Indeed, what you encounter is normal hear plucking rage when filtering rue, right up to the very step you are in now, being filtering re-acidified sediment.
I've even tried vacuum filtering this kind of stuff to no avail.
Be sure all alks are re-dissolved, get a pH paper or pen and get pH down to 4 to 3.
Warming, time and shaking can help to re dissolve all, I give it 24 hrs, a nice overkill.
Then I let settle again, 24h or so, decant the liquid.
Poring off as decanting will disturb bottom layer and make a fuzz, so let the jar stand like settled. Then I skim off [***] the top liquid layer instead of poring tilt wise. This liquid will be re-basified again, re-acidified again, decanted as said, ... I do this until I can coffee filter my acidified liquid fast & easy. Only then I move to manske salt precipitation.
[***] at the avi, that right jar was quite un-filterable.
What to do with the very wet sediments: swirling in some rest liquid they get tossed in a half bowl strainer in which is placed paper kitchen towel(s). The liquid will go trough given due time. If I want it faster then a second identical strainer is ready to receive the wet sediment and poor one strainer into the other. After dripping most, he paper towels and the near dry sediment can get fist squeezed slooowly to not rip the paper, do it above an empty pot, not above your dear liquid you worked hard for getting clean.
There's something about paper kitchen towels that coffee filters can't do. It's like the paper towels are sucking out the sediment (capillary effect of the fibres structure?)
Some people follow slightly different flow, whatever works. I change mine all the time LOL. Now I work pressure pot on whole seeds which is very favourable to avoid filter probs.