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First Mescaline Experience Options
#1 Posted : 9/25/2018 4:43:10 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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So I'm getting ready for my first mescaline experience and thought I'd write it down here. I'll update as I go. I'm still preparing right now.

I took a 33" section of a woefully neglected Bridgesii, de-spined it, sliced it into 1/2" sections and dried it for several days in a food dehydrator. About 2/3 of the cutting had dark spots, some kind of fungus I think, and I kept that separate from the clean section with the idea of extracting the former and eating the latter. After powdering I was left with ~70g of contaminated material for extraction and ~22g of clean material which was hand-loaded into 72( Shocked ) 00 gel caps. That's a lot of pills to swallow but I suppose it's no different from eating an elephant. Unless nausea sets in before I can finish. I have to have water to swallow a pill so there will be a lot of water in my stomach by the time I'm done, for better or worse.

The extraction is in progress. I'm using 69ron's D-Limonene extraction. I fasted all day yesterday and will continue until I consume the cactus, which I expect will be tomorrow. I don't think the extraction will be done in time to do it today and still go to bed at a reasonable hour.

I didn't fully evaporate the vinegar and around 1500 today I drank it. I think it was around 50ml of liquid. Heeding some good advice I've been given here, I diluted it with a full glass of water and then drank 3 more glasses as I took some of the pills. I did not make it through all of them. I began to have difficulty swallowing them and on the 13th one I choked a bit and had a vomit reflex severe enough that I decided to stop for a while. Maybe I'll take more of them in a bit. Oh, I also cleaned the bowl where the vinegar had been evaporating with roughly a shot of golden grain and mixed that in with it. Also, after I quit with the pills I smoked a bowl of cannabis to help with nausea. No definite effects yet.

+4:00hrs and I just purged. I appear to be vomiting blood but I'm not sure. Could be the stuff I drank plus the tea I've had since. I've been having mild visuals for a while now. Breathing and undulating in patterns. Shakiness. Nothing extreme though.

+5:00hrs and I just purged again. Pretty sure I'm vomiting blood. I guess fasting for 72 hours and then drinking vinegar, everclear and a little orange oil is hard on the stomach even with all the water lol
I haven't told my wife. Don't want to alarm her. I assume the vinegar I drank was just too strong even in a glass full of water. Perhaps I didn't take downwardsfromzero's warning seriously enough.

+11:00hrs and it's been a long, strange trip. While I wasn't surprised by the vomiting, I didn't expect to vomit blood and it started to make me a little paranoid. In a moment of weakness I called the poison control hotline, told the guy generally what I had done, while leaving out key specifics, and what was happening and he insisted that I go to the ER. So I drove myself and there I spent the next four hours. It wasn't terribly unpleasant. I was tripping but not so hard I couldn't contain myself. I was reasonably comfortable and I felt calm and unworried. After some blood work (the results of which no one specifically discussed with me--I wondered whether they would be able to detect mescaline metabolites or whatever in my blood and if they did what they would do with that information), a CT scan and a lot of waiting around I eventually learned what I already suspected: that drinking such a highly acidic concoction on a very empty stomach (after fasting for 3 days, I have stomach that has never seen food) was just too rough on my stomach lining. They gave me a PPI and I think something else and sent me home with a warning to avoid acidic foods for the next few days.

I'm still tripping but I'm coming down. I just ate a cracker. It was a good cracker.
iamdave attached the following image(s):
1V9A1593.jpg (1,337kb) downloaded 173 time(s).
It seems to me immensely unlikely that mind is a mere by-product of matter. For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true. They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms.
--JBS Haldane

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 9/25/2018 11:18:35 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Waiting for the second wash to soak. Thought I'd take some pictures.
iamdave attached the following image(s):
1V9A1559.jpg (1,753kb) downloaded 193 time(s).
1V9A1561.jpg (1,263kb) downloaded 190 time(s).
1V9A1570.jpg (2,217kb) downloaded 189 time(s).
1V9A1571.jpg (1,527kb) downloaded 189 time(s).
1V9A1572.jpg (1,846kb) downloaded 188 time(s).
It seems to me immensely unlikely that mind is a mere by-product of matter. For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true. They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms.
--JBS Haldane
#3 Posted : 9/27/2018 8:54:29 PM

Boundary condition

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The bleeding probably came from the corrosive effect of the acid on your oesophagus, weakening it sufficiently that the muscular action of retching caused it to rupture slightly. And why the everclear?!?

The only recorded death from peyote was that of an alcoholic who was still under the influence when he ate the peyote. This induced such violent and persistent retching that he died of a ruptured oesophagus.

