Today i tried it! Here's a report.
subject: male,19yr old,70kg, well rested, ate good meals, time of day - early night, recent drug/medication usage - none, substances used - cannabis in the form of joint and banisteriopsis caapi tea. effects of banisteriopsis caapi were felt within 40 minutes of consuming the tea (no dmt content in it just the harmalas) effects of cannabis felt within 2 minutes after smoking, peak was reached at the 35 minute after first effects of tea were noticed. The total experience lasted 4 hours, peak lasted for 1+ h.
My soboer october +15 days of november ended, the previous day i cleaned the house and did few things to impove my set and setting. I worked out and ate well i went to bed early so i can sleep well, woke up took shower, drink ginger + green tea, breakfast, walked in the park, perpeared my meals for the day so i wont have to later, i ate i meditated i worked out, did some work at my home and then after eating my last meal i went to drink my caapi tea and i ate one mango with it. Whem caapi tea effects were felt cannabis was smoked 0,60g rolled in joint.
21:00 - Caapi tea consumed, taste bitter but not too gross not pleanst not bad, brewing information from internet and via communication with the caapi supplier.
21:42 - first effects of caapi noticed light euphoria, colour brightness enhanced,blurry vision,thoughts flow, little dizzy, nausea, relaxation physical and mental, concerned i might vomit
21:50 - I light incense and i light the joint i smoke it in about 10 minutes, effects of joint felt withith first 2 minutes of puffing, feeling heavy, i dont feel like even moving my limbs i feel so heavy, relaxed just watching the tv but i cant concentrate on it because i think about my thoughts really creative, the joint was smoked and while i was feeling really heavy and i didnt feel like moving my limbs my body felt like it moved towards the ceilling, deffinetly closed eyed visuals not colorful, not intense just interesting.
22:00 - i can feel the caapi and cannabis effects are building up really strong, i open the window for some fresh air and i lay in bed to acclimate to the changes, i watched a podcast but i couldnt understand what they were talking about i had to focus and i couldnt remember for 1 minutes whats the conversation about. I lay in bed for 20-30 minutes and i pretend i know what these people on the podcast are talking about, even if you was in the room you would think "Oh this guy is a serious thinker and listener you know hes thinking of something deep" but in reality i was like a potato i only watched and couldnt process one thing.
22:40 - The effects manifested, it was serious now, color brightness greatly enhanced,sound is wierd,blurry vision,not good focus,vibrating vision every now and then, double vision, light oev's when i look with peripheral vision, with very noticable cev's i feel like my body is levitating (when im sitted) and i feel like my window is sucking my consciousness out of my body i decided its good idea to play some meditation music and meditate in darkness.
23:00 - I put my headphones and i play meditation music i sit in meditation position and i inhale through my nose and exhale throught my mouth,few mins inhaling exhaling my body becomes numb and i cant feel my body (which is normal when i meditate) but now i really dont feel like i have body i feel like im being sucked out of my body the meditation music is guiding the physical sensations, something that surprised me is i started getting really beautiful closed eye visuals (geometric,clock mechanism, rings spinning, plant leafs growing really beautiful they were flashing in purple colour light or dark purple some red and dark orange, felt great euphoria, warm feeling, my whole body is vibrating, btw i still have the feeling like my concusness is being sucked out of my body while i have these cev's. My body feels like its levitating but at the same time i feel dissociation from my body but at the same time my body is numb i cant feel it. Meditation was about 30 minutes felt like a lot more. I open my eyes and i look at the floor, vision stil blurry shaky, color brightness double vision, vision was also 'breathing' this effect lasted about 10 minutes after i opened my eyes, i drank 1 glass of water because i got nauseous, i lay down on bed i breath and i feel like vomiting i watched nature documentary, effects slowly wearing off.
00:00 - i feel good, nice foggy feeling im very happy that im back in this interesting state of mind i feel more calm and patient. Writing this report now, im feeling tired and groggy from the experience i want to rest.
The experiences was worth it, not for everyday, very intense, strong physical sensations, very noticable cev's and some oev's, thoughts flow still i felt clear headed relaxed, sedated, i cant describe 100% accuratly what it was like but those were the things that stood out.