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#1 Posted : 1/30/2019 1:40:08 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2
Joined: 29-Jan-2019
Last visit: 01-Mar-2019
Location: World
Hello lovely fellow earthlings.

For as long as I can remember I have been interested in humans and what we are, where we come from, what we can achieve. What has always greatly fascinated me is how great our fantasies are and what amazing things we can think of and visualise.

I believe that we can achieve anything we want as long as we properly work together and are good for each other. I have seen my friends and family hurt, and noticed how unfair life can seem at times.

For a long time I have felt great stress about having to do something remarkable, but I could never realy find out what that remarkable thing would be so I decided to just go do the stuff I enjoyed.
So I decided to help out my friends whenever they needed and explored my interests like medicine, chemistry, spirituality, psychology and mythology.

Because I was never sure who or what I realy was, except for the fact that I am me and I am connected to everything, I have had a rough time figuring out what to do with my life. After I moved away from my parents I was properly introduced to the magical but treacherous world of drugs. After a while of fun experimenting I went down a stream of addiction and negative vibes.

This time was kind of rough, however I saw my friends having a worse time.
It was during this time that my interest for psychology and healing the mind realy came up.
I was having some serious mental issues from before I started doing drugs, and the drugs only blew them up to the max, so I decided to go and fix that. Around this time I had also been introduced to LSD, which I loved from the first moment.

My experiences with Lucy have given me insight in how to appreciate the voices in my head and see what they were realy telling me. For example: I was not able to enjoy going into town anymore without taking XTC and amphetamines and whenever the plan to go out came up (which was nearly every day) the voices in my head started urging for these drugs.

So I started thinking, why do I need the drugs to enjoy myself there?
After a while i figured it out, for the going out part it was the atmosphere.
See I never realy like crowded locations, I enjoy my peace and the alcohol environment with the loud people and music was not doing it for me. So I decided to go out less, and by doing so ended up taking XTC and drinking alcohol less and less.

The amphetamines were still a bit of a problem though.
After my experience with Lucy I have experimented with other psychedelics and micro dosing.
Micro doses of Lucy were a great experience, which got me to think about micro dosing the amphetamines and I went to the doctor.

I went to the doctor with my mom, because we had appointments directly after each other.
Because of fear of my parents reaction I had not told them about my drug use and because my mom was there at the doctors appointment I had no planning on telling him that I was trying to get clean from drugs.
I told him that I have problems focusing at school and asked from Dex-Amphetamine to help me out.
Because I am diagnosed with PDD-NOS I had no trouble getting the required medication for my little get clean experiment.

I acquired 5mg capsules of dex.
Now when I would usually take a line, I would take one of these.
The first supply went through in no time so I got more.
Noticing how this worked out and I started taking less and less, from 12 a day to 2 a day in less than 2 weeks. I also noticed how I was stacking the pills and decided to also do a little experiment with my friends.

Now most of my friends were also struggling with drug abuse and hard times around this time.
So I started offering my way of getting clean to my friends and started giving away the pills.
A week or 2 later I was sick of the speed vibes and stopped using it completely.
Meanwhile I saw my friends recovering but still having hard times.

So with the still common use of Lucy and other psychedelics I started trying to help them and myself out of our negative patterns and I noticed that when working together to get out of this mess we have become a very tight group of friends.

This has greatly increased my love of psychedelics and healing.
I noticed that as I got my connection with energy and humanity back, I realy started to get interested in healing. Whether it be spiritual of physical heal, through meditation, psychology or medicinal means. And suddenly I had myself a mission: Helping out other to achieve their goals and spreading positivity and healing around this world.

2 years ago I came in contact with ayahuasca, I started my research and started noticing the profound effects on human consciousness it has. I read many articles describing the healing effects and spiritual state of being. A year later a friend of mine that was deeply surrounded by negative energy and depression came to me yelling about how cool it was that his uncle was gonna pay 500 euros for drugs for him. He was going to a centre for ayahuasca ceremonies and was gonna have a ceremony.

When he was back on earth after his first trip he called me.
My phone was warm with positive energy and I knew it, this was a calling for me explore its magical world. I picked up the phone and he told me how great his experience had been and how postive he felt. He was gonna have a second trip the day after.

In the months following I started saving up for a ceremony myself.
I noticed the amazing effect it had on him and was studying how the healing is done with ayahuasca.
I read a lot about healing all around the world and spirituality and entities.
Meanwhile another friend of mine had his first ceremony and he too showed amazing progress and improvement. This proved it, psychedelics (DMT in particular) are realy a great way (not necessarily THE way) of mental and physical healing aswel as reaching a higher state of spiritual conciousness.

Little over a month ago I had my first ceremony and all the pieces came together.
I knew what I had to do, I have to learn how to spread the healing and magic of the plants.
We have so many forms of medication, people are poisoning themselves by taking pills for the side effects of their pills because they are depressed or in pain, not understanding that they are only causing more harm to themselves. I have to find a better way to help people, using the knowledge of nature. Both through analysis and experimentation I am trying to improve my understanding of traditional healing and how to properly use it in our current time.

Since the first friend of mine had his first ceremony we have been getting closer to the community and he has been doing work for the leader of the center and we often came together discussing about the effects on plants, both psychedelic as other healing plants, and how to work with ayahuasca.

Now I have done my ceremony I feel that I am ready to guide people through this experience.
I have already guided many people through their psychedelic or psychological experiences with LSD, shrooms, 2-CB, DMT, Changa, LSA, blue lotus, salvia and MDMA.
I have always made sure of a safe and positive environment, enough food, the right music and attributes like pencils and paper or a computer and instruments for these people to express themselves with aswel as being there for them to make sure everything is fine.
Everyone has given me positive feedback on how I took care of them and many of them message me day to even months later about how much their live has improved.

I realy love all the people and I am blessed that they trusted me enough to let me be their guide or support through their psychedelic and spiritual experiences.

Now I am setting up my own ayahuasca center, together with my friend (lets call him S, he was the first of us to take ayahuasca) and the person by whom we had our ceremony (Lets call him R).

R is teaching us what he knows about ayahuasca and together we are learning more about the properties of DMT and how it can be used for healing. R thinks that S and I are capable of giving our own ceremonies without his help. S and I however want to get as much information as we can get on the subject of ayahuasca healing.

So that is how after a long time of research and often checking out the DMT nexus for information, I finally decided to join and more actively continue my search for information.
I am looking for experiences, information on what plants to use for what physical and mental illness and how to grow the plants that can heal us all.

I hope you guys can help me with my quest to make this world a better place.

In Lak'ech Alaki K'in


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