So a couple months ago, I decided to procure DMT. I just now tried this past weekend. I won't give an actual trip experience here.
I am 46, and have been relatively chemical free for some time. This was not always the case. From high school thru about 30, I was a daily cannabis user. In high school, I tried LSD maybe 3 times and mushrooms once. I got more into acid around 20-22. A close friend went off the proverbial deep-end and that stopped. I did not pick up psychedelics again until about 27-28 years old. Then someone turned me on to MDMA. My slate was pretty clean at the time, so it affected me greatly. Definitely changed that stage of my life. I proceeded to sink into the late 90's "rave world" for 1-2 years. LSD, Ketamine, and most importantly Psilocybin. I chalked-up 2 for 2 on bad mushroom trips. It honestly gave me much pause. After that, many of my MDMA trips became less desirable. I had a difficult time making that break, because I had met some amazing people, but I totally cleaned-up, including cannabis. Besides MDMA a couple times here and there, I was clean slate again.
Although, many of my friends are users of cannabis and some are users of substances of the "music festival" variety. I attempt to love unconditionally on anyone in my life, I tend to be a pretty open person when it comes to people genuinely exploring life vs that thin veil of function hiding habitual usage with no movement. In my years, I have learned to surround myself only with people of like mind. You could call it tribal for sure. One of these dear friends, about my age, expressed the desire to try DMT. He and his wife have been friends for almost 25 years now. He and his wife partake of cannabis, MDMA and he will take LSD from time to time, "when the kids are gone with grandma". Naturally, he tried before me. He got a dab rig and reported interesting results.
This past weekend, 2 of my best friends were in town. They are willing participants and they have known what I procured since I got it. One of them has done Ayahuasca in South America. She has also done plenty of acid, and the other is fond of mushrooms. So last week I got a high end vaporizer pen, after much research over the past couple months. So Friday night myself, my girlfriend and my 2 friends lit some candles, put on some sweet meditation music and went after it. The only scale going that low is a reloading scale, which is accurate +/- 6mg. I was the crash test dummy. I decided on the golden. The pen only worked a little before something happened with the battery. I got a few minutes of visuals and auditory distortion. I decided to use the sandwich method with some weed. This worked phenomenally for everyone, including myself. One friend had a breakthrough for sure, I sat with her and guided her through 3 hits. The other friend was close, and I guided her through 3 hits. I was definitely close to travelling, I pussed out and didn't take my second hit. Mine burned perfectly, so that was too bad. My girlfriend didn't get that far because she didn't inhale properly. All in all, a great night. Good friends. Crazy journey in the judgement-free zone. Have to say that the weed extended the after-aura. Some may like this, but it was a cloudy time and made it difficult to mentally objectify the experience...because you're in fact stoned lol
Saturday night. Myself and the girlfriend. We decided on the bedroom this time. Earlier that day, I cleaned and managed to fix the vape pen. We set the mood, relaxed and went to it. Ended-up doing 3 sessions. My girlfriend was so pleased and happy and content. I was definitely at the door of breakthrough. We tried the white DMT the 3rd round. I figured we were torching the DMT, but the buildup in the bottom of the chamber is quite potent. And all trips are of the same variety so perhaps this pen is a decently good method. It's just so hard to take it all one shot with the pen due to harshness, plus I don't know where the fresh DMT leaves off and the new begins. Regardless, the experiences are positive without a doubt.
I learned from the experience that I'm more mentally and emotionally prepared than I gave myself credit for, but I strengthened an honest suspicion that I need work in the letting-go department. I had an epiphany while tripping that amongst non-specific barriers to letting go, that keeping my eyes open, although beautiful, is a form of not letting go. For me. My friend that broke through had her eyes open the whole time. Different strokes...
Moving forward, I ordered a GVG with a couple dozen screens. I ordered some shredded caapi, syrian rue base. and damiana. I'll pick an appropriate lighter from a shop in the next couple days. I figure that these give me options to make changa, or just have something between the screen and the DMT (damiana).
So there it is. I don't know how active I will be on here. I have Psych and Bio degrees with physics minor and I loved all the chem that I took, so perhaps extractions are in my future. Regardless, I figured that I have been on here so much in the past few months, that I should say hi.
Here it is standing: atoms with consciousness; matter with curiosity. Stands at the sea, wonders at wondering: I, a universe of atoms an atom in the universe. - Richard Feynman
Because you didn’t come here to make a choice, you’ve already made it. You’re here to try to understand why you made it. - The Oracle, Matrix Reloaded