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#21 Posted : 11/7/2009 4:42:08 PM

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jasons741 wrote:
Sounds like my 3-d girlfriend. Except she controls my wallet, too...


Oh shit that made me laugh!
Yea, when going to hyperspace for a "date", always remember to leave your wallet back in the real world....don't need the hyper-chicks learning that trick too!Wink

ohayoco wrote:
SoCal wrote:
out of curiosity, has anyone ever actually come out of one of these experiences to find that they had ejaculated?

There was one report a while back when a mess was made.

I think that was me.Embarrased
It was a while ago! Don't know where that report is anymore.
But my little lady's skin was shiny & reflective like it was metallic or something & she was irresistibly beautiful!
She came in kind of slinking across the room very seductively & had her way with me from the inside out & thank god it was enjoyable as all hell, because she was gonna do what she was gonna do it seemed, whether I liked it or not.
...I did like it.Very happy
And yes, when I got back, there was a mess to clean up.Embarrased

So glad I was alone during that one!!! I can only imagine what I looked from the outside, to a sober onlooker.
Imagine a sitter thinking I was freaking out & coming over to try & comfort me...& bam!
Right in the line of fire....Surprised
(sorry, I had to go there... Laughing )

Oh, the places you will go! IndeedWink

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#22 Posted : 11/7/2009 7:04:06 PM

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WSaged wrote:
Imagine a sitter thinking I was freaking out & coming over to try & comfort me...& bam!
Right in the line of fire....Surprised
(sorry, I had to go there... Laughing )

Does the ejaculate actually come out with a BAM! sound when you are in hyperspace?!?!

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#23 Posted : 11/7/2009 7:54:08 PM

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Its olny a matter of time till its on UTUBELaughing Get the FLAGS ready.....

I wonder what Dr Rick would say about this issue on his consultation lineLaughing

What do you guys think should we start a new Religion based on the premise that when you die you aren't really gone. Your just off to a big psychedelic freaking sex party that last for eternity?Laughing

Damn... its going to be real embarrassing when I am reunited with my family members on the other side. I am going to try to wear a maskLaughing

OK on a more serious tone.
thepureskunk wrote:
"I'm so thankfull to have a place to share my thoughts as my friends think i'm slightly crazy..."

Dont worry thats why most of us are here. At this point the general population would think most of us here a little off but that is because of there limited understanding. There is nothing wrong with the things we discuss here it is simply the world is not ready for Free Thinkers because most of them are biased in there own views.

#24 Posted : 11/7/2009 7:55:56 PM

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Infundibulum wrote:
WSaged wrote:
Imagine a sitter thinking I was freaking out & coming over to try & comfort me...& bam!
Right in the line of fire....Surprised
(sorry, I had to go there... Laughing )

Does the ejaculate actually come out with a BAM! sound when you are in hyperspace?!?!

Actually it's kind of a "plastic, or cellophane ripping" kind of sound.
But it feels like bam!

Laughing Laughing

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#25 Posted : 7/6/2011 11:56:49 PM

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NOTE- This is an old thread of mine bumped up as it brings back such good memories...plus its a bit easier than starting a new one Smile

Its been nice reading this thread back...can 2 years really go that quick!!!

I've only had a handful of spice journeys since then and tonight was another of those times...

I really am so thankful to be alive and being able to experience such thoughts, sights and feelings. Its such a shame that DMT is not more used as it could bring a lot of good to the lives of so many people.

When i read back the thread i used the term hypersex, but sex is totally the wrong word. Its just so much more than that. Its just that its the only feeling that really comes close(and still its not close if you know what i mean..). Pandora said its like a soul orgasm and i couldn't agree more.

I really do believe that where i go is real as nothing has felt more real ever. Plus they are always so happy to see me Smile

Much love everyone. I believe
acolon_5 wrote:
Welcome to club hypersex.

I've been there too...it is amazing.

#26 Posted : 7/7/2011 11:48:38 PM

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wow TPS, thanks for bumping that thread.

that is a great read! congratulations on having such ecstatic and moving experiences, i hope to have such some day.

and great to see you are still on the nexus after years! I always enjoy reading posts from older members.

Happy travels!
#27 Posted : 7/14/2011 7:06:33 PM
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Espiridion wrote:
Sounds like my 3-d girlfriend. Except she controls my wallet, too...

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