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Q21Q21 Tek 1 Clarification Q's: Volume, Pulls, & Acacia Options
#1 Posted : 6/20/2018 5:55:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 17
Joined: 22-Apr-2018
Last visit: 15-Jan-2023
Location: United States
My apologies if this is out there. I searched and may have missed it, and if so would love a link. That out of the way...

I'm planning on using the Q21Q21 Tek 1 with D-Limonene. I have powdered MHRB and chipped (very thin) Acaria Confusa root bark. I have two specific questions. Namely:

Volume. The tek calls for 30g-250g powdered MHRB, with 30g recommended for newbies. I'll start small (thinking 30g-50g), however if doing a larger batch (125g to 250g), what size vessels do you need for the volume? Would getting one 1000ml Erlenmeyer flask or a gallon-sized carboy from a homebrew shop be sufficient?

Pull Times: The Tek mentions the following:

The first pull if done immediately after getting the lime-bark to one of the consistencies should yield anywhere from 10%-35% (in my experience.) If the first pull is done after 6-8 hours however it will likely yield 25%-60%.
2 pulls done around 24 hours and 48 hours (or later) should be enough to get 80%-90% of the DMT (In my experience).
Pulls after that tend to be rather small but I highly recommends doing pulls at 1 week and another at 2 or 3 weeks to get all the DMT possible.

Is there any harm in letting the first couple pulls just sit for a couple of days or more then do the third and fourth pulls just sit for 2-3 weeks apart? Will that help or hinder the process? Alternately, is there any disadvantage to letting each pull just set for several days or more to increase the extraction percentage?

Finally, for using Acacia Confusa, I think I found the appropriate mods in this thread:

Just wondering if there are any other updated tips for Q21Q21 a/o D-Limonene than is in that thread. Also, I read Q21Q21 had issues with shredded MHRB vs. powdered:

If I'm using finely chipped (very thin) Acacia Confusa root bark, will that be alright for the above tek, or should I turn it to powder prior?

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