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Introduction essay and Breakthrough Salvia Trip Options
#1 Posted : 1/13/2019 7:37:24 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1
Joined: 11-Jan-2019
Last visit: 15-Jan-2019
Location: United States
Intro :

Hello , ive been interested in phychedelic experiences for about 3 years now. (Since 2015)
I was always very curious about the nature of reality and the human condition. As I child I was put under anesthesia and I remember fighting it trying to keep my eyes open as I breathed it in , watching my vision double and triple as the 2 doctors around me multiplied into 4 doctors etc. And my self sinking much like underwater , I think waking up from anesthesia noticing the time lapse began my facination with death and the afterlife. I never tried any mind altering substances until several years ago. My first somewhat phychedelic experience was when I smoked weed. Noticing the difference in time perception and change in my visual field facinated me. I researched phychedelics extensively online before deciding to expereiment with salvia. I've always used a sitter. My first salvia trip (20x) was pretty "minor" but sparked my interest imensely . It consisted of my visual field seeming to flatten as an array of undescribable emotions and abstract sensations filled my mind . It was my first experience feeing disconnection from my body. I was surprised how peacefull and gentle it was compared to the many reports I have read. I decided I wanted to breakthrough someday.

Breakthrough Trip

I went to the same place that I did salvia last time, a secluded hilltop meadow where powerlines ran across the road through the meadow. This time I packed a bowl of 40x into a my handpipe and torched it with a normal lighter while taking the biggest hit I could and holding it in for 30 seconds. I blew out the smoke and lied down on the ground with my eyes closed,
I waited for about 10 seconds lying in the grass before I opened my eyes and assumed I wasn't going to get any effects , it was at that instant for about 2 seconds I felt my legs stretch infinitely foward and ....Boom .

I was catapulted outside the time space continuum , that is the only way I can describe it . All I knew at that moment was that I instantly was transported to another dimension or something . My qualia or field of vision I experience normal reality with was sitting in front of me .... I was kicked out of my body , watching my qualia/vision field like it was a tv screen . it was a rectangle shaped snapshot of what I was seeing the moment before the salvia trip started ..so there I was looking at my last frozen moment on earth in complete darkness .
This place I noticed was timeless and familiar in an ineffible way. My mind wasn't acting like I was in the 3rd dimention , I had multiple lines of thought at what seemed to be the same time? Idk it's pretty indescribable . The first thought that came through me when I was in this place was "Holy shit I'm dead "
(I was looking at my qualia concluding that I was knocked out of "life" earth , my human body )
I then immediately felt this place was familiar and I thought to myself
"this was the place I was before I was born" It was then I felt the presence of someone near me , a thought entity of sorts , I sensed a guardian like vibe to her , very powerful but nurturing in nature , loving even ..like a mother is to her child, I was in complete darkness I could only "sense" her with my mind . she said "Welcome back " telepathically , like using my inner voice to say her sentences .her emotions were telepathic as well , we might as well have been the same person/mind ,
I was in awe that all my life events were contained in that rectangle and here I was staring at it. That even after certain death , there I was in this eternal place ,perfectly at peace ...stable in another existance .I felt awesome... powerful even. me being without a body it seems , but a single singularity of thought and awareness .
I very much felt like my field of vision /qualia-rectangle was some sort of virtual reality , like life was some sort of game to the entities that were present. . ....several "smaller" beings came into my presence laughing and saying "follow us ! we want to show you something! "
In a tone like what was going to be shown to me was really really going to knock my socks off ! , I looked at my qualia and remembered my life , I became fearful of leaving and said "but what will happen to my body?"
the female entity replied
" someone else will take your place for awile "
This made no sense to me. This made me even more fearfull this place I would go to with the small ones would turn out to be a more long term journey , maybe never coming back to my life , so I panicked.
I tried to focus on my rectangle snapshot of my life and it worked . I was back in my body in this dimention ...but I was also ineffibly in the other at the same time! This was a shocking expereince , me being in two places at once , two selves at once . I was experiencing to fields of vison it seemed . there was some kind of tear in this dimention/portal ? in a nearby bush. Idk .
I told my trip sitter " alright lets go! I have to leave this location ! trying to convince him to leave this place in this dire situation when I was still tripping was impossible really. My sitter was dumbfounded , later he would tell me that I have only been lying down on my back for about 10 seconds before I panicked and wanted to leave . Thats why he wouldn't let me leave , because he thought the trip was far from over . (( at some point I was back to my normal one field of view)) looking at my trip sitter , I said "he doesnt know! " to the little entities that were indescribably present in my perephrials . I telepathically felt kin-ship with these entities like they were known to me in some alternate universe ...idk . I shared memories with them it seemed .
The entities laughed and repeated me over and over , "he doesnt know ! he doesnt know !" We meant he doesnt know about this whole other dimention and that time/earth was some sort of spiritual virtual reality .
I dont remember anything significant after this point .
I spent the rest of the effects trying to explain everything with great failure . On the walk on the way back I had a great afterglow , I think I was just happy to be back to normal and was very thankfull for being alive .
This trip was overwhelmingly positive despite the intensity and slight terror .

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