Hello everyone,
Thanks for such a great site! I hope to be able to contribute and learn from everyone.
I am a complete newbie to anything like this. In roughly a week I will be doing Ayahuasca for the first time. Not only is this my first time doing that, it will be my first time doing anything of the sort. It has been a long time coming however. I have so many questions to ask and look forward to learning from anyone that is willing to help.
A couple questions leading up to next week.
The past month I have had an explosion of creativity. I have done more art work and wrote more song than I have in year's time previously. What's even more mind blowing is it's some of the best stuff I've ever done. Has anyone experience this before?
Second; my father and my aunt were into the spiritual/growth aspect of these substances. Both have passed on and sadly I wish they were around now to talk to me about this journey. Has anyone had loved ones help them through and show them?
Thanks for your time,