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The Eternal Dialogue Options
#1 Posted : 8/26/2018 1:16:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The sense of familiarity is not restricted to a place in the experience, it can also present itself as the dialogue that is eternal and manifests itself in all humans that are not distracted by the automatic machine of cultural constructs.

McLuhans Fish Analogy: "We don't know who discovered the Water but it wasn't the fish".

It seems that we are, in a similiar fashion, deepely embedded in a substrate of consciousness, that is self referential to a point where it encapsulates itself from the eternal dialogue.

- The eternal dialogue is a mode of information transfer that engages the machine that makes us walk and talk and eat in a very balanced way so what needs to be processed can be processed.

- The eternal dialogue is a condition of existence

- The eternal dialogue presents a truth, that transcends individuality

- The eternal dialogue is familiar because it has happend, is happening and will happen, all which can be experienced in the dialogue itself as time is not bound to this substrate.

- The eternal dialogue is perceived as a lessons, but in reality it is just the truth.

One truth.
Not many.
One that clothes itself in different shades of the machine consciousness so ... it can be understood by it.

But engaging with it only helps to carry the truth over.
It is being built up anyways, just not in individual substrates, necessarly.

People screaming for help, trying to grasp for it. Wanting to talk without knowing they actually want to engage with it. IT that always watches and can't be cheated. IT that is so surprising but only because of our arrogance, that is built into the machine substrate.

Deep Rememberance.
Deep Humility.

All things that are psychic are just part of what's real.

I find the eternal dialogue troubling, because it is hard to accept.

Hard to accept the most natural thing.

That most natural thing that is the most craziest.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/6/2018 4:14:21 AM

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i have tried to silence the eternal dialogue, taken by the delusion that it will be enlightenment, just to see all fall into disaster, as truth is denied, becoming silent has no need to shut anything off, even if it is an inner dialogue
moksha is being un-bothered by the truth
#3 Posted : 1/1/2019 10:08:56 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The want for enlightenment: just that kind of desperation, the anxious search. The need to engage with IT.

The eternal dialogue is not just internal, but without space and time.
Just how can we fully engage with life, if we believe life to be a small box of things?

I wonder...

All these fashions of engagement; circular entrapments.

But, if we manage to see that for what it is, can't we wear all kinds of coats?

Lately, i was pondering prayer...

Prayer as a form of giving yourself up...

The will to accept help...

Prayer as poking holes into our own self referentiality so true engagement can actually happen.

Following this notion, self love is forgetting yourself so you can accept the eternal dialoge.

Allowing it to inform your being...

Allowing yourself to be carried by IT...

Even in times where it is hardest to accept...
#4 Posted : 1/2/2019 5:40:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I know exactly what you are talking about. My best words for what you are saying is-

God Is Chasing Me.

Terrified of surrender while knowing that it is inevitable. Trusting in Life. And Death. Letting Go. Of Everything.
#5 Posted : 1/2/2019 6:04:15 AM

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A few more thoughts...

Deep deep sex can be a surrender. This is God in the bedroom.

Orgasm. The Little Death.

So let’s do it. A lot.

It can only get us closer to the Real Thing.

#6 Posted : 1/11/2019 12:05:42 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
The want for enlightenment: just that kind of desperation, the anxious search. The need to engage with IT.

Isn't this search just another act on behalf of the ego? So called 'I' want to be enlightened. Another desire of the separate self. Isn't IT what we truly are?
#7 Posted : 1/13/2019 10:16:29 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Isn't this search just another act on behalf of the ego?

How can we want what we already have? The "Spirituality" act, the desperation... like crudely following a path we don't even know where it leads to. But the feeling of desperation becomes more real, the more we shed layers and layers of surpression ...something is wrong and we would like to know what it actually is. Why does life feel so unnatural, why are we so trapped?

God Is Chasing Me.

Letting Go.

If its impossible to WANT whatever enlightenment is, what can be done?
In Christianity, people have "allowed the spirit of Christ" to "live in their hearts" and they engage with it through prayer. What i did not like about that was the idea that God is a king and you are a peasant. The "devotion"....

But if we cant want what already is there, the only way to experience that...

..is through acceptance

#8 Posted : 1/13/2019 1:59:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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obliguhl wrote:

Isn't this search just another act on behalf of the ego?

How can we want what we already have? The "Spirituality" act, the desperation... like crudely following a path we don't even know where it leads to. But the feeling of desperation becomes more real, the more we shed layers and layers of surpression ...something is wrong and we would like to know what it actually is. Why does life feel so unnatural, why are we so trapped?

Because we don't know that we already have it? We don't know where the path leads to but something calls us there and many of us have spent a long time looking in the wrong places. We're trapped by ideas and concepts, a sense of lack, this makes life seem unnatural because we mistake this for our reality. But once we begin to shed these we will see things clearer.

obliguhl wrote:

If its impossible to WANT whatever enlightenment is, what can be done?
In Christianity, people have "allowed the spirit of Christ" to "live in their hearts" and they engage with it through prayer. What i did not like about that was the idea that God is a king and you are a peasant. The "devotion"....

I struggle with that question too, but that's the result of wanting, desire. I think the answer is just 'to be'. Anything else is an activity of the ego/mind. Maybe you would relate more to Advaita Vedanta philosophy.

obliguhl wrote:

But if we cant want what already is there, the only way to experience that...

..is through acceptance

I agree. Acceptance of every moment as it is.

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