burnt.. Ive heard claims from raw food people that food when it cooks it becomes more acid and that this, for some reason is worse... so you would say this is total BS, right?
Yes that's another one of their vague claims that has no real basis in physiology.
Quote:but do you think its possible that raw food is healthier than non raw food (considering one ate a balanced meal in both cases) ?
I think the real difference is that people who eat raw food aren't ingesting all kinds of fats and oils that the rest of us who cook normally eat. It has nothing to do with the food itself being cooked but more to do with the ingredients that go with cooking such as saturated fat etc. This is why they all look so healthy because they are only eating vegetables all day. If they were eating boiled vegetables and drinking the water(which dissolves some nutrients) they wouldn't be any more or less nutrient deficient.
I have done raw food diets and rotary diets becasue I had allergies and hypoglycemia..which can lead into diabetes..
Cutting out simple carbs and rotating your foods(all organic) I think is the best thing to do..toomany simple carbs adnthe blood sugar spikes really fast and quickly peaks and then drops..eventaully you will bocome hypoglycemic..and it really sucks trying to reverse it.
This is true. Although it doesn't require raw food it requires cutting out the simple sugars that the modern western diet is loaded with. Like soda and candies sweets especially but also grains can contribute if one is prone to such metabolic syndromes.
The massive amount of sugar intake is leading to a huge increase in diabetes this is certainly true and people who are at risk should change their diet. But they don't need to buy into these diet fads which sometimes are based on faulty information and some of which are extreme and could cause other health problems (like the Atkins diet for example is dangerous).
Quote:The best approach is to eat according to rotatry diet..eat organic and dont overeat on simple carbs and sugars..rotate the different fruits and meats you eat etc.. and drink enough water..add certain herbs into your diet as well for health, but dont overdo it..maybe a different herb for each day of the week.
Yes thats really all you need to do is eat a variety of foods we know to be overall healthy. Its really simple actually. No need for special diets and other fads.