Hello, I've been following the forums for a bit now and taking the questionnaire when time permits, but I thought it might be time to finally write an introductory post.
SWIM is fairly new to using DMT, starting this year roughly in the fall. Since then, SWIM has used DMT literally hundreds of times at varying dosages. Each time SWIM has taken DMT in a novel fashion, SWIM has attempted to document their experiences in the hope of developing new practices, honing dosage, cataloging various ingestion methods, monitoring drug interactions, etc.
SWIM has been fortunate enough to have had several breakthrough experiences, the most incredible of all was while peaking on 700 ug of LSD. FWIW, SWIM has found that any dosage above ~700ug makes ingesting DMT practically impossible.
During this trip, SWIM found true "ego death," instead losing their body and achieving Satori. During this trip, they completely shed their physical form, in fact forgetting it ever existed. In this state, SWIM "swam" through a nexus of pure energy, surveying the multitudinous branching arms which formed fractals of possible realities. SWIM noticed that these arms were not "universes," rather distinctrealities with entirely differently tenants of existence beyond physics or comprehension.
After swimming through this nexus/artery/Yggdrasil, etc for what seemed like eternity ("eternity" pales as a descriptor here, since the nexus existed beyond time - in fact, time could be witnessed working within some realities in a spatial, 3D way) SWIM was yanked back into their body with a great shock. At first, SWIM believed that "reality" with a corporeal form and linear time was in fact a "trick" or play put on by fellow nexian beings... SWIM had earnestly and completely forgotten existing outside of the nexus's stream.
As one can imagine, this was fairly disorienting and troubling to SWIM. Since then, SWIM has meditated on his experience and has come to some of their own theories. SWIM believes that Aldous Huxley was partially correct in The Doors of Perception; the human brain is in fact a filter that limits the perception of humans from an otherwise incomprehensible and overwhelming universe. However, SWIM now believes that the brain is in fact a prison as well as a filter. The best metaphor they can think of is to imagine each reality as the pocket of space within a glove that's been turned inside out and the wrist has been tied. Within this reality, it is impossible to detect anything outside, since the walls of the glove limit perception. However, the human consciousness exists external to these "pockets," instead experiencing them as inverted finger puppets wiggling about within the inside-out glove. SWIM believes psychedelics release the "finger" (human consciousness) from the confines of the inside-out glove, allowing them to temporarily move freely and explore other realities at will. SWIM also believes other methods exist to free the consciousness (perhaps meditation, death, who knows) but that maybe chemistry is the most convenient in this reality, due to its innate physical laws. Perhaps in other realities, different methods are more effective, but how can SWIM know that yet?
Anyway, I'd love to be a full-fledged member and share more of SWIM's experiences, research, methods, crack-pot theories, etc. So far, SWIM has tried multiple devices and drug combinations in their search, below are some of their favorites.
Glass Vapor Genie (of course)
Water Bong (actually preferred)
Herbalizer Vaporizer (underwhelming- more useful for Syrian Rue ingestion. SWIM has found drunken Syrian Rue to be far too harsh, nausea-inducing, and ineffective, no matter the dosage or timing)
Improvised Airbrush gun (surprisingly effective- comparable to GVG when heating plug is removed, no joke)
Furthermore, SWIM has been experimenting with audio, visual, and olfactory stimulation during their trips for ease of breakthrough. SWIM currently heavily uses an Ajna Lamp (LED array) during their trips which makes breakthrough experiences, at the risk of sounding haughty, significantly easier to attain than without.
Lastly, currently SWIM is on break from ingesting DMT. They have found that since the previously described trip, they cannot truly breakthrough and rarely even experience visuals anymore. SWIM's goal is to wait at least one month, out of respect for the spice, before attempting ingesting again.
Hopefully I will be welcomed into the Nexian community- talk to you all soon!