Hello fellow experiencers,
I have browsed this site for years, soaking up tons of information as this is a great source, but I figured I would wait until I actually tried DMT to make an account to share and learn more. So here I am!
I will be long-winded so bear with me if you're interested. I want to give the most descriptive and detailed report (also going into background and mentality) to help teach new users and share my experience so I can learn from even wiser men and women. (Feel free to message me if you want to discuss!)
First DMT Experience
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Location: Midwest U.S.
H/W: 6'5" / 200lbs
Demographic: Upper Class White - Raised Suburban Jewish
Religion: Jewish by culture, Agnostic (nihilistic) by belief
Substance Experience: Extensive LSD, Psilocybin, Cannabis, MDMA Moderate Cocaine, Alcohol, Study Amphetamines, Light/Rare Opiates, Benzos, various downer pills. Never have experienced methamphetamine, heroin, crack cocaine, or any other stimulating or psychoactive substances of any kind other societally unaccepted drug.
DMT: Orange colored from Mimosa (from reputable source)
Method: In a sandwich bed of premixed cannabis and light pipe tobacco
Dosage: 35mg then 50mg
Alright here we go:
So I'll start like everyone else: When I was around 15 years old I was introduced to cannabis. It most absolutely was a gateway "drug" for me and helped introduce me to other magical substances like our beloved psychedelics. Well by the time I graduated college I had tried every substance from my experience list above. I'd like to consider myself a responsible user of substances, always doing my research and reading about doses, experiences, and effects both positive and negative, always reducing risk as much as possible. Well of course when one researches psychedelics like LSD and Psilocybin, he/she will be bound to stumble upon DMT.
To me, the idea of DMT was amazing, like something out of a book or movie. A powerful psychedelic that transports you outside our world (or to another one), offering lessons that can be "brought back", intense experiences and visuals with an almost guaranteed spiritual experience of some kind, and lastly the possibility of encountering "beings," some god-like or from a higher existence or dimension. To me, the last is the most alluring. I was raised Reform Jewish in the midwest and the idea of God was introduced to me but never forced. I am extremely "book-smart" and excelled in school, eventually going to business school specializing in data work, logic, and efficiency. With most things, I believe in hypothesis and experiment, personal experience, and proof. This is why I hold a nihilistic life-view. I do not believe in any bible, no man in the clouds, and no heaven and hell. So that leaves me with agnostic nihilism: the belief there may or may not be higher consciousness, but it does not affect the way I live my life and I do not have the tools to prove/disprove religious theory with certainty. I generally believe that our existence here on Earth is meaningless with no after-life, and when you die it's like before you were born - you simply don't exist. I have no belief or experience with extraterrestrials, out of body experience (even on other psychs), ghosts, teleportation, time travel/manipulation, meditative trance etc but they have always been very interesting topics to me since there are so many claims of these phenomena, yet no definitive proof (and sometimes no way to even prove them). My mind was not closed to these possibilities, but I had never experienced anything other than "plain old life as a regular human on Earth," other than LSD/Mushroom trips (which I would say are "altered reality" compared to the "virtual reality" on DMT. Even on the most intense trips I've had, I saw intense closed eye visuals and could observe, but I was never able to interact with my visual space as with DMT.
But then I found DMT. A substance that can induce experiences that can certainly make one question ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. After initial research when I was first exposed to DMT online, I was almost skeptical of the reports. I mean when you go on a UFO Enthusiast or Conspiracy forum you're bound to find some crazy posts that seem to be factual/true before further scrutiny, which I assumed to be the case with DMT as well. After a few searches and some reading, I quickly found this not to be the case. Thousands of people online had shared their experiences, findings, and stories about DMT and I quickly became extremely interested. With this substance, it seemed I could begin a new journey in attempting to answer some of the questions of life: Who are we as humans? Where did we come from? Where do we go? Why are we here? I could someday actually myself travel to this hyperspace and meet beings and see scenery that may provide insight into the answers. Don't get me wrong though - I knew that DMT would not answer my questions, but lead to more.
So finally, after about 3 years of scouring pages of text (including scholarly, religious, mainstream informative, user written, all both from the past and contemporary), watching videos about everything including many instances of live footage of an experience, and discussing it with my friends and acquaintances who held an interest or had experienced it, I finally decided I was ready to try it for myself. I got a small bag containing approximately 4 doses of DMT extracted from Mimosa. I currently love to smoke cannabis through a bong - especially mixed with tobacco in what us millennials like to call a chop, moke/mole, or blam. Since this is my preferred method of smoking and I am very accustomed to the inhale/exhale pattern as well as the taste and feel, I decided I would sandwich my dose in a small chop, light on tobacco, heavy on cannabis, and ground finely premixed to avoid combusting or "snapping through" the DMT.
I sat on the living room couch in my best friends' apartment, with two trusted guides by my side. I had decided that I wanted to break through on my first experience if possible, so I could actually get a chance to see/feel some of the things described by others. The bowl contained 35mgs of DMT layered perfectly between a nice portion of chop mix. A light drumbeat played in the background to help me keep focus. I took my first hit, expecting a rush of thick plastic tasting smoke. When the smoke met my lips I was pleasantly surprised to find it to be not nearly as harsh as described by most and held the smoke in with ease. I exhaled slowly and leaned in for another rip, already feeling lightheaded and fading. When I took the second hit, I sucked a bit hard and the bowl caved in. I figured I'd already gotten most of it, so I leaned back and closed my eyes.