Good that you went to ER, not so great that you drove yourself there... Do you live somewhere where ambulances are expensive? Even so, driving under the influence of any psychedelic is strongly discouraged. Please look after yourself (and those around you).

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#4 Posted : 9/30/2018 4:38:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Taking some pejuta and putting it in a glass jar out in the sun for a few days and then drinking it is how I do it.

Never once have I puked much less puked blood in all my experiences.

I try to be a sucker for easy and safe.
When I graft you graft we graft
#5 Posted : 10/1/2018 5:52:20 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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downwardsfromzero wrote:
The bleeding probably came from the corrosive effect of the acid on your oesophagus, weakening it sufficiently that the muscular action of retching caused it to rupture slightly. And why the everclear?!?

The only recorded death from peyote was that of an alcoholic who was still under the influence when he ate the peyote. This induced such violent and persistent retching that he died of a ruptured oesophagus.

Good that you went to ER, not so great that you drove yourself there... Do you live somewhere where ambulances are expensive? Even so, driving under the influence of any psychedelic is strongly discouraged. Please look after yourself (and those around you).

I used the Everclear to clean the residue from the bowl where the vinegar had been evaporating. I don't like transfer losses. And I thought it might speed absorption. At the very least a shot of Everclear on an empty stomach is never a bad time.

The death you mention sounds hideous. That poor fellow. I've often combined moderate drinking with mushrooms, my routine once included two glasses of chardonnay and some weed, but being drunk and taking anything that's going to upset my stomach or give me the spins is utterly unappealing. I'd rather deal with almost any other physical discomfort than nausea. Thankfully, I'm not prone to it and I'm a stoner to boot. With some things it can't be avoided though. That night, my lack of confidence wasn't in the drugs I had taken but rather in my method of administration in concert with my bodily condition. I was pretty sure it wasn't a big deal but I wasn't certain and felt like I'd rather be safe than sorry. Especially after the guy at the poison control center told me my symptoms were no joke and it was urgent that I go.

I appreciate your concern about me driving myself. I'd like to set your mind at ease about my judgment in the matter. Ambulances are very expensive here, especially when insurance doesn't pay for them, but I never even considered calling one. While that was my first real mescaline experience, I'm a veteran of psilocybin (also salvia but obviously that's a whole different ballgame) and knew that I was okay to be driving. I left 6+ hours after administration and was confident that my trip had peaked. These things can surprise you, of course, but I know from long experience that I can keep my head through all but the strongest of trips and at that point it was very unlikely it would go from mild to overwhelming. I did many reckless things in my youth, some of which I have paid and in some ways am still paying a high price for, and while I wouldn't repeat those mistakes or encourage anyone else to go those ways they did teach me a lot about what's possible and what my limits are. These days, I have no wish to live outside of those limits.

Wakinyan wrote:
Taking some pejuta and putting it in a glass jar out in the sun for a few days and then drinking it is how I do it.

Never once have I puked much less puked blood in all my experiences.

I try to be a sucker for easy and safe.

Interesting. I would have thought the sunlight would break it down. How do you process it before you put it in the jar and how much material do you use? Easy and safe sounds good to me.
It seems to me immensely unlikely that mind is a mere by-product of matter. For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true. They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms.
--JBS Haldane
#6 Posted : 10/1/2018 6:56:23 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sun tea pejuta is very simple.

Take a handful of pejuta and put it in a jar. Handful being defined as enough to cover the surface of the palm of your hand.

Add water.

Put out in direct sunlight.

If your pejuta is fresh and alive you will have light green tea in a few days time. 4-7 days is all that is needed to have some descent tea.

It is assumed you will remove the root of course so you can continue growing your specimens from that.

Washing your pejuta to remove any dirt is also advised.

Apart from that, you can also heat it up and add a bit of honey to taste right before you imbibe if you want.

When I graft you graft we graft
#7 Posted : 10/5/2018 7:55:47 PM

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just make tea, use no acid, freeze ur plant first and ur set
grow plants, make tea, love life
#8 Posted : 10/5/2018 7:58:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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ive drank plenty of partially evapped mesc acetate vinegar , probably not the cause of your vomiting blood unless you have underlying issue. i would suggest thorough rexamination of your diet leading up to that point and in general. ive been w many many people in cactus medicine/mesc and vomiting blood is not normal. more to the point of drinking aloe at that point than eating cactus powder w acetates and everclear. sorry homie, that was a rough ordeal.

grow plants, make tea, love life
#9 Posted : 10/11/2018 3:31:45 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Definitely going to try the tea method next time. Big grin
It seems to me immensely unlikely that mind is a mere by-product of matter. For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true. They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms.
--JBS Haldane
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