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Do you guys consider DXM a legit psychedelic? Options
#41 Posted : 12/2/2009 6:28:48 PM
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69ron wrote:
polytrip wrote:
Ibogaine and other dissociatives probably have simmilar effects, since it's discovered that the glutamate receptor activity is responsible for this remarkable effect of ketamin.

Do you classify ibogain as a dissociative?

Ibogaine is partly a dissociative and partly classic hallucinogen, considering it's receptor activity.

In this sense ibogaine is a unique substance that falls into more than one category.

Point is that it shares it's NMDA activity with dissociatives, wich is responsible for the anti-depressant effects of ketamine.

So besides being a known medicine to fight adictions, ibogaine might also serve as a powerfull anti-depressant that can bring instant relief, comparable with electroshock therapy.

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#42 Posted : 12/3/2009 7:55:11 PM

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swim had a 48 hour bus ride once,(new orleans to minneapolis) and syzzurp took care of about 20 of those hours(aprox300mg dxm from "dexalone gel caps"Pleased . swim expected nothing but disassociation and sleep, but was quite surprised to find the sounds of the symphony which echo between the motors and the wheels of the cars on the road. in fact everything felt like a play or musical. i felt like the bus was a fully oxygenated blood cell finding its way through the veins of America.

aside from enhanced musical appreciation, i could actually pay attention. swim had to read "Dantes inferno" on this trip, which is a long and heady piece about the concentric levels of hell, and for once swim just picked up the book and read the whole thing, which was staged musically in swim's mind.

i don’t think Dxm (syzzurp) should be considered anything but a Krunk-ifier.
when you need to take your mind off your mind for a while.
and when do you really need to do that? when you are stuck on the bus our the train for 24 plus hours.

too swim its like living on the colorful earth and taking it for granted. then you take a trip to the moon cuz your sick of the earth, then you get out there and its nothing but star light echoing through the void, then you relize your in atlanta georga, you're still holding your pipe, that cop is talking to you, and your bus ticket is for the 419 which just left the station....

DXM is certainly illegit, although even shulgin had to try it once
#43 Posted : 12/3/2009 8:15:16 PM

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It's interesting, but based on personal experience, Iboga does have some similar properties to ketamine, in that, with both, a large dose is going to knock you off your feet, and with both, you're body is numb.

And a large dose certainly feels dissociative, yet unlike ketamine, one is lucid and clear headed (I found ketamine more 'jarring' or imposed if that makes any sense). Whatever the case, Iboga/Ibogaine is certainly unique, and is a very different beast to either Salvia or ketamine...it really does stand alone.

But based on personal experience, I really, genuiely feel Iboga could have serious implications as a powerful and long lasting natural antidepressant...more research is definitely needed here I think, there are defintiely facets to this plant that scientists are failing to examine. Yes it can assist in drug addiction breaking and/or detox...but it certainly ain't a panacea or magic bullet. But I really think it could be an aid to people with other conditions, such as depression, neuroses, OCD, etc.

And while Ibogaine's actions are short lasting, I think it gets stored in body fat, so is releaed gradually over an extended time frame, and this is then converted by the liver to norIboagine, which then exerts antidepressant SSRI effects over a long time frame.
#44 Posted : 12/3/2009 8:30:28 PM
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benzyme wrote:
g13juggalo wrote:
or do you think its a legit psychedelic? can anything be learned from a dxm experience?


good way to isolate yourself in delusions of grandeur though.
psychedelics and dissociatives are like apples and oranges. some of the effects may overlap, but overall, they're two different experiences.

done both for several years, I definitely know the difference, experientially and pharmacologically.

