I have had maybe 5-6 "candyland" experiences in my lifetime, and they usually present me with messages that are very, positive to say the least to my development, or at least in how I have perceived them.
It's usually 6 months to a year apart every time.
I actually learned from Normans tek my first experience, but only recently realized that I should join the community. I'm not sure why, maybe I am yearning for a place to belong, or maybe I am just more settled in my mind, so I am looking to connect with people of similar mindsets.
I enjoy the community here, and I am finding that I am remembering my experiences more just by being a part of the community and actively thinking about my own development.
To prepare for it, I am trying to clean my house, and start planning on a more broad level to have authority over my family's schedule. ( binder for EVERYTHING!)
I am also trying to focus on my health more, I feel like my house is preventing that though with the mess... It's really too much.. I also find that I have low levels of energy. I am quite tired during writing this and I have been up for long enough to be awake...
I feel like until this is dealt with, I won't be ready. Maybe the binder is the solution, and I should just be patient, work on it, and breathe.
I feel the need to work on controlling my "ADHD hyperfocus" (closest description I can find to NEEDING to work hard on a single task until it is finished, and then focusing on another and neglecting some other important tasks)
My intentions for the next experience are to address the issues above that I can't deal with on a physical level. I find that candyland level experiences are very positive for development, almost a gift from God to prepare you for the higher levels. That's enough contemplation from me though.
I'd love to get my hands on some Acuminata, it's gonna take 30-60 days though xD Oh well. I'll have confusa to take care of in the mean time
Cacti will have to wait until I can find a gift, or for extra money to manifest itself
It's about 30$ for a small bulb from what I have found on the market at the moment online..:/
I can legally posess Lophophora Williamsii here, so I am actually waiting to get on STS to see if anyone would be willing to share a gift. I have some Aloe pups starting to show also!
Maybe gift those once they multiply