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why do so many dmt users believe in 2012? Options
#61 Posted : 11/5/2009 4:18:50 PM

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yeah, the y2k thing was completely different... it was not a myth, and some computer systems did have problems, it was a simple glitch that was easy to understand and to be honest, the reason it didn't cause more problems is probably because the problem was anticipated and acted upon... the simple idea that as a coder if you wrote xx instead of xxxx then your code would end up producing incorrect dates, which throws off databases, etc etc... well, it was not a prophecy based on blind faith.... but like I said the 2012 thing, it's not even a prophecy because it makes no predictions.

If anyone gave me good reason to do anything different on 2012 then maybe I would... for 2yk, computer scientists recognised a problem and it was dealt with in a responsible manner, but like 2012 the folks who did not understand the logic overreacted and almost bizarrely acted like doomsday was inevitable. This is important now because we have this global warming crisis that could easily be fixed if humans acted upon the advice given to them, most people seem resigned to armageddon, the world is in desperate need of leadership and more appropriate responsibility.
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#62 Posted : 11/6/2009 8:50:34 AM

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Wow this thread moved quick. I need some time to compile through all the info and form a conclusion.
#63 Posted : 11/6/2009 1:16:14 PM

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2012 crash course:

I think I like the Internet.
#64 Posted : 11/6/2009 6:22:29 PM

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cellux wrote:
2012 crash course:

I think I like the Internet.

i couldnt make it through that whole vid, she was cute though lol.

Heres 2 clips for the mayan movie thats coming out. Straight from a grand elder himself.

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#65 Posted : 11/14/2009 1:03:14 PM

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I don't know why that elder is denying that the Maya's practiced human sacrifice. They most likely did.

Anyway though I finally got through this thread. It appears most of the replies were from those who don't attach any special significance to 2012.

The only responses from those who did attach significance is summed up that some new age will happen. Which is sufficiently vague to not really mean much of anything.

Anyway I think thread is pretty much done no real hard core 2012 enthusiasts around.
#66 Posted : 11/16/2009 8:26:18 PM

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The computer-clock-bug did nothing in the year 2000, and I doubt anything will happen when the Mayan's calendar runs out either.

Y2K was about selling pop tarts.

while i dont consider myself to be a hardcore 2012 enthusiast, i am curious that no one mentions WHY the Mayan calendar ends in 2012?

I am no expert here either, but i have read some very interesting angles to this story. probably the most realistic is the notion that the Mayan calendar was developed over many generations, as the ancient people coming over the land bridge from siberia to alaska, and south. they were following polaris which they perceived as the center of the galaxy. as they moved south, they realized this was not the case, eventually determining the center of the milky way to be in the direction of Sagittarius. this was the womb of the universe, and they knew it was a black hole.(Hunab-Ku) .
After determining the center of the milky way, were they able to track the precession of the equinoxes, and from that fixed point, they could map time forward and backward, and developed their great year (25,800 yrs approx) calendar.

what happens on dec 21 2012 is not a hollywood movie, but an astronomical alignment between earth, the sun, and the center of the milky way(sgr a*).
many modern scientists believe that the center of the milky way is a supermassive black hole. what do you think would happen when our sun passes directly between us and our origins for the first time in 25,800 years?
#67 Posted : 11/16/2009 8:38:27 PM

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cellux wrote:
2012 crash course:

I think I like the Internet.

I saw that a while back..girl doesnt seem liek she even knows what she is talking about..the mayan's do not say that the world is going to end in 2012..they dont even say that they know if ANYTHING is going to happen in 2012..everything they talk about points to a change..not an end..and parts of it are backed up by nasa.

Everyone seems to have this misinterpretation of what the actaul mayan's think these days..you see it everywhere..people that dont really know what they are talking about laughing at the mayan peoples for believing the world is ending..or other people talking all this dooms day BS about it actaully ending.
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#68 Posted : 11/17/2009 12:08:19 AM

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yeah, obviously if the calendar tracks a span of 25,800 years, and the end point is baktun (12/12/2012) how could this indicate the end of the world? doesn't science tell us that the earth is several billion years old or something? the world didn't "begin" 25,800 years ago, so how or why would it "end" in 2012?

