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DXM is iboga for poor people Options
#1 Posted : 8/21/2018 2:04:27 AM

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Let me say upfront that I do not intent to glorify this substance, from what I understand it has also got a potential for abuse, and addiction, and also it is unclear how exactly it works or what the long term side-effects could be.

However a few things about it did catch my attention. Just looking at it upfront it is incredibly practical because it is cheap, legal, easily obtainable even in it's pure form. (Not powder perse, but pure DXM capsules, sure)

There have been studies on ketamine helping patients with addictions and treatment resistant depression, with immediately acting effects, we all know about that but since ketamine is controlled, not everybody who needs it could get easy access to it.

Luckily there is an alternative, this compound has similar pharmacological action and it's primary effects come from NMDA receptor antagonism which is believed to play a contributing ketamines positive effects regarding psychological issues such as addiction and depression.

So far I've only had one experience with it, not expecting much out of it. It took just above the threshold level (150mg) and didn't like the experience at all. For the most part I just waited for it to be over. Not much to say about it, it felt like a card being inserted into my brain occasionally blocking some information from properly being worked out leading to minor confusion and just being weirded out for no good reason. So yeah, as a recreational drug it sucks balls.

Anyways... the remarkable thing happened after the experience. The next morning I woke up feeling normal, the morning wasn't filled with regret about just waking up and having to go through the same shit all over again. I figured alright, might be some lingering effects that are raising my mood but that was not the case... I didn't come down from feeling normal, since then I haven't even had a single cup of coffee, a single cigarette, joint, pill, line or otherwise.

Mood levels remained stable, not euphoric, but relaxed and content and relieved from not being lethargic and depressed anymore. I actually realized for the first time since ever what normal feels like, since depression and to a bigger or lesser degree addiction was something I struggled from teenage days, and we all know that we can't count what you felt like as a teen to be normal.

Now I realize that resenting each day just for being alive isn't something that everybody struggles with but some cope with it better and some worse.

This was also coupled with exercise and supplementation with moringa leaf, maca root powder, raw cacao beans and a quality multivitamin which can also be attribute to raising mood levels, but still, before that just helped just so slightly to better cope with it all, but now I wake up fresh, content, and most importantly not even withdrawling.

That's right, withdrawls have completely vanished over night, cravings persist from time to time but are easily shrugged of since I really don't need those addictive substances, and realize that they could just throw away this balance I achieved right now, and possibly not even make me feel better.

So to anyone struggling with addiction and depression, and nothing has worked so far, give this thing a try. You don't need to megadose, one day of minor inconvenience for what seems a reset that lasts as long as you don't decide to screw it all up again.

I have no questions unlike most of my other posts, just sharing my personal experience that I believe could work for a lot of other people as well since I was a hard case. Feel free to tell your view on it or perhaps also experiences.

Again, I don't promote it, and honestly I wouldn't take it again for fun even if I was the most desperate to get any kind of buzz, but I do find the after effects to be fascinating, and if used responsibly I do believe it has an atypical therapeutic potential which is worth to not and the word should be spread since both addiction and depression are serious matters, that need to be dealt with proper care.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/21/2018 11:02:55 AM

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Yeah, i started a thread about this a while ago because i'd read about the antidepressant effects of it and there are simmilarities, pharmacologically.

I think that microdosing it might actually be safer, even. It is sold all over the world as an otc medicine because of it's relative safety. Only when taken in narcotic doses does it become harmfull.

Still i would not take it over a long period because you do devellop tolerance. From what i've read, it starts losing it's effectiveness after 20 days, while the effects of a single dose last for 7 to 9 days. So it has probably the most therapeutic value when used scarcely, to help people get through rough moments.
#3 Posted : 8/21/2018 11:56:07 AM

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dragonrider wrote:
From what i've read, it starts losing it's effectiveness after 20 days, while the effects of a single dose last for 7 to 9 days.

After 20 days of what, daily use? A single dose?
#4 Posted : 8/21/2018 12:32:45 PM

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Jagube wrote:
dragonrider wrote:
From what i've read, it starts losing it's effectiveness after 20 days, while the effects of a single dose last for 7 to 9 days.

After 20 days of what, daily use? A single dose?

Daily use.
Cactus Man
#5 Posted : 1/18/2019 8:03:26 PM
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DXM is also highly abuse-able though, in rare cases even developing into addiction. Watch out for that.
#6 Posted : 12/31/2020 11:41:30 AM

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Very interesting. A comparison to Ketamine and PCP is made on the PsychonautWiki but yours is a real experience report, so it's very nice that there are experience reports to read about here on the DMT-Nexus.

Their wiki page also lists reecptor affinities, for which I haven't reviewed the reference.

The only thing to add from my experience a few months ago is the feeling that 150mg dose like yours, or 125mg threshold dose like on that wiki, is a very high dose. It is also stated in the article that depending on your phenotype, you could be much more sensitive than that statistic populaion.

I had the same long-term benefits with 20mg DXM Hydrobromide (pharmaceutical), and I did not seek to repeat the experience because of the amazing benefits I got from it. I know the brain has exhaustable resources and I don't understand NMDA very well. I might be spiralling out into addictive behavior or losing the ability to benefit or changing my mood for the next years.

Having had experience with LSD microdoses and low doses, the thought of 125mg or 150mg of DXM makes me not even be curious about it. Personally I had nausea at hour 2-3 even with 20mg hydrobromide, but the body connection and brain (attention) was on the verge of being distracting. My speech pattern changed naturally, with the ability to go back to old patterns but an ease of navigating the new possibilities, much like the psychedelics do on not just speech but a large spectrum of subjective experiences. It would not surprise me to see that due to receptor profile, the effects DXM and Ketamine is localized in different physical regions, which are more related to speech and motor regions.

The benefit is, I agree, that the substance is regulated and well researched, with a clearly defined receptor affinity profile, and pharmaceutical safety measures and standards (regulated). With good education about it and good intentions I think it can be a great tool for analyzing proprioception.

Find the wisdom to practice loving-kindness.
#7 Posted : 12/31/2020 2:42:33 PM

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It has some interesting effects on glial cell funtion.


I had a few DXM and ketamine experiences in the year following an Iboga experience, 3 or so years ago. My interests in all 3 of these compounds were multiple, but mostly I was looking for things that would help me with neuropathic pain I was having in my feet and hands, and digestive tract due to ankylosing spondylitis. DXM and Iboga were most similar for myself. Ketamine was certainly more pleasant than DXM. DXM produced deep dissociative visions on one dose I took, probly 500(ish)mg of extracted DXM crystal, that were personal in nature and had some of the transformational aspects that I found Iboga to be just ripe with.

DXM really can be used(somewhat) like an alternative to Iboga, but this stuff feels more fickle really, it interacts with a lot of things. DXM also makes me pretty dizzy at any dose approaching dissociative doses. I never felt a desire to go do the stuff again any time soon.

The stuff did help me, with some of the neuropathic issues. I think it has some useful effects for people dealing with chronic issues that effect mood etc, as well as occasional low doses to help with tolerance to cannabinoids etc for people who really need to maintain consistent use.

It is not permanent and I was supplementing with a lot of $ stuff at the time, on a diet monitored by a physician etc. I had spoken to a nurse about the ketamine before hand and Iboga providers so I kind of modeled my DXM and ketamine sessions around some things I learned ...there was just a lot going on. Don't think DXM is a cure for any sort of illness. It was one small thing I used among a bunch of things to help my system balance out. Psychedelics are being pushed as treatments for all sorts of things now and we should be weary of this approach.

Iboga took me out of my body for hours, showed me things I just cannot ever describe in words. Iboga gave me gifts that are invaluable. It showed me things I dont feel are to be talked about the way we discuss trips here. It is so personal and profound. DXM was like a broken mirror replaying a few of those things on repeat. It was useful and I am thankful for it, but I dont feel like I became part of something deep, important and special, as I did with Iboga.

In a way, Iboga saved my life. At least, it saved me that day. If all poor people have to experience is DXM, that is actually a shame. It beats nothing though, and should be investigated.

Another plus for DXM, is it's legal and can be obtained and extracted easily. Ketamine treatments are $ and will be for a certain class. DXM is more like the underground renegade of the synthetic dissociative psychedelics, and that makes it pretty damn cool.
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