - Are you sure?
Me- Yes! Yes! (Honestly to tell you then I thought I was ready. Now I would say I was not ready. I do not think anyone is ready for such a thing. {if it's ready they're special units for sure} )
The shaman was trying to dissuade me from smoking DМТ. (he himself had previous experiences with DМТ) Actually the behavior of the shaman gave me a lot of courage. (the shaman gave me courage without words. I do not know how to explain it.)
I was sitting comfortably on my couch in my room as I drew a single glass-pipe trickle of unknown quantity of DMT in the presence of Shaman Listening and I worked out the instructions of Shaman (friend and experienced psychoanamist) while I was pulling from the pipe:
Shaman- Pull - Pull - Pull
He pulled the pipe out of my mouth, put it on the table and hugged me, telling me:
Shaman- Hang-Hang-Hang. (while he was talking he had hugged me)
And then he told me:
Shaman- Breathe out. -Me: I did it without thinking, and as I exhaled the smoke, I saw how much I pulled myself.
To be honest I could hold more, I can hold it a lot. (because i like to how the smoke when i smoke herbs, not good for the lungs but i like it) BUT I DO NOT NEED TO HOLD MORE! It was good the Shaman told me to "Breathe out the smoke". (I just do not think what it would be like if I had stayed longer. I am happy that i listen the Shaman and let smoke go out earlier) Actually, I liked the taste of DMT. (maybe because I have a perverse taste and I eat sweet, hot, sour, salty and bitter together or because I love hot chille .) I enjoyed the flavor of the smoke.
At the moment of exhalation the smoke degrades the entire room. As I breathed out, I could see Shaman leaving the key chain lighter (the pipe was lit by a key chain for keys that we rarely use. The keyholder is a red boot that is a lighter), and the keys ringed in a very beautiful way. At the moment of exhalation of the smoke, reality undressed the outlook of itself, and the World remained naked in Energy. The Hit was one single, but a very big bump, as if I was like "pulling a bong", was definitely plenty and I did not need more.
At the moment I exhaled and heard the key rings (rings a song RIng-Ring-Ring), the room was gone, I was in the hyper space that took me to Dark Space Without Stars - full of darkness. I had the feeling that I was dying, I literally died, but I did not feel pain, and then the spiral energy tower appeared, at the top of the tower I was waiting for a well-created "Creature" / "Alien" made entirely of light. That World was four-dimensional and look Godlike or AlienXAlien mode. The Creature had no "sex," and the gender at that point did not matter. The creature was talking and communicating with me without words. As we were communicating, we rode in a space in the Cosmos over the Tower (below us was the Tower, but we did not stand firmly). The "Alien Creature" told me to observe and focus my attention on the things that are happening right now and remembering. In fact, I somehow felt that I was this "Alien" that I am this energy. Like the Me and It (the Alien of Energy) we were one whole in the same way as Man is one whole with His Shadow. The Alien then revealed to me things about the Creation of Life.
I was very scared, I honestly told you I was scared. (after the trip the Shaman also told me that at times I looked very scared) I was scared of the things I saw from the reality I saw, I was afraid of the information I was actually scared of the different because it was something completely different for me. At the same time it was incredibly beautiful and pleasant, and at the same time too much information. I was more scared than to see myself.
The Alien smiled and calm me that there is no place for fear. Then Alien asked "Why did you do it? Why did it cause this to us?" He certainly understood why I did. I did it for a reason. (I can not share this reason with you because I believe that: Happiness loves silence)
I remember that at times I was talking with a voice as I spoke my voice sounded very different and was pronouncing words like this " this sound is very-ry-ry-ry unpleasant"{in my native language for very we used word with "O"Pleased So i hear Ooooooooooo-oooooooooooo-oooo. In fact, the Shaman told me that in the physical reality, while I was in the mood, I spoke the words in native language and the whole room was chirping / vibrating, I have obviously heard the sound so long and distant.} As I was triping, Shaman guided me through the whole trip. At that moment, the shaman turned off the appliances that have emitted noises and (apparently as I told him about the noise, and Shamana turned apparently off) because it was no longer the unpleasant sound. I could not see the room, I was not in my body at all, my soul was separated from my body, I was in Space at the Alien dimension, Alien which explained to me that we are Aliens, but the best thing is the physical real world of the Earth. The Alien itself wants to be here in the physical real world, telling me to enjoy and enjoy the experience of Life and My Moments on Earth. The "extraterrestrial" of pure energy (white bright, multicolored light made of embroidery with 10101, and his face had no exact image or face, but rather elf facial features that were made of pure energy and light) explained to me that People and Earth are the most beautiful and grandiose project, not only from a Human point of view, not only from an Alien point of view, but from the point of view of the Whole Universe. The most beautiful and complex Creation of the Creator, to which we Humans have to enjoy! "The Alien" told me that there are "other types of Aliens", but like all Humans and all Aliens (absolutely all) are built and created by a Creator Creator. Explain to me that the Creator - the Absolute is ONE for All!