T. McKenna and others point to dec 12, 2012 as the approaching singularity. in other words it is when the earth and all inhabitants will experience/witness more novelty in several minutes than has been experienced in the last millions of years. this is where the line on the graph goes off the charts into the unthinkable.

Carl Sagan is famous for saying we are star stuff of star stuff, or something like that. Looking at images of galaxies it is easy to see how they could have formed. they are disc shaped with spirals radiating from the center (which is often or always a supermassive black hole). this is the birth place. is it also a worm hole? is it pure information? what sort of energy/information transfer will occur at the time of the alignment?
#69 Posted : 11/17/2009 9:14:31 AM

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T. McKenna and others point to dec 12, 2012 as the approaching singularity.

This claim by T Mckenna makes literally no sense. He had no idea what he was talking about when he said that. Singularity? I don't even think he knew what that meant.

Carl Sagan is famous for saying we are star stuff of star stuff, or something like that. Looking at images of galaxies it is easy to see how they could have formed. they are disc shaped with spirals radiating from the center (which is often or always a supermassive black hole). this is the birth place. is it also a worm hole? is it pure information? what sort of energy/information transfer will occur at the time of the alignment?

Galaxy formation is not so simple. Its still an area of intensive research in cosmology.

Nothing will happen with galactic alignment. The entire idea is a myth. There is no single instant where we will be "perfectly" aligned with the center of the galaxy. Any astronomer will explain why this is not true. We are talking about huge distances our planet is a speck.
#70 Posted : 11/17/2009 9:31:28 AM

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I remember reading HIGH TIMES(damn should have saved that issue. could be on vacation now after EBAYVery happy ) as a teenager with the Terrance interview and his "novelty chart centerfold" 76 to 79 ? maybe. I though it was pretty dry as a immature teen reader . He said in his own words "change will reach a peak". No end of the world or other ultimate disaster. It makes no difference if you agree with Terrance or not 99percent of the things that are now attributed to him are fallacies.

Thats a bit whacked because he did say and do many interesting things. To bad they are not recognized as often as the many misnomers.

#71 Posted : 11/17/2009 12:24:03 PM

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You know the Terence Mckenna idea of novelty to me sounds very much like moores law, which applies to many different things, futurists believe in a technological "singularity" that term is used loosely these days to describe some kind of epoch... I wonder very much about the exponetial rate of change, because it's not hard to imagine a near future with a crazy amount of computer power and rapidly evolving technology that may just bring about a 2012 type of event in our lifetimes... but there is no reason to believe the novelty theory or any mayan prophecy with that...
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#72 Posted : 11/17/2009 12:58:10 PM

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Nothing will happen with galactic alignment. The entire idea is a myth

if this alignment is a myth, then how, or why do you think the Mayans developed their long count calendar with such a specific end date?
do you not think they were able to track the precession of the equinoxes?
#73 Posted : 11/17/2009 3:35:46 PM

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He said in his own words "change will reach a peak". No end of the world or other ultimate disaster.

exactly. the ultimate disaster is a hollywood senario.

It makes no difference if you agree with Terrance or not 99percent of the things that are now attributed to him are fallacies.

fallacies? um care to elaborate? i have read 2 full length books, and listened to probably 30+ hours of audio in the past 4 years, and i am not sure what you mean by this.

This claim by T Mckenna makes literally no sense. He had no idea what he was talking about when he said that. Singularity? I don't even think he knew what that meant.


skip ahead to the last 2 minutes for his description of singulatrity. i kinda think he knew what he was talking about.