I SECOND THAT STRONGLY. The few people that SWIMs met that have done DXM down soo much cough medicine or gels or whatever. I totally agree with benz. Most definitely apples and oranges. And something like LSD, mushrooms, DMT or the like will produce something much greater and much more beautiful then some damn cough syrup. ( sorry for the negative view on it, i just don't see a point in that stuff)

PEACE n' Love
#45 Posted : 12/3/2009 9:09:52 PM

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DMTtripn2Space wrote:
I SECOND THAT STRONGLY. The few people that SWIMs met that have done DXM down soo much cough medicine or gels or whatever. I totally agree with benz. Most definitely apples and oranges. And something like LSD, mushrooms, DMT or the like will produce something much greater and much more beautiful then some damn cough syrup. ( sorry for the negative view on it, i just don't see a point in that stuff)

PEACE n' Love


I couldnt agree with you more... Very happy

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#46 Posted : 11/7/2010 6:23:41 AM

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Me and a few friends were thinking about trying DXM before we try DMT since we havn't had any experience with psychedelics before and we thought it would be a good idea to get used to the feeling a little. Although its technically not a psychedelic I have read a lot about OEV's on DXM at good dosages. So I thought it might not be too much of a bad idea. We would do shrooms or acid but we can't get a hold of any without traveling 6 hours :L


Love BS
#47 Posted : 11/7/2010 7:57:12 AM


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Travel 6 hours and get shrooms or acid. Honestly... that will be endlessly better then DXM.
DXM is a shitty drug. Dont do DXM.

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#48 Posted : 11/7/2010 8:33:23 AM

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its a delirium plane and simple. i dont see how it could be any more than a sad escape from reality. IMO its about as consciousness expanding as huffing paint.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#49 Posted : 11/7/2010 9:47:48 AM

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I've got to say, even though DXM may well be a shitty drug... There are numerous negative reports and in the dissociative class it is probably considered one of the "dirtiest", messy effects... I have not used DXM, but I can say a lot about that class of drugs, I have enjoyed researching K on occasions but it too is a relatively "dirty" disassociative, it's a bit messy, subjects have experienced chest aches+sore kidneys, though addiction hasn't last beyond a nights rest... ketamine can bring upon profound states of consciousness, a lot of which are more related to the "real" world and your day to day life... the'yre usually not as cosmic as mushrooms and DMT, the effects of time dilation with disassociation can allow one to rewrite past traumas from a more mature perspective and these compounds can tease out thoughts and memories from your mind, I've personally experienced profound moments of clarity on k, albeit fleetingly... and like many others have noted, there are strong antidepressant effects that happen even with minimal use, and the effects last for sustained periods of time....

The whole arylcyclohexylamine class is probably one of the most exciting series of chemicals at the moment, because they are very reconfigurable, it's not fair to say all dissociative's are worthless, it's a naive view because those drugs are capable of a huge range of effects in almost every grouping including some of the most beloved by natural/plant/entheogen-only folks. Some of the more recent developments have been extremely exciting, methoxetamine is one of the most profound compounds I've researched, psychedelic in every sense of the word but in a completely different way to the traditional 5ht psychs... it's an extremely clean dissociation, you even get smarter on it rather than dumber and it's got 5ht action where set and setting are heavily influential, also an antidepressant effect orders of magnitude stronger than k, in fact that particular compound has made me rethink my own view of dissociatives, I was sceptical of their value but the new ones are extraordinary, totally remarkable, I personally hold methoxetamine with the same level of reverence and respect as DMT, it's capabilities are equally as earth shattering at the right dosage (who knows about safety right now, but these feel extremely theropeutic) but in a completely different way/scope.... I've also heard amazing things about 4-meo-pcp (PHP stigma is a big problem, these compounds are quite different from one another), and there are others with equally exciting effects... I think you'd be very foolish to write off the whole class based on your experiences with ketamine and DXM/nitrous/pcp, when you experiment with the newer compounds you realise the value of the "dirtier" ones, there is real psychedelic value there you have to be experienced & experiment to find it, for example they all have novel effects based on dosage plateaus AND complex set and settings which are no yet fully understood...

I have to say also that there is almost an air of snobery in the thread, people writing off things when others obviously disagree, please let not forget that we all take our own paths.. and experienced DMT users should know of all people that a simple compounds effects can be quite surprising, please try to keep an open mind.
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#50 Posted : 11/7/2010 12:01:43 PM

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I've had a few ketamine injections at the hospital for pain management two years ago and I highly benefitted from these.
The first time I just cried for an hour, getting ride of so much deeply repressed pain, I just felt wonderful after this.
The other injections also gave me a very long lasting positive outlook on life, it acted like a superpotent antidepressant.
That's why I do not think that dissociatives should be ruled out as worthless, if they aren't abused they can be a
great help.
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#51 Posted : 11/7/2010 12:31:57 PM

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Dissociatives including DXM have many legit medical uses. They also have legit mind altering uses. One can benefit quite a lot from their use if used with the right intentions and not abused. Ketamine was one of the most valuable experiences with a pscyhoactive SWIM ever had. Although SWIM doesn't think psychedelic is the right term for them because the effects are quite different.
#52 Posted : 11/7/2010 1:21:13 PM


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burnt wrote:
Ketamine was one of the most valuable experiences with a pscyhoactive SWIM ever had. Although SWIM doesn't think psychedelic is the right term for them because the effects are quite different.

