It's all a mind set. You can be free anytime, anyplace. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, as the song goes. At times in my life I feel like I have woken up on a prison planet. Looking around and seeing all the negative decisions of people that came before me. Then I look at the history to figure out where we went wrong. All the way down the line a story plays out.
The plot thickens. Drama unfolds. Betrayal. Murder. A love affair. Conspiracy. Revolution. Etc... The story line plays itself out with all the characters. It can be very enjoyable to watch if you're not invested in the show too much. History has repeated itself many times. I see the show. I look for the parts that appeal to me and chalk the rest up to character build up, drama and the rest.
Do you have any solutions to the loss of freedom you're talking about? I hear a lot of people talking the way you are now. They don't talk to their neighbors. They don't trust candy from strangers. I don't know anything about dragging kids back to their parents. lol The thing is that they could do this. They could go talk to their neighbors, I do, I want to know who lives around me. I chit chat. Candy, well, I think I am old enough to know which stranger I should accept candy from. My daughter and I went trick or treating and not one candy was suspicious, every single piece coming from strangers. These are also my neighbors.
We have freedom. You have to create it. You have to be the trustworthy neighbor. You have to be the stranger that gives out badass candy on halloween. Everywhere I go I see beauty in the world. We will do what we have always done. Play out a drama. Remove yourself from the drama as much as you can and you may find that you are much more free than you thought. As far as I see it, that is the only way to make true positve change in this world. As above, so below.
Yes, you have to remain vigilant. What is wrong with that? We all look both ways when crossing the street. We walk carefully along side a steep cliff. We don't go near dangerous animals. Inspect candy. Avoid the dirtbag neighbor four doors down. We have to look for dangers in this world. We always have to remain vigilant. Seems like an obvious statement to me. This vigilance does not have to be all encompassing. There it a choice in how we navigate this world.
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda