I am not so sure about the DMT thing.
I am pretty new "tantra" and what I experienced so far, is that it is all about myself.
IMHO, tantra and psychedelics teach the same things, radical openness to oneself, to what is happening now, let go of thought (to step out of thought-driven behaviour which is goal-oriented and not freely / without any reason unfolding in the now), come back into my body, fully join MY very OWN feelings and flow (be), now.
Sex is everywhere, this energy is pure sex!Amazing.. thanks for this synergy.
Life is full (of gifts), like Cosmic Lion stated... an endless shower of bliss.
All I experience in this life in every now is myself, it is all me, heartily open up for every aspect of myself and feel it all.
I am here, I am now, I am alive, it is all good.
I am kissing the dirt under my feet, breathe.
Tantric love, tseuq
Everything's sooo peyote-ful..