Thank you!
I just edited it, is good now! Thanks again.
Further, Im going to fill a report based on my experience with the spice on daily bases/low dosage,
the problem in the moment is the measurement(no scale, but it is on the way)
hope it would be useful to someone.
day 1
low dosages through the day
The idea of low dose is keep functional like playing on pc, reading, searching on the internet, mind working, mini insights about life, family, situations, etc... with sparkles on visuals and everything looking amazinly colorful and interesting
The day time was really good
at night time before sleep I had the idea of breaking-through on the bed and sleep after, somehow it was a bad idea.
Dark visual with pointy Teeths, like a vampire's mouth or something, full of lines. Couln't fell confortable until lay down on the hard floor and from nowhere the visuals got clean up. To have a clear idea of what was happening I looked in the room for some kind of threat, maybe the spice was alerting me of a little insect, maybe spider. Couldnt find anything. Probably the spice think my bed is somehow not confortable to sleep or it is doing something harmful to my body. Slept on the hard floor, best sleep of my life.
Day 2
low dosages through the day, had some demand for a break-through
I sat on the sofa with music on the background and did lots of little hits on the vape, about 5 or 6 seconds each, holding 20 to 30sec(probably 6 to 8 hits total, I have no clue) until I coulnt handle anymore the vape on my hands. It happened, but not as I preview. The trip was a hit on the hyperspace and back really fast. I comeback really confuse I saw myself as an alien, kind orc structure with a mix of tree and the veins were big as fingers, pumping blue/green light, somehow healing color idea. I was stunned, it was amazing. I felt connected with another been, like he came to see 'whats going on buddy?'. I already had this kind of trip like the insight before, about 4 years ago with a heavy night of mix of pills/mdmaa, 2c-b and loads of ketamine. Well, coming back, the reality distortion were strong and perspective of the illusion turning into reality was at high rpm ^^
Felt amazing for long minutes, when it came down I started again with the small hits, so far so good.
Than things started to get strange, the spice was making me fell like I was on alcool drunk state, laughing for anything, kind heavy and dizzy.
I started to high up my doses(I was drunk somehow
) and the things was going like I'm seem the true spice, at least I felt that.
Tentation and blissfullness, desire of life and death, awareness and drunkness, fast and slow, certain and uncertainty, all that at same time running on the space between my cells, each one having their own universe and those thoughts were running through it.
After sometime the visuals start to vanish, and the real thoughts with memories of my life passed all inside my head, the places I went, partys I went, the people I met. First, it got me on the lust, It was a sexy-spice-clickbait
, I think that is the best I can name it. So things got very sexualized on the memories, did not turned normal things on sexual, but make sexual memories with more lust than ever, and after long minutes on that, it clears showing me people I met and how they were good and kind. Than, the heavy part, its showed how I was bad to them. It was heavy shit, the visuals were not there, but the spice was working showing how merciless and stupid I was with people. My ego went to the garbage, I felt the worst person in the world. At that moment I was smoking more spice, but it totally denied me, it was trying to show me something. Heavy, heavy, heavy insights, the spice was merciless with me, grabed me for the idea of lust, so that after it could hit me stronger on the ego. Its was strong, painful(not fisically), a hurricane of hope lost, I might say. After been broke down, stoped with the abuse of the spice, mind was at 100k rpm, bad thoughts, bad vibe, had a shower, had more insights, broke more down. The spice effect went off and things got clear. It was sad and dark, but somehow I fell great after the experience. Those memories were denied on my past and after that Im felling more 'me' been myself, light and focus. Felt like a heavy-duty industrial washing machine on mind and soul.
Edit: Update
Day 3
Very moderate to low use, after that experience on day 2 Im feeling more active to do things.
Day 4
Low dosage and small insights, good trip but The e-juice is finished, now need to go buy some more.