It is now up to me to say that the Alien seemed more Alien than an Alien from the movie because of its structure of the fourth dimension. Star Trek and the fantastic movies of Hollywood are like a black and white puppet theater compare with DMT Alien structure . Have they deliberately done it to make them "more human to perceive" or have a lack of imagination? I wonder if I should become a screenwriter.
I was comfortable sitting on the sofa in my house, but apparently I somehow got out of the couch and tried to go somewhere, where Shaman (my friend) caught me and put me in the chair (I do not remember ) After a few minutes I got up again and started rolling and doing very smooth and wavy movements with my legs and arms, at that moment Shaman took me again (I remember that because the DMT started to leave me) I saw for a moment "the physical world," but it was not just the room in my house It was a room in the fourth dimension (extremely colorful, lively, organic and changing, full of energy.)And in the surrounding room of the room rumors of energy (of points, spirals, skies colored threads, the whole room had a colorful image), and I saw for a moment Shaman, who looked like another "Alien," but this time with a body made up of "fleshly bodies + energy," but in his body healed cosmic energy. I remember asking Shaman, "Am I gonna make it right, brother?", " Am I will come back?" and Shaman said, "Yeah, you do it, you go back, it's all right."
While I was spinning and he was holding me by the hand, I had the feeling that we were dancing that the whole universe was spinning with me / us that everything was raging in the spiral of the spiral. At one point while we were turning, I did not imagine who - who it is, whether I was him or he was me, or he was my wife, it did not matter. At one point I saw him with the image of my wife, and then I saw his face and Shaman repeated, "I am |shamans real name| you are well, I am |shamans name| you are good," "Do you know who I am? Have you back already? I'm |shamans name| you're good. " (I do not share the name of the person for safety) Suddenly I started to worry about how other people see me, how I look in the eyes of other people at this moment and started to worry and panic. Shaman calm me down that everything is fine and I do not do anything wrong. "Everything is OK, okay"
Suddenly the room shrank in reality, and I could already see the physical room with clear outlines, but along with more raging energy and colorful geometric shapes and fractals, the objects momentarily spun into a spiral and began to make geometric hallucinations with new colorful colors. I was already seeing the physical images clearly, and I began to worry about my wife. I asked about her and Shaman told me she was "okay in the other room," I wanted to get see her how is she and asked him to bring me to her. He wait a moment and after that we went to her in the other room and my wife was on my laptop. I lay on the bed beside her (she closed the laptop)and wanted to hug me and I felt how soft and warm the blanket was. Shaman told her that he apologized for bothering her, and my wife responded very well, saying that "we do not worry, everything is fine." (I am very grateful for my wife's reaction because at such times her thoughts and words can do much to me) If she reacts roughly it could hurt me and she did not want to hurt me and she did very well. Shaman told me that "You're getting down" while lying on the bed Shaman told me "look at the light bulb" and pointed out the bulb and the chandelier in us, and I instantly fired fractals over there, the light suddenly took on very beautiful geometric forms and began to pick up and whirled, and received other yellow-white-orange colors. Suddenly, he got to me, got up and went to the bathroom, I wanted to vomit, but I did not. I took off my favorite T-shirt and threw it to Shaman, and she grabbed it in the same moment I handed it / I threw my favorite T-shirt to him. Shaman told me, "Ride, get it out,let it go out," and I tried again, and a little piece of vomit came out, then I reached with my own hand into my throat to vomit loudly and nicely, and I vomited. At the moment of vomiting and after I looked at it I had the feeling that I had threw out all the black from me, all my sins, all my fears. I felt relieved, purified and reborn.|
The three of us were hug in friend hug. Then I hug separately my wife and after that i hug the Shaman. We cheered and danced with joy. We said everything was fine, we were all fine, we were all here, we were all alive. Virtually everyone was glad. Shaman stayed with us for a few more hours to make sure everything was okay, then left. That night I slept incredibly nice and light. The next day I felt extremely tired and exhausted physically and mentally, I did not go anywhere, wanted to stay in home and rest. But I felt overwhelmed with life and love. I loved everyone and everything, and I enjoyed it very much.
The whole trick seemed to me simultaneously, like a century and a moment, I can not describe it, "time" had completely different dimensions. My wife then told me that from the beginning of the preparation, until my entry into the room, she and Shamana had spent 15 minutes. The whole trick did not last for more than 10 minutes, though they were building me for an endless time and just a moment at a time.
After the Brake True to DMT (Dimethyltryptamine), some "strange" work began to happen to me, for example, if I look in the window, it somehow takes three dimensional shapes and the outlines of the window are extended by light and energy, strange things I will not mention, but that's perfectly normal.
My own death, my conversation with the Аlien, the spiral tower of light, the civilization that I saw (the "city" under the tower below), the things we communicated to, the energies and images I saw understood that everything had happened only in my head. It all happened only in my head, is this reality is in my head or i am in his head? Am I in this reality or it is in me ?! (a very interesting question) This was just my experience with a sacred medicine (Drug) DMT. What is actually real? Which is not really real? Who determines this? Can one exist without the other? Is everything what we see real? Are the buildings and objects we see real or solid or are the electrons circulating around the nucleus of atoms that vibrate at such a rate that my hand can not pass through them with a "simple" touch and if the empty space between each electron is greater than the amount of hard space for each molecule, then does my hand really touch the objects? Until you observe them, every electron and atom that builds everything behaves like a wave that dances its dance in the endless Ocean of energy and "awaits" to look at it to "build" the physical reality. I filled my body with "biochemistry", releasing huge amount of DMT during the trip. We are all the select, we are all valuable and significant! For progress, we need more social actions in physical life in this reality. Love is the best energy. Money, objects, power, and greed are of no value.
Love and protect yourself, other people and Nature! What I saw was more real than real.
At one point of the trip I even turned off (black out), just the information was a lot.
The journey shook me, shook my perceptions and my understanding. I stat to questioned my reality.
I do not advise anyone to use DMT. I believe that this must not be restricted or stimulated. Everyone has to choose whether to do it or not to do it (DMT), but I was not ready before I did it (smoking DMT). (I did not know what I was doing) But I would not advise anyone to try it. It shakes violently.
Right now I'm in a big break from hallucinogens.
Before I sensed that my body had a soul. Now I feel my soul that has a body. I also feel some constant presence with me, I believe I feel the presence of my Soul. The Soul do not talk to me, nothing tells me, but I feel it. It's like in my Shadow.
First I thought I was going crazy, but after that "dreams", I even love more the physical world. I enjoy even the most common daily things (for example - cleaning). I do my daily duties with less effort and much more precision. It's like I'm a better version of myself. It's like I'm a better human than the man before. I fulfill my duties in the physical world strictly and more precisely.
At the same time, I became more sensual and tender to my wife and even to my friends. It's like the circle of my compassion is expanding.
Which is fundamentally different from my understanding of madness. But I do not know what's going on. For now, we have a hallucinogenic break. I do not know if I would try hallucinogens again.
From time to time I dream strange things. One night I woke up and as I opened my eyes, everyone was in fractals and energy of the fourth dimension, but I could see the physical world as well. I went to pee in the toilet and then went back to my wife again in the bed. About an hour I was traveling with my eyes open and closed while I was in bed next to my wife.(smile and say I do not need to wake her up) Then I fell asleep and dreamed a normal sleep. In the morning I woke up extremely fresh and charged with energy.
After few days (weeks after the DMT smoke) i hear a sound in the park. The signal was like a duplex on a line on phone that you are shooting in the hyper space Piiiiiiiiiu-Piiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuu-Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and Piiiiiiiuuu and after that hear whisper. I do not understand the words as if they were too quiet or too far from me. But they're talking to me. (Did I have to tell it to speak loudly? Smile
There was no way I could ask someone if he heard the sound because there were no people around me to ask them. But I rather had the feeling that the sound came from the back of my head.
A few days later something happened, I stop the use of hallucinogens, but occasionally I see sacred geometry (fractals) in the physical world, and these things look more real than real. Flashback or something els? From time to time, when I'm sleeping, I dream of things. At that state I'm not sure I'm awake or sleeping, or I'm sleepy or half-awake. (for this I will call it a dream) It is easiest to understand if I give you an example of such a dream and the awake condition before that.I will give you an example of such a dream:
In the evenings, I'm tired after the day, somehow my lamps glow very bright and annoy me in the eyes this day. We go to bed early (I'm going to bed normally 20:30 and then it was like that) and turn off the bulbs. My wife reads a book on the phone, and I put my t-shirt on my eyes and close my eyes.
