WhiteDemon wrote:Your body can't break these molecules down. That means years from now those bits of naptha or xylene that you inhaled or ate are still gonna be bouncing around your bloodstream stealing electrons from other molecules in your body and suffocating your cells
[AAAAH Crap ok that answer of me was already given multiple times on 1. page]Of course it is a nice aim to use the most environment friendly methods and also keep an eye on the consumers health safety.
But that quote there is wrong, so this really is not a reason why you should avoid those (but still: of course avoid them if you want it more environmentally friendly).
Hydrocarbons are more or less inert, they get excreted from the body easily. It's more a problem when you inhale a very high amount of it, this is where hydrocarbons can be toxic.
Xylene also gets easily transported out of the body: Cytochrome enzymes oxidize the 2 methyl groups forming carboxylic acids at those positions. They make this enzyme become water soluble and it gets excreted when going to the toilet next time.
As Benzol does not have those methyl groups, it cannot be excreted that way and it starts getting carcinogen for another reason - but xylene + toluene is the good brother of them, the body can shake them off.
Still: You should only use them if you can get those compelety out, as it is not healthy anyways. But upon ingestion they dont get stuck in your body forever.
For Hydrocarbons: If you worry that you may have residues in your stuff: Then simply dont use the
60 - 80 °C Naphtha,
but use the
40 - 60 °C Naphtha.
The text says Acetone and Ethanol is removed much easier than the other solvents.
Acetone = 56 °C vaporization (havent looked it up) and Ethanol = 78 °C
so 40 - 60 °C Naphtha
evaporates even BETTER than those above. I highly recommend using the lowest boiling Naphtha which is the 40-60 Version.
Also I did not read the whole text, but I guess Acetone will create a much (!) more unpure product, probably same with Ethanol.