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A wild day on the mountain Options
#1 Posted : 11/26/2018 5:54:52 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1760
Joined: 15-Apr-2008
Last visit: 06-Mar-2024
Location: in the Forest

My forays into the forest continues.......
a wild day on the mountain

where do I begin ?

Pakalensis mushroom strain is powerful beyond anything I've encountered.
I soaked about 2.5 grams in lemon juice then mixed it in slightly warm ginger tea.
It wasn't until 2 hours in that things blew open. At the two hour mark I was actually feeling pretty good and not really tripping too hard. Then I decided to have a small hit of some dispensary weed that a friend gave me....
Now I'm up on top of a mountain in New England its a super mild day slightly overcast. It's a place that I go often, its a safe place with no people around thankfully. As soon as I took the hit things started to shift and went to full on psychedelic party land. I could feel a strong electrical vibrational energy flowing though me and connected to the ground and the air. It was absolutely amazing. I could walk to a spot and increase my intention and the effect would increase, colors would become bright and pronounced. I could feel this electrical force cursing through my body. I felt like the King of the mountain at this point. The feelings were amazing at first but began to get stronger and stronger. It felt like some kind of universal natural force or frequency that we normally aren't aware of but is present in nature and is shared and felt by all living things. It began to become overwhelming and I had to start talking to myself telling myself not to be afraid. I was trying to let go and flow into it but at some point something happened I panicked and freaked out. The power of this thing became too intense to handle. At this point I got myself stuck in a loop and my fight or flight kicked in.
I wandered around the forest talking to myself repeating over and over " your gonna be fine" " everything's going to cool" .." your gonna be ok "... " its gonna be great" etc. on and on and on
I was slowly spiraling into a full on panic attack and it was getting worse by the moment. It actually started to feel like I was having a mental break of some kind as I wandered aimlessly through the forest.
My tactic of going where no people are really paid off finally because if anyone saw me in this state they would have called the authorities. Eventually I remembered that I had a small bottle of Rescue Remedy in my pack and stopped and scrambled to find it. After a couple of sprays I began to feel a shift and finally started to calm down. The relief I felt once I started to calm down was beyond description. The trip still continued but became more manageable at this point. I continued hiking and enjoyed the rest of the trip
it felt amazing to be able to pull myself out of the brink of sanity. I felt an inner strength that I never felt before.

By this time it started to get dark and I still had a long treacherous hike ahead of me.
it turned into a whole other level of crazy trying to hike down this mountain in the dark. I kept loosing the trail and had to slug through swamps to find it again and again still tripping. eventually I made it down to the road and back to the car. By this time I was functional and cool. eventually I made it home to my warm house and family. The gratitude I felt and feel was and is amazing.

Overall the trip lasted probably about 7 hours total. Pakalensis mushroom is unlike anything I've encountered. Its not a typical Cubensis by any stretch. I learned a lot this day and still continue to process what happened. Note to self always bring rescue remedy or something equivalent in case of emergency.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 11/26/2018 6:31:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 467
Joined: 06-Sep-2015
Last visit: 06-Feb-2024
Location: in your mind
Excellent trip report.

Do you think the weed got you into the trip full speed? Or just a coincidence and the trip would be of the same strength without the weed?

I can imagine you felt great when you calmed down. What you have experienced is for me thé reason not to trip out in the open. Glad it all ended up well Smile.

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak
#3 Posted : 11/26/2018 7:14:36 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1760
Joined: 15-Apr-2008
Last visit: 06-Mar-2024
Location: in the Forest
The weed really kicked it in hard . I don't usually do that but in the interest of science I felt like I wanted to see what would happen . These mushrooms are super strong and on a whole other level . The weed was strong too so the high prolonged the mushroom wave that might have let up wich set me into a panic . I always go to a place with no people around for this very reason. It all ended well .
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

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