FIRSTLY. I would not recommend this!!!!
SECONDLY. I am not a drug addict, I intentionally wanted to experiment and see the effects of continuous psychedelic use, we found cannabis had great benefits with tolerance, so wanted to experiment with other psychedelics too, mostly mushrooms.
THIRDLY. Again, CAUTION! i don't recommend this!
We (my partner and I) did shed an incredible amount of emotional baggage from this experiment and have some incredible experiences but also in the process lost our baseline. We are back at baseline now and do feel fantastic, although, for about a week afterwards felt extremely down and depressed, we were expecting that though, due to obviously messing with our serotonin and dopamine, i also found it took my digestive system quite while to recover, i think it become a bit inflamed from agitation of serotonin receptor in my belly.
That is why i think such an experiment is a bit foolish.
Life is about inconsequential fun and pleasure (I hope you agree!) and you have to treat your body and mind right.
So the psychedelics we consumed in this time period were: DMT, LSD, mushrooms(mostly), 2cb, 4-ho-met, changa, salvia and cannabis(in every shape and form)
I have decided to stick to the natural substances, DMT, mushrooms, salvia and cannabis, you can get all you need from them!
I will take relatively long periods (at least two weeks, a month even better) between psychedelic use for maximum benefit and not to cause and damage to my body or mind.
The only psychedelics i would use perhaps more frequently is mushrooms (in mircodoses, otherwise ill wait for a full reset) and cannabis(but not an everyday thing)
I realised the importance of having a baseline for emotional stability and although the time helped me through a lot of past trauma and baggage, i feel the same results could have been obtained from higher infrequent doses.
I dont regret this experiment at all though, happy i had the opportunity to do it, do feel now though that this type of psychedelic use is abuse and thats why i wouldn't recommend it, now i am on a minimum two month sobriety reset.
psychedelia inc.