Icyseeker wrote:Yeah that describes me to a T. Peace and love.
I'm starting to think HPPD is diagnosed as a disorder, whereas its morea state that has been reached. we consider hyperactivity a disorder in children, this is not particularly the case, it could just be the way children behave. just like HPPD could possibly be somewhat a natural psychedelic progression, like you are unlocking something in your mind, I think visuals are something humans should inately have the power to control moreso than we do currently, manipulation of the inner world should be taught at schools. learning how to interpret your visuals, understanding what it means to see visuals. why they occur and how to use them to your betterment.
Sometimes when I am experienceing a blissful moment, my visuals all culminate together as if it where a symphony, as if thousands of little patterns are cheering on the circumstance, creating a larger, more broad feeling of bliss. a state that I have not had before I experienced living in psychedelia.
wake 'n breakthrough bebiii