Galaxy formation is not so simple. Its still an area of intensive research in cosmology.

true that. galaxy formation is anything but simple. here is some new data:


scientists are beginning to understand and correlate the role that supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies played in their formation.
me, a non-scientist, artist, traveler, researcher, grower, builder type looks at hubble images of galaxies, and can 'see' how they were formed. the action is at the center.
#74 Posted : 11/17/2009 3:50:08 PM

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I think alot of people seem to dumb down what Mckenna was really aboutand what he was saying.
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#75 Posted : 11/17/2009 7:03:31 PM
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Yesterday i went to that emmerich movie. It was a typical emmerich style spectacle wich i mean in a positive as well as a negative way.

The negative first: as with all his movies, what you see is totally unrealistic and so way over the top that it is often rather hillarious then dramatic. You can exactly predict who is gonna die and how everything is gonna go, from the beginning on.

The positive: there where moments that, although i knew that the main characters where gonna survive anyway, it was still pretty exhilirating.

#76 Posted : 11/18/2009 2:26:57 AM

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"fallacies? um care to elaborate? i have read 2 full length books, and listened to probably 30+ hours of audio in the past 4 years, and i am not sure what you mean by this."

Well the End of the world and the existence of Aliens form another dimension immediately come to mind these are some big misnomers. He talked about many things in speculation nothing wrong with that and do not misunderstand me I enjoyed his work. Go out on the net and read all the 2012 threads on the net there are all chalk full of BS and the main sources of these erroneous assumptions are Terrance and the Mayans.

It would be a different story if he was still alive he would likely speak out and clarify some of his statements. I guess my tone may have been a little harsh I could have said there are a myriad of assumptions based on his statements and writings that have been misconstrued as some kind of Fact which they are not and originally they were not presented as such.

Its is a shame he is gone because I am sure he would have some interesting things to say and the whole 2012thing would most likely be portrayed in a different manner. The way it appears now is almost like some death cultShocked . Terrance himself would likely be shocked by the run away out of control assumptions being presented.

I am confident that he would not be very impressed with the new Movie or all the pop culture BS that is going around these days.

#77 Posted : 11/18/2009 2:35:56 AM

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Of course I believe in 2012. I also believe in 2011 and 2013.

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#78 Posted : 11/18/2009 2:36:35 AM

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#79 Posted : 11/18/2009 3:06:47 AM

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In spite that this might ruin my reputation on this site, I will post my strong held beliefs.

There is only one moment and that moment is now and it is eternal. The mind of almost every man women and child on planet earth right now is filled with thoughts that formed from memories of a past now and these thoughts create the idea of a possible future that is not now. The mind, or movement of thoughts creates the illusion of time, future and past. When one sits in no-mind, or none thinking mind, the future and past drop away and one is filled with the only moment that is real, now.

Due to the telescoping evolutionary nature of humans civilization (globalization, pluralism) on this planet, most humans are getting information(turned into thoughts) faster and faster. Therefore, most humans are getting more and more confused, more lost in thoughts, more lost in mind and more lost in the illusion of time. But as we near 2012, the crescendo or epoch will be reached where we will either have to suspend thoughts, enter the now and evolve as a society, or go more deeply into the confusion of the mind and eventually be destroyed by its confused idiotic nature.
#80 Posted : 11/18/2009 2:28:17 PM

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Well the End of the world and the existence of Aliens form another dimension immediately come to mind these are some big misnomers. He talked about many things in speculation nothing wrong with that and do not misunderstand me I enjoyed his work.

ok, so let me try to get this straight...you are posting ^this on a forum that is chalk full of threads from hundreds of members recalling smoking said tryptamines, blasting off into another dimension(hyperspace) and meeting alien entities, or what not.--Do you consider all these accounts to be misnomers as well?? Razz sorry dude.

Go out on the net and read all the 2012 threads on the net there are all chalk full of BS and the main sources of these erroneous assumptions are Terrance and the Mayans.

true, tons of bs. been there, but they were not POSTED by terrence or the mayans.

Terrance himself would likely be shocked by the run away out of control assumptions being presented.

i doubt that, he had far too much understanding of culture and reality to be shocked.

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