Thank you both for your responses.
Some very valid points are made.
Yes, it is very likely that factors aside from climate are at play - the most pertinent, I suspect, being the cultivator!
<<The paranoid conspiratorial rant starts here>>
It would not surprise me in the least if these plants have been branded as noxious for no reason other than that they spread like wildfire in the US - especially combined with the (more important) fact that they are psychoactive. This is enough to convince the "scientists" who advise government of the need to restrict them.
<<End of paranoid conspiratorial rant>>
Thanks for your input Jagube.
I have no doubt that, if these plants were to be released to the wild in sand dunes, that they could/would set seed and completely replace native dune-stablising grasses and become a serious problem. That is why I grow them in pots on my deck, rather than releasing them into dune environments on private land (to which I have very ready access).
Why I have been unable to produce seeds, I do not yet know.
Aside from that, the harvesting of dried seeds (without them dropping to become weeds) is a somewhat cumbersome process, which I learnt several years ago when I had an obsession with (growing) Morning Glory.
But I digress.
To answer some of both of your questions:
All seeds coming into NZ are now heat treated, at the importer's expense. This is tried and tested. I am kicking myself that I let the sparrows demolish 90% of the seeds that I successfully germinated before such measures were implemented. But C'est la vie.
So, why grow them?
I'm going to harvest the roots every couple of years and do a standard Manske extraction on them. I did this last year with a small amount (26g) of roots that I had collected over a few years, with a reasonable yield (~5.5% harmine HCl, yet to be analysed).
Due to an anticipated increase in demand, I need to increase production.
I think I'll split one of them soon, and the other once growth commences in Spring. As long as I have buds, they should grow OK. I did try to plant a section of root that didn't have any buds, and sadly it didn't produce any buds at all. Will keep you posted.
The object of my participation in this assembly:
The Diffusion of Light and the Advancement of Science