Let's say I'm asleep, or I do not know what state I was. (I felt it as if I was awake but assuming I was sleeping) I dream of our bedroom and how I remove the T-shirt from my eyes and at this moment on the meeting wall I see a sacred geometry in the blue. Sacred fractal geometry swirled in a tunnel dipped into the wall, something like a black hole, but it was not black but blue ... in the center of the blue hole suddenly an Alien sitting in a lotus pose appeared. (Alien from the fourth dimension looking differently when i smoke DMT though it looked different but it was very Alien and very DMT like and fourth dimensional)
"The Alien" greeted me with a hand. It said something to me, but no words came out of it mouth, I heard no sound. But it was like it something told me, it might have "told me something without words". I did not hear a voice, but i feel something was loading in me. It smiled at me. I stood for a few seconds and stared at me as energies swirled around it. I did not feel fear in myself, but I did not feel aggression in the Alien. (the Alien was well-intentioned) This look very real, its look more real than real. It did not look like my normal dreams. Even my most dreamy dreams are not written in such a real way.
Then it disappeared, everything disappeared. It's like flying away ...
I was looking at the normal wall then I turned to my wife and she was still reading a book on her phone. Then I smile and fell asleep again, dreaming a normal sleep that looked like a normal dream. In the morning I woke up overflowing with energy.
At the same time, I have become much more humane than before. Somehow I want to help people.
By the way, the "Alien" in my dream explained to me without words that it was a kind of "my guard" and kept the portal. It will change it's image and admit it according to my actions (good or bad) and that on the other side of the portal I must behave as dignified as I do in the physical world. That I should not be ashamed of my actions. I must not embarrass the physical world and my duties, in the physical world I have to perform my duties more precisely. At the same time Alien tells me that I must have full confidence in myself that I CAN DO IT because on the other side I must be the LIGHT that illuminates the Darkness. I should be able to illuminate my own way and only when I'm ready will let me pass the other side of the tunnel. I dream this dream like something very real. Alien from my dream also told (no words, but with pure info) me that I do not need to know the answer to all the questions. I can not know them, they are so many, but I do not have to know them. There is nothing wrong with not knowing. It also told me that the meaning of life is to LIVE. That now is the moment.
As a matter of fact, it is interesting and pleasant to see things. I even play with the light (the Rainbow, light spots, light beams, dots and light fractals) and search for it. (in different reflections)I do not know what's going on and I need to talk to someone. That's why I'm here, I think, here's the right place to get advice. I realized I should not talk much with other people about this. Somehow I feel that Alien want to talk to me. This is new and unknown for men. I do not think I will try again DMT.
I have always said that My madness is my Motor! (that's what I said before the hallucinogenic ones) But this now is already bordering on insanity.
I understand that with one single trip of DMT I can not make any conclusions about things and there are many things I can see if I keep doing it. But I will not doing it again, I just enjoying the experience (despite the fear), the trip was incredibly pleasant. (I'm happy with my experience) But I just decided I'd only smoke DMT for the first time. (just so I add extra charge to things, making them more sacred to me doing it once)
I hope I have not touched anyone with my words. There's nothing wrong with smoking DMT again and again, I just made my decision in advance before to smoke it. I'm not saying that my decision is right or wrong, it's just my decision. You can decide for yourself what you like. if I have to be honest in some strange way I liked to smoke DMT. Even in me from time to time I have the thoughts of smoking again. But as I said, I just decided in advance, with my rule not to repeat it anymore Entheigens and only in exceptional moments. For now, I have a long break from any Entheigens. First, I need to integrate the information, I need to gain new experience in the physical world before continuing with the Entheigens if I ever go on again with Entheigens. Never say never, because my fate has shown me that when I say never this is happening sooner or later to me.
Smoking DMT has helped me somehow.(even from 1 hit - Wow! ) I can not tell how DMT help me, because I do not understand it, how DMT helped me, but DMT helped me. This ALIEN GOD LIKE helped me (I do not know how to call it or what IT was, nor do I know IT'S name. How rough on my part, I had to ask IT for the name, but often at that moment I could not say my own name. I apologize if I offended IT. I think Alien understood me and came into my position because it helped me. I am grateful for that help), although initially scared me a lot, somehow helped me and calm me down.
Please do not be offended by my words. I just express my opinion, you do not have to agree with it. I'm not...
Phylogeny repeats Ontogeny - IIYI