Hi Thefunze,
Your K experience sounds crazy! When trying new drugs try small amounts and work up
I imagine it wasn't great, or parts of it at least.
Your post caught my attention when you spoke about your lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a pretty fantastic state of reality and imo is not like any drug I've ever tried. The ability to control the dream and alter / change what you see is profound. As I'm sure you know being able to get to this stage is not an easy task, it took me a very long time to figure out how to stay asleep when you know you're dreaming. You stated there are many methods of doing this along with the methods of changing the visual properties of your dream. In my opinion being able to remain in the dream is the hardest stage to overcome.
When starting out with lucid dreaming I struggled to remain in the dream just as you have that realisation... "this is a dream" - shortly after I would wake (maybe a second or two). Waking in your dreams and knowing you're dreaming I find to be very empowering. Once you have that and know the feeling you get (in your dream - you just know) you begin to move on.
I have researched lucid dreaming in depth and to be honest I find what's available is very generalised. Every forum, website, wiki states the same basic methods. I have tried various techniques that seem to be shared anywhere relating to this topic. This is just my point of view but I have not found any of them to work at all. In fact some of the stated methods of actually having better control or staying lucid wake me. Spinning being the main one, I have tried this a few times just as you know you're dreaming, I woke every time. Although these may work for some people, they didn't work for me.
This is what works for me.. Sorry if this sounds slightly crazy readers but dreams are hard to explain (the initial aspect of them at least)..
I have various repeated dreams that when experienced - I know I'm dreaming and can become lucid at the exact same point in the dream each time. Hard to explain but for example;
I'm sleeping and dreaming then in the most common repeated dream I'm sat on a very high wall and can see people running in the distance, the dream is exactly the same every time I see the "scene" as it were. I instantly know at that point I'm dreaming. I tend to test it by jumping. When i say jumping I mean like being able to jump over houses or in to the clouds or basically being able to jump really ****in high and not dying on the way down lol..
Jumping is pretty much what I use to confirm the lucid reality, that and being able to make objects move with my mind, telekinesis etc. The feeling is very empowering during the dream. However staying asleep still requires a certain level of dream control.
when dreaming, if you remember your dreams in detail it can be frustrating when you wake after something like:
Not being able to run fast even though you're trying your hardest
Not being able to perform some task that you can do with ease in normal life
Not being able to communicate something
The feeling you get in your dream (or this is my view at least) that feeling of.. WTF is going on! that's when you need to train yourself to know you're dreaming. Getting past that stage is key. Do that and you're on your way.
I do not find anything really influences the ability to become lucid, i believe it's all about your state of mind. I dream daily and remember my dreams when I wake most of the time. I do not however lucid dream daily, I tend to let the lucidity happen as it happens, which to be honest becomes more frequent if you love the dream world.
Dreaming can be whatever you want it be. Use it to your advantage. Dreams can be and are very powerful.
Life is what you make of it - Don't exclude anything - Enjoy it.