I kind of agree with you, more a dissociate than psychedlic (but i think k does have certain trippy elements to it espcally when u add it in combi with other psychedlics) ketamine + DMT is very interesting Very happy
#53 Posted : 11/7/2010 1:32:59 PM

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SWIM is very curious about the effects of ketamine combined with dmt. Can SWIY provide any explanation to what those might be?
#54 Posted : 11/7/2010 2:05:51 PM

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BenevolentSon wrote:
Me and a few friends were thinking about trying DXM before we try DMT since we havn't had any experience with psychedelics before and we thought it would be a good idea to get used to the feeling a little. Although its technically not a psychedelic I have read a lot about OEV's on DXM at good dosages. So I thought it might not be too much of a bad idea. We would do shrooms or acid but we can't get a hold of any without traveling 6 hours :L


Love BS

I’ve noticed that no one has mentioned salvia. Why not try salvia before DMT? If you approach it with respect, pay close attention to set and setting, and take a reasonable dose, it may serve as a very pleasant introduction to psychedelics. It did for me.
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#55 Posted : 11/7/2010 2:33:06 PM

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I think DXM can exert a significantly profound psychic effect especially at plateaus 3 and above.Having said that, it certainly feels physically toxic, even more so than IM ketamine plus at the higher doses it has a prolonged action leaving the user cabbaged for at least 6 hours.Visually its not a patch on LSD/psilocybin/mescaline/DMT but it makes up for this by virtue of the extreme dissociation it provides.Given the choice I would opt for ketamine every time over DXM but methoxetamine certainly does sound like an intriguing prospect.

Whilst these dissociative drugs are not truly psychedelic in the way that DMT/LSD etc are, they are definitely worth experiencing in order to get another take on this thing we call reality.

If anyone is minded to give DXM a try I would recommend the hydrobromide salt; 10mg/kg of body weight of DXM HBr was enough for meShocked
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#56 Posted : 11/7/2010 6:21:01 PM

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swim has lab grade dextrometorphane hydrobromide, how much would be good in your opinion as first try with it? once he snorted it and it burnt his nose like hell and almost no effects noticed. just a very strong nasal congestion for two or three hours Crying or very sad
very bad feeling
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#57 Posted : 11/7/2010 6:34:05 PM

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DiMiTriX wrote:
swim has lab grade dextrometorphane hydrobromide, how much would be good in your opinion as first try with it? once he snorted it and it burnt his nose like hell and almost no effects noticed. just a very strong nasal congestion for two or three hours Crying or very sad
very bad feeling

That's what I found on drugs-forum :

The first plateau

The first DXM plateau is achieved at a dose of 1.5 – 2.5 mg/kg. A first plateau dose is somewhat similar to a medium dose of alcohol.

Mild effects are usually experienced. They include slightly altered kinesthetic sense, music euphoria, stimulation, general mood lift, slight intoxication, lowered inhibitions (may be positive or negative, depending on the situation) and some difficulties in talking (stuttering, not being able to find the right words). Memory effects are usually not noticeable, although some may have some difficulty with short-term memory and learning.

Dancing and listening to music are generally enjoyable. Dancing and other physical activities should not be overdone.

[top]The second plateau

The second DXM plateau ranges between dosages of 2.5 and 7.5 mg/kg. It is similar to the first plateau and is characterized by more pronounced effects.

General effects include stronger intoxication, double vision, stronger alteration of kinesthetic sense, feelings of separation to reality (most users are still able to maintain constant contact to reality at this dosage), sensation of floating and closed-eye visuals. Short-term memory is impaired, often to a significant degree. Most users are still able to conduct conversations.

