Hi, I had an account on here before, but for some reason, it doesn't seem to exist any longer and my password manager says I never saved the password, which doesn't seem to make any sense but bleh. I had written up a nice dossier about myself and goals and whatnot and was conversing with several members, but life got in the way and I didn't come back here for months and now I'm back and ready to start my journey. I don't even recall what my username was (wish I could have looked it up via email) so I started a new account.
So, I have 225 grams of White Powder Banisteriapsis Caapi, and 100g of Mimosa Hostilis Powdered Root Bark. I'm trying to use the guide from here:
https://simonsblogpark.c...simons-ayahuasca-guide/ but I'm feeling a great deal of confusion.
I've read that for first timers, to try 3g of mimosa, while others suggest 10g. Okay, so logical deduction, if I brew 30g worth, whatever product is left I consume 1/3rd of that if I wanted a 10g experience or 1/10th of that for a 3g experience, correct?
Regarding the brew, I have organic apple cider vinegar, so I am preparing the brew as such assuming I'm making 30g of brew:
1. Boil distilled water; drop temp to between 95-100-degrees
2. Add approximately 11g of vinegar and 30g of mimosa and cook for 3-hours
3. Let cool for 20-minutes then filter through a cheese cloth
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the leftover mimosa two more times (a total of 9-hours)
5. Add all three liquids together and cook it until there is only 0.3-liters left (unknown quantity of time)
6. Add 28g of Caapi and stir for 15-minutes until completely dissolved.
Please let me know if I have a good approximation of the base ingredients, and a good methodology. Also, I'm wondering if it's necessary to do step 4 if you have powdered root, and if it's difficult or even possible to filter powered root through a cheese cloth?