Quote:just came here to talk down to someone.
lol I always find it funny when people point like that on others, while actually making this themselves. But this is an age old known behavior. Everybody does it. Sri Aurobindo once made a funny comment about this in his aphorisms.
Why do you wanna think so negative about other people?
Quote:he sarcastic attitude isn't very constructive in this environment.
Lol, it also isn't deconstructive, at least not meant like that.
It's just the way I often like to communicate. I can hardly ever be very serious.
And yes, I know, sometimes people don't like it or interpret it as offensive, but that's the way I am. But you can be assured that I don't think negative in any way about anything you said.
Our egos always alter the way you wanna communicate something, that's just how it is. But to get upset about that doesn't make any sense IMHO.
Quote:but I doubt you bothered to look
Again, why so negative?
Sure I had a look at it, but it isn't directly related to the way the Periglandula fungi work (on the mentioned HBWR), that's why I pointed that out.
Don't take things personally, in most cases people don't wanna attack you, but it's ones own interpretation of it. And even if they deliberately wanna attack you, feeling negative about it is the wrong way, IMHO. Just stay happy...is my way on this approach.
As I always say: Egos are like parrots, just a bit more complex. Would you ever get upset about anything a parrot says?
I claim not that this is the truth. As this is just what got manifested into my mind at the current position in time on this physical plane. So please feel not offended by anything I say.