[top]The third plateau

The dosage for the third DXM plateau ranges between 7.5 and 15 mg/kg. The effects of a third plateau experience mainly consist of stronger second plateau effects, with significantly more dissociation.

The effects include complete loss of stereoscopic vision (complete double vision), periods of total disconnection from reality, flanging of the perception of time and strong intoxication. Memory and other cognitive abilities are strongly impaired, reaction speed is greatly reduced. Self-awareness is heavily impaired (their own actions may seem distant to users). Panic attacks may happen, especially to inexperienced users.

The upper DXM plateaus (third, fourth and Sigma) are generally very intense and can be overpowering for many users, especially those inexperienced with dissociatives. Cognitive and motor skills are significantly impaired at upper plateau doses. Users should never be in public or engage in potentially dangerous activities. The presence of a trip sitter is essential, especially if the user has no experience with a particular dose.

[top]The fourth plateau

The fourth DXM plateau (15-17 mg/kg) is marked by complete dissociation of the mind from the body.

The effects of the fourth plateau resemble those of full dissociative anaesthesia. Self-awareness may subside to zero; users don't have any contact to their own body.

These effects are likely to be too intense to many users. Having no or very little awareness of reality, users are generally unable to react to emergencies, which is why a sober assistant needs to be present.
Because users are usually not able to control their body and react to emergencies, a sober trip assistant needs to be present.

[top]Plateau Sigma

Plateau Sigma is reached by prolonging DXM intake. Plateau Sigma can be achieved by taking a low second plateau dose, then one hour after the peak taking another second plateau dose, and one hour after the second peak taking a high second plateau or a low third plateau dose.

After the third plateau experience diminishes, one is left in plateau Sigma. Open-eye visual hallucinations and psychosis-like effects may be experienced. Thoughts become very abstract and users aren't capable of doing any intellectual task.

To most users, the plateau Sigma experience is very unpleasant or too powerful to be repeated. Again, the presence of a trip sitter is vital.

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#58 Posted : 11/7/2010 6:37:57 PM


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burnt wrote:
SWIM is very curious about the effects of ketamine combined with dmt. Can SWIY provide any explanation to what those might be?

I would say the effects are very similar to a mild yet perculiar acid trip from my recollection, i had done around 200-250mg of k after seeing a friend and got back home i then dosed 2-3 pipes overall thruogh out the night.

the 1st pipe was just a small 10-15mg to see what it does, i enjoyed the experince so i upped to 30mg-35mg, this is where it got abit dark (we all had the trips where thuoghts and things go thtow our mind that we dont nesscarily want to think, hear or see) but was the case when i smoked 2nd pipe thuoghts like the typical ''what if i never get back from this'' and past memorys of bad scenario's and such flooded my mind, but for some reason i was enjoying it,

my picture vinyls on my wall were turning into aztecs faces that seemed trapped in the vinyl and my clock (forgot to take it downm b4 tripping tut tut) was morphing between a giant and small bee

this was quite scary yet i was getting a thrill ofit all and confusion behind and the buzz in combination with k effects.

Anyway i wont blabber on as this is turning into a trip report (and i am usually dreadfull at writing psychedlic reports)
#59 Posted : 11/8/2010 2:09:44 AM

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I've got to add that some of the novel dissociative's actually are capable of psychedelic effects similar to the classic entheogens like DMT/Psylocybin/LSD etc, some do that on top of dissociation, others that plus opiate effects, actually there are many possible configurations.. think of something like tramadol which has serotonin, dissociation and opiate effects all at once... well you can do that with dissociative's and add 5ht like psychedelic effects where you have visions, colors, all the same stuff... I would also like to add that an out of body DMT experience is not too dissimilar to a strong dissociative effect, and there are subtle aspects of a strong K experience we should recognize from DMT, what I'm saying is that there are crossovers from the effects.. all compounds I've researched have different flavors but all work on a set of grouped human capabilities.
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#60 Posted : 11/8/2010 4:47:54 AM

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I wouldn't say that dmt is a step up from DXM, so you won't be preparing yourself for dmt by taking dxm. You are probably at greater risk for having a bad trip, hurting yourself, or having bad effects afterwards from taking DXM. Treat the drugs you take like medicine, don't take medicine like a drug. Low dose ayahuasca. That's just my opinion.
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