Hello everyone!
I have been using the dmt-nexus for the past few weeks and decided that I must join. Seeing that this is more than a simple Erowid, I see that this is more of a movement than anything I’ve ever interacted with. So I thank you for welcoming me into the Nexus.
About me, I’m a fairly experienced psychonaut with LSD, DMT, Psylocibin Mushrooms, 4-aco-DMT, Hawian baby wood rose seeds, morning glory, DXM, and Marijuana under my belt, although all of this happened within the last year and a half.
My first strong psychedelic was lsd which had little effect on me and I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into, I took 2 tabs within 3 hours because the first didn’t affect me whatsoever, yet the second hit made a more pronounced showing that lasted only 4 hours... it may be because of medication I was taking at the time for anti depressants which I later found out that they suppress the effects by a large margin. My first real Experience was when I had stopped using my medication fully for 2 weeks and took a “Heavy” dose of 4-aco-DMT by myself. Yes I know a trip sitter is highly recommended but i decided to solo ride this one. After about 8 hours of extreme sways from extremely happiness to intriguing thought, I had realized that I was taking my life for granted, that everything and everyone around me is so much more important than I thought it was and I could be anything I set my mind to... this was the start of my psychedelic exploration...
Thank you all for having me here, I’d love to contribute to this movement as much as possible...
Imagine a 2-dementional being placing things on a table as you watch from above, it runs out of space to put things and you (3-dementional) pick up the things it is placing and put them in a drawer above you... you just blew the 2-dementional beings mind...