Hey my name is Mark and I've been reading forums on the DMT-Nexus for like 2 years...
Ever since I tried LSD for the first time (3 years ago) I've been extremely intrigued with Psychedelics. At first I was just a naive kid just trying to get trippy and have fun. After meeting other psychedelic lovers I heard about DMT and knew it was something I'd want to try, but had 0 access to it or even any information on where to get it. Anyways, I would 'trip' on lsd/shrooms at least 3-5x a month having a blast and probably abusing the drugs in this manner.
A year later (from first trying lsd) I started reading about the effects of DMT and reported experiences. I watched YouTube videos of people trying to explain it, watched documentaries and started reading about it on the DMT-Nexus. Every blue moon I would watch videos/read about DMT for about a year and 3 months straight always fascinated by what people said about it.
Finally, 9 months ago a buddy of mine said he could find me some. Sure enough I bought my first gram and at first I was really disappointed. I was using an oil burner ("meth pipe"
and hadn't done enough research on technique. I burned the DMT, inhaled the most foul and wretched smoke you guys might familiar with and got no results. I gave up on it for 2 weeks or so and then another buddy of mine showed me a little technique and I was baffled by the results. I went home perfected the technique and was dumbfounded by the experiences I was having. But still, I was probably abusing the DMT at this time to "get trippy" and only have fun. But something in my head told me there was more to DMT than just having fun. Also, I never experienced what other people were talking about like "breaking through". So I did a little more research on how others smoked their DMT and realized my method was anything but effective. So I bought a Yocan Magneto vape and my world was changed.
I finally had my first breakthrough when I used the Yocan. I was blasted into another dimension, I was with God and experienced what I believe to be an afterlife in heaven. (I was raised as a Christian but had a different approach to what God considered good and bad, compared to the common Christian) Don't get me wrong, my experience was definitely thrilling and amusing but I realized there was so much more to life than making money and having fun "getting trippy". During my breakthrough I could feel that I was being embraced by God as he wrapped me in his arms of love. He shared information with me, not with words but with a different way of communication I can't describe... I then stopped abusing psychedelics so to say, spread out my trips and started using them to start meditating. I found there was so much more joy in using psychedelics correctly (at least by my definition).
This is where I might start sounding like a crazy hippy, but after my first breakthrough I was determined to find more answers about the spiritual world that I had just opened up my eyes to. So everyday for about 3 months I would set aside a time for me to meditate and smoke DMT. I always thought Christianity was the "correct" religion. But after about a month of meditating and smoking DMT I started to get "visions" or glimpses of other people's religion's views. I started to understand where the Christianity came from, where Buddhism came from, Hinduism and Greek mythology. I came up with this theory (I won't go into detail, but PM me if you're interested in what I have to say about religion) that any and all religions are "correct". I felt like I was able to communicate with trees and nature. I've always been a nature-lover, but DMT has pushed my appreciation for nature to a whole 'nother level... I'd always been careful not to let a drug change me, but DMT has vastly changed me and it's 100% positive.
I lived with my mom (super conservative Christian, HATES drugs and thinks its a sin to do so) at the time and she even commented on how my personality and attitude changed for the better and I just told her that I've been having "dreams" and that I've felt closer to God than I have in my entire life. 3 months after setting time aside everyday to smoke DMT, my mother decided to snoop through my room while I was camping in the mountains with my dog and plenty DMT to just connect with nature. She found my stash of DMT and confronted me when I got home as she thought it was meth (she is completely oblivious to drugs)... I had about 5g of it and threw it all out, I explained that that was what changed me positively, and she basically said "Satan is trying to trick you in finding pleasure in this". She tried to get me to go to drug abuse sessions and help me get back on my walk with her picture of God. Unfortunately her close-mindedness and inability hear what I had to say led me to separate myself from her since she was trying to force her religion on me. It was quite toxic, so I moved out. Since then I haven't gotten my hands on any DMT due to it being such a rare molecule to find. It's been about 5 months since my last breakthrough.
Finally I got tired of waiting around and asking where to find DMT so I finally looked up how to extract it and I was SO relieved to find it's not a complicated process. Just yesterday I started my first batch of extracting and right now I'm just waiting for it to precipitate. Since this is more of a life-style (to me at least) than it is just a drug I figured I should join the DMT-Nexus to share my experiences and beliefs and learn what you Psychonauts have to offer. I was quite deprived of sharing thoughts and opinions about religion and spirituality due to my skepticism of what others would think if I shared my beliefs with my friends since they don't respect psychedelics or drugs at all like I do now. I'm sure they would have thought I've gone completely crazy since they haven't experienced what I have.
I'm so happy I can rely myself on DMT now and I can get back into the swing of things like I had been 5 monghts ago
Much Love!
Much Love!