SWIM has been working on a method like a reverse sodium carbonate wash that SWIM think works very well, although it is still very non-exact
Instead of defatting when the brew is acid you basify just past neutral with sodium carbonate (until it stops fizzing)
SWIM is thinking maybe using baking soda to make losses less likely.
Then you add the solvent.
Reason: SWIM thinks the yellow colour (impurities) seems to be an impurity that is an alkaloid like DMT so it is not caught in a defat, at least not by xylene
SWIM will try naptha later but assumes the weaker solvent won't get it either
Luckily the yellow gunk seems to be able to be pulled off when the PH is between 8-10 (SWIM's guessing)
(SWIM knows that the PKa of DMT is like 8.something and in theory the naptha should pull off some dmt, but in practice SWIM has
never pulled
ANY DMT off a mix of sodium-carbonate-basified. Even when there was no bark involved.)
This step SWIM has only tried with naptha, but hope the (less expensive + stronger) xylene will work.
Although XYLENE might be too stong and pull the DMT that theoretically should be basified....
Anyway. SWIM tried precipitating the naptha pulled off, which was piss yellow and got 0 crystals, then evaporated which left goo which when burned smelled like dirty spice
After this the brew or whatever is more basified with Lye and when the slovent is added it comes out almost 100% clear.
and of course, pearly white crystals.
SWIM thinks that this is could be superior to the sodium carbonate wash because as SWIM sees it, since the yellow is very soluble in naptha, SWIM thinks more-so than in slightly basic water it would just balance out due to solubility so the maximum that the yellow would be reduced in a single wash would be <50%.
Although this is just odd logic speculation, SWIM knows he could be 100% wrong with this logic.
THANKS to anyone who actually reads this, SWIM is just obsessed with getting white crystals and is unpatiently working with his dwindling supply waiting on the 29th day for his bark shipment. haha
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs