This can be made as complicated as Life itself...
but it really doesn't need to be:
We are Celestial Beings.
Learn to live your Life without Suffering, it's not supposed to be like this...
the Ego-mind/Corporeal body are an illusion that's gotten out of control.
Recognize this about yourself, open your mind to the idea that you aren't JUST flesh-and-bone... nor is anyone else on the planet (so don't hate them for their ignorance)... many people are simply lost, disconnected from their true nature.
This creates greed, anger, lust, etc... all the trappings that never satiate the appetite and eventually make us suffer, especially as we grow older and the illusion of "success" starts to fade into the reality that "you can't win that way, it doesn't make you happy".
Once you come to terms with this, stop allowing the idea that we are "small, insignificant little humans" to manifest... that kind of ego-thinking is what spurs you to try harder, be more, be better than the next guy... and counter-intuitively we Suffer for it, because we can NEVER satiate that appetite. Ever.
It's a Trap!
Open your mind to the idea that we ARE the Universe itself. And this game, is just that.
Then you can find solutions to help alleviate your suffering. Namely, by Loving. That's where happiness is found. Directly.
Discover who you are, look inside yourself and face EVERYTHING... explore it all like a hot poker stabbed into your chest... you're a junkie? Ask yourself WHY. Keep asking, keep looking at it... explore it all the way back to your childhood. Then forgive it all, and everyone involved. Can't forgive? Actually you can, when you understand everything, you have no choice left but to forgive.
This process is called "Self-Inquiry"... but essentially it's "Mastery", control over your emotions... control over yourself.
It IS attainable.
You will find as you shine light (attention) on the Suffering that you hide from (by getting high, watching TV, chasing pussy, money, etc)... that Suffering disappears when you embrace it head-on. You gain power over it. The light kinda burns the black away, much like TheDarkness in the movie SilentHill. It sizzles away.
Enlightenment is LETTING GO!That said, this process doesn't mean you can't have any of those things... it's not abstinence. It's Mastery. It's learning about your true self to such a degree, that when you go chase pussy again (down the road; DO THE WORK FIRST!)... it's only a game that's enjoyable, not a source of Suffering (when she teases or breaks your heart). It just doesn't affect you the same way, because now you KNOW yourself (and Life), innately... you recognize everything for what it is, and it can't REACH you anymore... it simply doesn't matter as much. TV becomes drab brainwash, in favor of learning new things about your HIGHER SELF, the Planet, People... and what comes next.
This world is a low-consciousness materialist paradigm. We're here to LEARN our way OUT of it... NOT wallow IN it.
Raise yourself up... transcend.
There's more LIFE out there. You're a total fool if you can't see that.
It's not about Aliens. It's ALL about Us. Absolutely Everything is Us. One.
That doesn't mean it's a simple world though, that means there's INFINITELY more worlds to explore. So learn to get your stupid fucking ignorant monkey-ass OFF this low-consciousness one.
You can discover your happiness in the harsh investigation of your LOWER self, your Ego.
It's an emotionally taxing pursuit (call it "Spiritual Purification" if you like: it fucking hurts)... but when you come out the other side knowing your true HIGHER self... that's when things start to get better. Life gets, different. MORE Consciousness.
If you haven't figured it out already...
It's ALL about Consciousness.There's an EVOLUTION going on!
It's always been going on...
study Hindu (Kriya) Yoga, ZEN, Buddhist "Rainbow Body", Transfiguration, NonDuality, etc.
This isn't new, you've just been asleep...
Your Low-Consciousness activities keep you asleep, stop it now.
Wake Up... Higher Consciousness is waiting for everyone...
you just need to embrace it and you'll find yourself in a completely different world.
Without Drugs.
Here's something to help you begin to understand the thought process: isn't about Religion...
it's simply about Truth... who we are.
Anyway, I probably won't be back...
my life is just getting started.
I just wanted people to feel this message...
some heads on this forum likely recognize what I'm saying,
to the rest of you... Mastery.
The Rabbit Hole is waaaaay deeper than you think...
and we LIVE right at the very bottom. That's home.
Peace out Psychonauts...
It only hurts if you resist!
Just fucking Surrender.
- Pitch. Black. Zen.