Hello, I am
Captain Hertz, unlike many of you here I'm different. Not to say better or worse but different. I'm an alien. I came here to discover the planet, explore its unique entities.
I would like to say first that I'm glad I stepped in this place (a very odd place I'd say) where I've learned a lot about this mysterious substance called "DMT".
Well, I don't know so much of it but am learning now. My answers to the questionnaire might prove that I haven't done big research on this community and the information it provides and it's alright I will get to it. I will tell you that one thing I know about DMT that it is endless. A gate to endless mysteries. Endless knowledge. Maybe endless void or endless solution but, it is endless.
So I'm happy to know where I can talk endlessly from now on.
P.S. I would like to talk to people here privately if anyone wants that because I'm very intrigued to know people's experiences.
Safe flights for everyone.
Safe flights!