This was probably the most prfound one yet.
I had taken 5-htp the night beforre, woke up wioth a 1-2 hour seleep benefit, had a coffee and went back to sleep. Thhe vibrations would start and come in waves as usual. I'd eventually remember to go beyond the buzzing by relaxing more into it. Soon i'd discover that i coould somehow prevent the rather destructive "frequency buzz" in my ears by imagining lines like arrows coming from the side in a slight angle, sort of "tightening" the signal. This way i was able to completly go beyond the earbuzz, and feel only the bodily sensation, could make it grow sronger and stronger by shortening the period beween wave basically pulsating at a higher frequency. TRhis way, i could sort of "lock in" that state and make it more stable. This way i could experience it for at least half an hour.
At first i was expeecting to be transported to some place or to see something...but i slipped gradually into a more and more phantastical, real life state iin which i was able to dream myself into wonderous situations...not will myself, but let stuff happen with childlike wonder. Slight flashes of thought would lead into things happening like starting to communicate in neon-handwriting with someone "Hello, how are you?" was the first sentence. But i could also make objects appear like colorful balls of thick marshmallow consistency and half-liquid core, sort of like alien potatoes. I could open my eyes at one point, my astral eyes and examine parts of my room on a micro level, percieving the wallpaper as a living morphing being, walking to the fridge trying to eat an egg with its shell..seeing this new real real world as a playground a different chance to try what is usually impossible to try...
But always with a level of fear, because i wasn't sure wether or not i was awake or not. "What if you are just awake but insane?"
I played some music, but the band played another song which was a truly magical tune...the same song but transposed into another dimension. It was still the same song even though it was unrecognizable judging from the melody alone. But one could experience sameness still. The singer would also sing profound sounding poetry like "Patience is the green water of eternity" - i pondered willing myself to wake up so i would not forget what was being said....but decided against it.
After "waking up" most of my experience was gone instantly ..strangely enough since i was already "awake" in this out of body state in which i was just in another body, in a more magical, psychedelic copy of our world...