a year ago I had an experience with 15 g of caapi and 3 seeds of argyreia nervosa
there was a very interesting interaction between both plants
it seems that caapi "tigrehuasca" is banisteriopsis muricata or red vine strain
high beta carbolines
for the method of consumption, chew the fresh 20 grams by absorbing the alkaloids sublingually
Here in Colombia we use the caapi chewed for sessions before yopo, virola, rapeh in geral.
after an hour I decided to consume the three seeds prepared previously of argyreia nervosa, which only took 15 minutes to take effect
also eat 5 seeds of datura metel to relieve the nausea
the result I got was an interaction of both compounds
banisteripsis caapi seems not only to be an imao if you do not have co power and own properties as I add to the experience o.c.v.and c.e.v. colours florescentes, wildlife and all types of visual and tactile
It was an experience of almost 20 hours long
high power
also report a high degree of intoxication due to vasoconstriction, clumsy and robotic movements, bruxism, cramps in the arms and leg
s what caused me a state of pain during the experience.
to reduce the risks associated with the interaction of imao + lsa take only a few teas of sugar cane, cinnamon, lemon and ginger.
I recently had my first experience with turbina corymbosa
aka ololiuqui
Needs 13 gr of seeds
about 500 seeds made flour with previous 12 hours of fasting
I ingested the dry powder with some blackberry juice
I did not get bad effects associated with vasoconstriction, nausea, according to this because of the absence of cyanhydric acid in these seeds
I would like to ask psychonauts of this area, I want to have an experience with lsahuasca again
for this I have thought to chew 15 gr of caapi to wait an hour until consuming 13 gr of ololiuqui seeds.
to get good results
I am from somewhere in Colombia where it is difficult to get DMT in any plant
so my idea came up having a plant that contains lsa and another that obtains betacarbolinas or imao
peace from colombia