So, according to Ron69's explorations and Jorkest d-limonene bufo tek, when you use acetone for pulling bufotenine freebase out of the anadenanthera seeds, it will keep in normal (call it wet due his water content) acetone, so after that you have to put FASA (fumaric acid saturated acetone) on the 600ml solution of acetone with the bufotenine freebase on it.
That procedure renders bufotenine fumarate from bufotenine freebase, and it will precipitate out because bufotenine fumarate is insoluble in acetone But is soluble in water, so any water present in normal, or hardware store "wet" acetone will keep goodies. but i don't know the relation or solubility capacity of the water (how many miligrams of bufotenine can 100ml of water keeps inside).
So, I'm wondering if it is better to do all the process with anhydrous acetone instead of normal acetone (the Jorkest d-limonene Tek doesn't mention anhydrous acetone).
Thanks to all