ShamenStamen is right, if you were considering taking psychoactive doses.. But for you its even less of a problem because you're talking about microdosing. In that case there will be no issue at all, since there will be practically no MAO inhibition happening, there will still be plenty of active MAO to destroy the tyramine.
Feel free to eat beans
T36 wrote:plants are alive 2!!! vegans are hypocrites!!!
Im not a vegan, and im not sure if this was a joke but.... If you think this true, this is a horrible argument you put forward. If plants are alive and important, then you will still pound for pound create a lot less suffering in general eating plants than animals because the animals you eat are also eating plants, and they are inneficient in terms of resources per gram of protein. So if you eat 1kg of animal, this means the animal has eaten way more than 1kg of plants to grow that 1kg . If you eat 1kg of plant instead, you will be avoiding the suffering of the animal AND be killing less plants.
Lastly, this is quite offtopic, there are other more appropriate topics for this discussion, or you can start your own. Also the way you wrote seems disrespectful, you are not asking questions or proposing a constructive discussion. Please be more mindful how you communicate here in the future. If you were joking, ignore what I said