Hello all!
I want to firstly say that I love you all, all corners of this earth. We are one, we are blessed. The pursuit of knowledge, growth and development presented on this website are second to none and I can only aim to add to that. It's quite a ways into my outdoor growing season here but I finally have the time to share what I am growing this year, hopefully have some good conversation and be inspired! I love talking about growing any and everything under the sun. Everyone has different techniques to grow different things and you can spend all the time you want on google looking for the answers but you will never learn the things you do from actually speaking to other farmers/growers in person. Its beautiful.
Most of the things I am growing this year aren't ethnobotanicals but more will be sprouting over my next winter season. REALLY hoping to add some Salvia D. to my roster, I would die a happy man if I could start one from seed. I will be seeding Datura for next season I can't wait for the smells! I quit smoking cigarettes almost 8 months ago but the plant spirit still calls so I would like to grow my own Mapacho and explore that before I pass. I am not in a permanent residence to start my own Hostilis or Acacia but eventually it will happen, I feel it. I also will grow my own Changa blend in the future, I have yet to explore Changa but I feel there is a blend out there for me, waiting for its growth in my garden. The future can be so enticing!
What I do currently have growing is
- 5 different hybrids of Pachanoi's and Bridgessi started from seed based on the recommendation from a user here, so thank you very much, they seem to be very happy and I am having a blast navigating this plants spirit. I have a tough time with succulents/cacti so there is much to learn here for me.
- 7 cannabis plants, sort of random seed donation. I know for certain some of them are known girl scout cookie genetics but it doesn't matter too much to me. Didn't intent to grow that many but when 7 out of 8 seeds germ, then those 7 grow up to ALL be females... what else can you do but grow them out?
I have been growing cannabis for about 10 seasons with some off seasons so this is my most well versed spirit.
- Microgreens which I would like to start a whole thread in sustainable living on.
- An avocado tree, sucker was hard to get going.
- Nasturtiums, These are absolutely wonderful to grow indoors with your other plants, or even outdoors. Most pests such as aphids and white fly hate it and will stay away from its vicinity. Plus the leaves and flowers are edible and very good for you!
I also have an Heirloom outdoor garden where I am growing
- Pole/Pod beans
- Amaranth and all the other goodies like tomatoes, peppers etc
I am also starting a small Butterfly habitat with native Milkweed and had great success this year. Counted around 15 monarch caterpillars and watched them grow and grow until they went on their way to blossom.
I will probably post pictures of these plants every once and a while and start a garden log for the years to come. I would love to have yet another place to learn and discuss all sorts of plants as I swear you can never have to many. With much love
**Made some Edits to add more pictures and made sure they were all the correct aspect and rotated properly**
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(816kb) downloaded 26 time(s).โMy brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.โ
โ Nikola Tesla