Hello! I am a young man who this morning drank a glass of 25 grams San Pedro powder, and then another one, and another...and yet another, totaling at 100g.
On the matter of consumption: the glass was orange juice with pulp. The powder was just thrown in there, mixed just a bit, and drank whilst pinching the nose. Being that the powdery liquid went straight through the throat one did not find it too disagreeable. In a way the bitter taste of the cactus is enjoyable because of its uniquness. Have you ever tried yerba mate? Well, this is not simialr to that, but similar in the concept of widening ones' tastes. San Pedro's bitter taste is a new taste in the warehouse of senses and sensations located in my heart and brain. The way it was consumed is collaquially referred to as CHUGGING, and is not recomended for cactus (They say to take it slow, through the course of hours.)
Time of consumption: 7.50am.
First vomit: 9:00am. Details; a lot of vomit. About five of them and very big. I asume 60% of what was ingested was lost. Not painful or anything. Who doesnt enjoy a nice warm purge? :3 It was short and sweet and I didnt see that much powder in the vomit (although all of it was powder!)
After this I wanted to vomit more but decided I had vomited enough to feel fine and could now sit down and relax and let whatever remained settle and give effect. And so one lit a joint, a very Indica strain with high THC.
Fist noticble effect; 9:30am. Shift in conciousness! Very beautiful. I started laughing because life just seemed so funny...and so beautiful...I started crying. Very beautiful medicine! The weed helped of course! But San Pedro is noticibley there in the body and spirit. Slight visuals are sensed and percieved.
At 9:50 I feel fine and very high, with a defite shift in body conciousness. Very enjoyable. Completley relaxed.
10:30am: staring at the sky an inmense increase in visual acuity was noticed. This is the stuff 4K tvs are made of.
10:31am: Meditated and with eyes closed saw flashes of rainbow light flicker for a minute or two. It seemed to be a smiling sun crying out vomit rainbows. At this point one is definitley high. Completley relaxed. Sort of like 3g of Cubensis at this point, but different! This is something different.
10:45: more visuals and desire to purge, but not that much and not painful.
12:00: Procedeed to listen to music. Wow! If this song felt anymore like an orgasm they would make it ilegal!
https://www.youtube.com/...1&list=RDeKuFyHwG188 Then streched my muscles and limbs to my limit. I feel that my digestive system has slowed waay down. And it closed up shop; I can eat nothing and drink nothing as my stomach continues to break down the powder. I feel the high of mescaline and it is pleasent, but not overly so. Just right...for now.
1:30: Listening to music in bed and tingles all over the body. Very protected, safe, secure. I know this sounds gay, but I feel confident and beautiful! Told you it was gonna sound gay. Lets just call it feeling wonderful

2:30: If it was not for the use of cannabis one would probably have no visuals at all, as it is clear now that dose was not sufficient to truly aprecciate this wonderful cactus. Visuals are zig zaggy and green and they flash. Sort of like pyramids, and a circle entity with eyes and mouth. Also a falcon like the one used by Nazis. But they are just there; no interaction and no further development of the images.
5:00pm this is the end of the trip. I had spaghetti and recovered some energy.
Final thoughts; Dose was insuficcent. I wonder why even use these tools when we have DMT in the world? It lasts 15 minutes and in hour you wouldnt even known you took a halucinagen. I prefer shrooms to the cactus. Overall, cactus is not a must for the psychonaut. I believe it has it place, as evidence by me taking it, but that it is not necesary anymore. We have better tools. And cactus is truly disgusting. The main downside is the constant shift between very comftorble and numb and then uncomftorble, bloted, and restless.
Now to rest some more!
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote.
Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone.
The Joy of Giving ♡See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.♡May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.