Thanks for the reply. Not to go into specifics or anything, But i can't get access to dmt for a few months.I live in south Australia and although I was hoping to try Dmt sooner, unfortunately it seems like i won't be able to get my hands on some dmt for a few months.
I guess that means that i should have time to start weening myself off of anti depressants. My doctor will help me do it safely and I'm guessing it will take a while to safely decrease my dose bit by bit. I'm on 450 mg of enfalax daily, It's a high dose, But hopefully weening myself off of them shouldn't take any longer than a few months.
I appreciate your advice by the way. I'm a 31 year old man and i've been on anti depressants for over a decade. And although I'm definitely not expecting dmt to be some kind of magical cure, I've heard that some people have found taking dmt had a position effect on their life. And not to go into a long story here, But i definitely need change in my life. Whether Dmt will end up having a positive effect on me or whether it turns out to be something that i have bad experiences with,I honestly feel like I'm at the point in my life where i can make a mature enough decision.
I admit that even though I've been studying dmt for about a year and have heard many peoples stories of their dmt experiences, I understand that the Dmt experience is something you can only comprehend and know once you've taken it for yourself.
Thanks heaps for the friendly positive feed back guys, And thanks for the link, I read that same link yesterday lol 😆
Oh and one more thing, Can the medications Endep and Oxycontin have any effect if you try Dmt ??
For clarification - Oxycontin is a painkiller i gotta take cos of spinal issues, And I'm not 100% what kind of medic Endep is, But i seem to remember my specialist telling me that Endep is a medication that enhances the effect of any pain killers or anti depressants you are taking.
I'll ask my doctor when i next see him exactly what type of medication endep is, Then I'll try and see if it's safe and compatable with dmt or not.
Okay, Thanks again for the feed back and help guys ✌
Watching the wheels - John Lennon.