Hi, I am very happy to be here.
I have visited time to time looking at threads regarding certain plants. But lately with my growing interest (borderline obsession) with Trichocerous I have been reading a little bit deeper and starting to appreciate the overall vibe of this forum.
I am already a member on STS and I plan to be an active member here.
Our time on Earth in this life is very fleeting, each moment is precious and I believe I want to spend my free time here with you, some of the reasons are as follows.
I love to learn and more and more I find I spend a lot of my free time researching on my little hand held computer. I think people in general are much the same as they were hundreds, if not thousands of years ago, though circumstances certainly have changed a lot. But lately I have been having this thought that there must be millions of people just like me all over this beautiful blue, green earth that are spending more and more of their free time researching all kinds of things, and perhaps with opportunity and resources that have never been available before we will have a substantial group of super educated individuals that can help to shift consciousness as we so desperately need.
Plants are my religion. We are so ignorant of so much of the life on this planet. A few decade ago people would have laughed at me if I said that plants communicate, learn, and watch over their young, but now these things are being shown to be true with science.
So what more is going on that we do not see?
I have the deepest love and respect for Native Americans. The peoples of the one America lived in harmony and reverence for the land and all of nature. The lands and waters were bountiful because of this. The history that most people have been taught is false, Native Americans had in my view the most sophisticated culture anywhere in the world. I believe this because:
-50-75% of todays food crops are from Americans cultivation.
-They had vast cities, one in N. America was larger than London before Columbus arrived.
-The diseases that wiped out over 90% of Americans were so devastating because they lived in harmony with the land and nature did not produce disease like that against them.
-they did not have "sophisticated" weapons because they were for the most part not waring cultures. They played lacrosse and other sports to solve disputes. Neil Degrass Tyson just published a book about science and military being hand in hand, technology has advanced with military. But it is my view that in the absence of strong military necessity the Native Americans had advanced social, spiritual, and plant wisdom technology.
In this way they did not need written words to pass on wisdom. I believe they understand the collective consciousness that is in all living things. A wise Native American just told me "seeds are the ancient memory and the plants are the living libraries"
When we quiet the mind we find truth/wisdom.
In the Bible it talks about Jesus sitting alone every night (meditating)
The plants are intelligent and I don't quite understand, but somehow we can connect and they guide us.
I believe we have a mental health epidemic. There are billions, trillions of dollars spent on mental health- anti mental health called marketing. There are labs in some of the best schools in the world where they work on how to create behavior modifications and get people addicted to apps, games, products. So much of marketing works by convincing people they are inadequate, not complete, lacking, broken, not good enough.
Drug addiction is a result of this and a society that rewards the wrong behavior. Individuals that are naturally empathetic, caring, thoughtful, and insightful must live in a world that is at odds with their values.
Sorry if this is a bit choppy, it's just off the cuff and raw, but it's my truth.