I seem to have one hell of a "greater self/inner voice/inner critic/subconscious/Atman/mini me" whatever you want to call it. When we meet (which seems to be "always" ) on lower doses or on the way up on higher doses, it will take me to task. Every single time..
It has gotten to the point where I have had to stop and just "do the things that seem to be bugging the inner me". However, some are really rough.. many of these things it wants me to do, I find much easier to do after a heavy experience (losing anger, forgiving, loving more etc). Since I've had to take a break, this has caused me to be away from "the source" or whatever "it is" over/in there for a longer time and made it harder to keep on the tasks my "mini me" wants me to concentrate on and the afterglow I've had for years seems to be fading.
I find as months go by my attitude is souring more, though still light years ahead of where I was pre-any-of-this.
One saving grace is with things like mushrooms and Ayahuasca the urgency goes out the window as I have a list of memorized rules for controlling a trip when needed : "I am high and if it matters it will matter when I am not high" which keeps me from acting on it "while under", however I still go through getting hammered.
Other things that have helped are "yes I have heard this and have made progress here.. or I am trying 'you/me' know I am." A friend gave me the advice that was similar "Ok I got it, now you can go away", she seems to have the same problem after a deep aya experience.
Anyone here have any thoughts on how to combat this? I am digging into CG Jung and shadow integration as it is supposed to help with that inner critic. I am trying to do what I can, but the laundry list of tasks is astronomical. I'd like to have even a low level experience without having a guilt trip about not have my PhD and solving world hunger
... it's kind of an a** like that.
<3 Fate