I was greeted by a warm darkness. I felt intense euphoria and literal warmth flowing through my body, kind of how I'd always imagined an injection of heroin to feel. I felt so nice and warm and safe and welcomed that it freaked me out and I started to wonder if my friend had actually given me a different substance. This was a silly thought, as I trusted my friend very much and knew my head and thoughts had been clouded by the smoke. Suddenly, the darkness cleared, and all around me were oranges and yellows, geometric and moving, but not themselves moving, it was just my visual perspective panning over them. I felt welcomed and pulled in. I could hear "them" telling me to come, non verbally, just like a feeling although it was almost like I could hear voices, like it was whispered directly into my brain. The voices and vibrations that came with them slowly subsided and and everything fizzled out, like the DMT had run out of gas. I opened my eyes, trying to hide my disappointment that I did not have a real break through. I knew I would be absolutely mind-blown when I actually broke through, this was not all that DMT had to offer me. I decided to wait a couple hours for the immediate tolerance to decline, then try again.
This time I laid out a higher dose, more like 50mg, and packed the bowl again. I went into my friend's room and dimmed the lights. I was now so comfortable knowing how welcoming the experience was. How they were telling me to come and the euphoric warmness and heroin-like ecstasy that accompanied it. I was no longer scared or nervous in any way, and put a damper on my excitement so I could really take it all in. This time I took three hits, more slowly and held in for longer than the first time. By the time I took the third hit from the pipe in my friend's hand, everything faded to black.
I looked around and I was in a prismatic cube world, consisting of a room of only of triangular prisms, cubic prisms, and the two melded together by more sharp geometry of prismatic design. Everything was one shade of blue. Not dark, not light, not pastel, just a neutral even blue. There were stacks of a couple of these prismatic shapes forming many short and uneven towers. Upon many of these towers, and scattered all over were these cubey bird-organisms made up of the same shapes as the room. The looked EXACTLY like the pokemon Porygon, some with the same traingle-like head and others with a smoothed head like Porygon 2. The rounded heads of some birds were the only non-prismatic things in sight. They had large geometric beaks that opened and closed in unison. All around me it sounded like a 90's computer booting up loudly, almost crackling, loading and rendering their world as I looked around. I had no body or face, but I was present in their universe, and they were aware of my existence. The birds were larger than me (not by much) and I freaked them out with my sudden appearance in their world. They all looked at me curiously with their huge eyes, still squawking at me with their own computer-like noises. I observed for a while and then all of the sudden it hit me: I just dropped into these guys' universe and freaked them out. They squawked at me more intensely. I became a little frightened, not for my safety but just at the weirdness of it all. I felt bad for all of these bird things, as I just appeared in their world suddenly and interrupted their life, even if it was an eternity of squawking in a geometric void. I tried to communicate some kind of apologetic or empathetic thought or movement, but was completely unable to communicate anything meaningful to them and the squawking kept intensifying. I could pan around the area, gliding my vision almost like a boat. I turned away from the birds to face a wall, now full of spirally swirls, the same color as the room. I kept zooming in closer and closer to the wall until I was just immersed in these swirls.
I was pulled out of the bird universe and into a heavenly, more neutral space. The colors were full of whites, golds, and oranges, and it was clear I was in some sort of different kind of void, this time outside of time and space. It seemed as if the bird-world was just me being dropped into a completely random dimension, with only those Porygon birds inhabiting it. This was just my introduction to hyperspace and its possibilities, and was the way for me to learn about it through experience. Well now I stood in this new void, facing a womanly god-like being. I could feel her presence and hear her voice, but could not look directly at her or see her face or body (if she even had one). She spoke to me as a guide and it became apparent she had put me in that random dimension to show me something. I asked if she could show me more, and she said not now, but I was free and welcomed to come back again anytime. I thanked her and asked again almost like a child, "but please isn't there anything else you can show me now?" And she just laughed a warm motherly laugh and said "No, no" and I knew I had to go. I slowly descended back into my body in my friend's room, still hearing her voice guiding me down the whole way. I opened my eyes and returned to life, still hearing (and physically feeling) the echo of her presence. I told my story to those in the room, and then slowly rose back to my feet, and returned to my life.
Wow! Certainly a powerful and impactful experience but it felt so dreamlike and distant, not like a memory of something that happened in real life. Does it make me question my generally non-religious and hard science mentality? Yes. Does it mean there may be more to life than what we can experience on here on Earth? Maybe. Does it provide definitive proof of god, an afterlife, extraterrestrials, or otherwise? Definitely not. I (along with many others, I know) now have an interest in contemplating whether there could ever exist a physical place or alternate plane like that somewhere far away or outside the bounds of our reality, or whether it was simply my brain acting funny because of the substance I ingested, creating this hyperspace within me, like a dream. I have so much more followup research and thinking to do that it took me a few weeks to even make this post. I am so excited to go back into hyperspace sometime and experience something else that DMT has to offer me.
Again, I know this was a long post and had a lot of unnecessary information and description, but hopefully I did an ok job of conveying what I went through and helping explain what I did/saw. I remember when I was first reading these a lot of people only described things from a visual perspective and left out a ton of detail, especially about themselves, as that can contribute a lot to the experience. I hope you enjoyed my story and getting to know me and this post has helped you in some way, whether as research, you had a similar experience, or just plain entertainment from reading about this crazy substance and the places it takes us. Please message me if you want to talk - I am super interested in hearing your experiences and anything else you think I'd be interested in.
Have a great holiday season and see you on the forums